Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 296

And he is also a native of Water City, and used to sell barbecue.

Since joining the Lynn Chamber of Commerce and switching to selling clothes, life has gone better.

Naturally, I look down on those poor foreigners.

Taotu and Tina smiled at each other.

They have also seen such things in the Chambord Islands.

In fact, not only the Chambordian Islands, but also the capital of the seven waters, as long as it is a place with good economic development, there will be a sense of superiority of the locals.

Locals will reject poor foreigners.

Think that the migrant population will rob them of their job opportunities.

I don't know when this concept was born.

However, there is already a general consensus.

In the eyes of locals, if there are no foreign workers robbing them of work, their wages will be even higher.

Moreover, migrants will also buy houses, resulting in higher housing prices.

Non-increasing wages and high housing prices are the responsibility of the migrant population.

When Da Siqi and others left the clothing store, they happened to see a teenager caught by the Public Security Committee.

The teenager was unkempt and clothed.

He is not only an illegal worker, but also an illegal worker who escaped from the factory.

The management of the factory reported to the Public Security Committee, and the Public Security Committee quickly identified the young man’s whereabouts by monitoring phone worms on the streets.

The teenager will face a year in prison and be deported.

"Let go of me, let me go."

The teenager struggled and tried to escape.

However, his struggle was useless

"To shut up."

The security committee team began to punch and kick the teenager.

Look at the people around.

No one stopped.

In their view, it is the juvenile who is breaking the law, and juveniles should not come to the city of water as illegal workers.

Your Majesty Lynn, illegal labor in the Capital of Seven Waters has become more and more serious recently. What do you think about this?

Law?"The reporter who interviewed Lynn was a newcomer named Karen.

Karen has a high degree of education and is also a social worker who has long been involved in human rights campaigns.

Hannah admired Karen very much and wanted to train Karen.

Recently, Karen’s friend Rodman disappeared

Before disappearing, Rodman wrote a letter to Karen.

The letter mentioned that the businessmen of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce rigged the election of Water City

In the name of the meeting, arrest illegal workers.In fact, it is necessary to restrict the freedom of illegal workers.

Rodman also visited Lynn, but after asking questions, he was expelled by Lynn’s security.

Therefore, Karen temporarily replaced the problem.

Today's interview is a live broadcast.

Lin En said indifferently: "Illegal labor is a social problem.

The acceleration of development will inevitably occur.This also involves local regulations and related laws of the world government. As we all know, Qishuizhi is an open city with high tolerance.As myself,

I hope that there are no barriers around the world. Of course, I respect the choices of the local people. After all, there is freedom and democracy here, and the people use their votes to determine their future."

Chapter 406: Welfare Lottery is born!

Lynn's answer looks fair

He abides by the laws of the world government and the wishes of the local people.

In this way, justice is on his side.

Moreover, the "evil" that occurred in the Water City would not have anything to do with Lynn.

First, illegal labor is prohibited in the City of Ten Waters.

If you do not come to the capital of seven waters, there will be no illegal labor.

Secondly, the people of Water City hate illegal labor, which represents public opinion

And public opinion is sometimes stupid and easily misled.

When the media under the jurisdiction of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce began to bring wind in magazines, newspapers and various fishing vessels

Promote the "Ninety-seven" harm of illegal labor, coupled with criminal cases due to illegal labor

Naturally, illegal workers will not receive sympathy and even hate

The locals in the capital of seven waters even directly detained the pot of low wage increase on illegal workers.

Of course, the truth is not that no one can see through.

It's just the emperor's new clothes, who would dare to stand up and expose it?

Karen's friend Rodman has been killed.

Lynn was not instructed to drop a small person like Rodman.

It was done by the merchants in the City of Seven Waters and the Public Security Committee.

As long as there are illegal workers, the businessmen’s factories can maintain higher profit margins

As far as the representatives of the Public Security Committee are concerned, they need to elect, the election needs to build momentum, and needs publicity.

Printing flyers, drawing banners, and renting billboards all cost a lot of money.

In order to gain power, they must cooperate with businessmen.

Moreover, these politicians who are professionally engaged in politics usually have no other source of income, and they are exclusively dogs raised by business people.

And after the interview.

Karen returned to the rented hotel.

The next day, Karen's body was found by the hotel attendant.

Karen died in the room.

The cause of death was excessive alcoholism.

It's just that the death of Karen did not appear in the newspaper.

As if it was just a small case.

Tezolo was invited by Linn when he arrived in the City of Ten Waters.

Lynn invited Tezolo to prepare to promote "welfare lottery everywhere in the city of water

If all goes well, the so-called welfare lottery will be issued all over the world in a short time


It's because Tezolo is the star of the entertainment industry.

The welfare lottery prepared by Lin En and Tezolo will be even more gimmicky.

If the amount in the prize pool is less than 5 billion Baileys, Tezolo and I will make up for the accumulation.

"The price of each lottery ticket is 200 Baileys, and the prize pool for each draw can be exhausted. Lynn and Tezolo sit side by side, accepting interviews.

Tezolo added: "Well, out of the idea of ​​giving back to the society, every lottery ticket will have

50% is used for welfare services, such as welfare homes, nursing homes, etc., to care for the elderly and orphans."He and Lynn had already negotiated in advance.

For the interview now, I just go through a process and tell the world through live broadcast.

At first glance, this is a non-profit lottery or even a public welfare event for society.

However, how many people bought the lottery ticket and what was the specific amount?

This is another mystery.

Moreover, the number of winners and the amount of the generals in each period are all artificially controllable

And huge bonuses will attract countless people to participate.

Especially the poor.

It can be regarded as a daydream opportunity for the poor.

After participating in the interview, Lynn and Tezolo returned to the Chamber of Commerce branch 0.

In the office.

Lynn and Tezolo drank top wines.

"Sure enough, money is everything."

Tezolo cocked his feet and said triumphantly.

In the past, Tezolo only had money, but he didn’t know how to use it properly

Although Tezolo also bribed officials, the world government will even help Tezolo handle some things

But compared to Lynn, what Tezolo did in the past is simply pediatrics

The recent problem of illegal labor.

Tezolo has also seen it on the live broadcast.

What Lynn said was simply hypocritical.

Tezolo believed that Lynn knew everything and was able to change it.

It's just that Lynn completely let it go.

Even so, Lynn has won the support and support of the people.

Rich people support Lynn.

The poor hope that Lynn can continue to maintain the image of the savior.

In the eyes of intellectuals, Lynn is their support, because Lynn will help justice.

Lynn said: "Don't be too proud of it. Before I fully publicize universal values, I

We still have a lot to do."

"Yes, let the concepts of democracy, freedom, and human rights take root." "Hahahaha

Tezolo laughed unscrupulously.

Only by shouting the slogan "Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights" can the people believe in the people

Can bring the future.

Of course, because of the capital injection from the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.The so-called democratic regions have developed very well.

In this way, politicians who support the cause of democracy can be elected with high votes with the support of businessmen.

After these politicians are elected, they will naturally serve businessmen.

In this way, businessmen have stolen power and can do whatever they want

You can even manipulate the law.

Chapter 407: Crazy Attack!

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