Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 258

Lin En knows his strength

Therefore, when Lynn should be high-profile, he will still be high-profile.

At the same time, he wants to make the world government feel at ease, let the world government understand that he knows the rules, will not cross the boundary, will not deliberately become the king of the world, and challenge the position of the Tianlong people.

Today, the Wye branch of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce sent a devil fruit.

It is the fruit of the barrier devil.

Now in 08 auction houses and black markets around the world, the devil fruit is almost invisible.

It's not that the devil fruit is extinct.

But any devil fruit, as long as it appears, it will be bought by the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce is wealthy.

This is something recognized all over the world.

Lynn gave the barrier to Bartolomio, "I hope you can be the strongest shield around me!"

"Big brother, I will definitely not let my big brother down!"

The mood in Bartolomeo's second second was rising.

He wants to be the strongest shield around Lynn.

In fact, Bartolomeo has a compelling number of his own strength.

Under Lynn's command, except for the green pheasant who just joined.

The strengths of Guina, Ainilu, and Akin, needless to say, the top three are none of them

As for Dongli and Broki, they are equally powerful.

After joining Lu Qi and others, their strength has also improved by leaps and bounds in the past two years.

And Bartolomeo’s strength is limited by talent

Unless he cultivates as hard as hell, otherwise, he will have his current strength in this life.

In terms of seeing people, Shuangyue Kosaburo looked more accurately.

Kosaburo could see Bartolomio's achievements in kendo at a glance.

Sure enough, in one sentence.

However, Bartolomio's loyalty is indeed the highest of all.

The green pheasant was appointed by Lynn as the admiral of the Utopia Kingdom

Lynn did use the NE0 navy as the foundation to form the Utopian Kingdom Navy.

Military uniform color is blue and white

The military flag is the flag of the NE0 Navy, but with some changes.

A sword symbol is added to the sword on the military flag

This means that the Utopian Navy is still under the jurisdiction of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

As for the warships the navy needs

Lin En has given priority to the City of Seven Waters.

New fleet, new organization, new warships, everything is new

Lynn does not plan to recruit new recruits from other troops.

The newly compiled Royal Navy has an establishment of 30,000.

The number of 30,000 people is not too high. If there are too many people, it will stimulate the world government.

The source of troops adopts the world conscription system.

Will be recruited all over the world.

After three years of service, you can acquire the citizenship of the Utopian Kingdom and enjoy the Utopian Kingdom’s

National welfare.

Ain, Binz and others will invite the retired navy to join the military academy and form a corps of instructors.

"There is no restriction on race, nationality, or gender."

"Anyone who passes the physical examination and assessment will earn no less than 500,000 Baileys per month."

"After three years of service, he will automatically acquire the citizenship of the Utopian Kingdom."

"Immediate family members can be naturalized together."

"After you have a nationality, you can enjoy all national welfare education and medical care completely free."

"After five years of service, you can get an apartment around the island."

"Injuries and sacrifices can get a lifetime pension."

The Utopian Kingdom’s royal navy recruitment leaflet was quickly announced to all parts of the world.

I have to say that this condition is much better than the world government.

However, the competition is equally fierce

Only the truly strong can pass the assessment.

Finally, the leaflet reads justice for defending freedom, democracy, and human rights

In less than a day, more than one million people all over the world signed up for the experience.

The efficiency is much higher than that of the world government conscription.

The world government has always had special experience in 990 stingy.

In comparison, the Utopian Kingdom is willing to spend money.

As for the defense of freedom, democracy, and human rights?

Not many people care.

No one might even care.

All the people who signed up were all for the benefits

High salary and national benefits are more real than justice.

Although the conscription has become a large-scale talent recruitment fair.

And full of copper smell.

But the green pheasant is not very disgusting.

Because Lynn gave the green pheasant complete autonomy.

From the establishment of military academies and training camps.

The instructor candidates for military academies and training camps are all arranged by the green pheasant

As long as the concept of justice can be implemented.

Justice will not die.

The green pheasant believes that sooner or later the world can change.

Not only the green pheasant, but Ain, Binz and others firmly believe it.

They are grateful for everything Lynn has done.

They believe that Zefa's beliefs will be passed on by them.

Chapter 348: King Liku comes to borrow money!

The Straw Hat Pirates rioted in Dresrosa and overthrew Doflamingo's rule.

Restored the ruling force pool, immediately destroyed Doflamingo’s weapons factory and banned the Smile factory

Destroy all equipment and materials related to the artificial devil fruit.

At the same time, during Doflamingo's rule, the slaves who were sold to the country and the slave swordsmen in the arena were all liberated.

At first glance, justice triumphs over evil.

However, problems soon appeared.

The people of Dressrosa are relatively lazy, they don't like work, they only love freedom.

Without slaves to work, their lives have been greatly affected

Moreover, there are no toys in the city, and a lot of messy and messy work is not done.

Unless Likugan can spend a lot of money to hire foreign labor abroad

However, King Liku is very'corrupt'.

In addition, the civilians of Dresrosa love bloody fighting and competition.

Liku's series of benevolent policies can not only bring better life to Dresrosa, but also greatly reduce the material life and spiritual life.

It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but difficult to change from luxury to frugality.

Although Doflamingo deceived all the people

Although darkness ruled during Doflamingo's reign.

Although Doflamingo hurt many people.

But during Doflamingo’s rule, the civilians of Dresrosa had a good life without having to work hard.

In order to maintain the existing domestic

King Liku had to apply for a loan from the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, in order to restore the tourism industry in Des Rosa, increase the income of the tertiary industry.

Rebecca participated in the 1522 draft contest.

The wedding of Sanji and Brin is approaching, and Lynn is preparing to head to Cake Island.

At this time, Nuoqigao came to Lynn.

Nuoqigao said: "Likugan hopes to borrow 30 billion Baileys"

Lynn asked, "What about the mortgage?"

Nochigao said: "Greenbit Island is used as collateral.

Lynn said: "That island is not worth 30 billion Baileys."

"Then I will turn him down." Nuoqigao was about to turn around and leave.

Lynn said: "We will lend him money as collateral as the Arena and the port."

Yes."Nuoqi Gao went to reply to the fax

In business.

The poor financial situation during King Liku's reign.

When threatened by Doflamingo, King Kuo could not even get 10 billion Baileys.

The black market price of a surgical fruit is as high as 5 billion Baileys.

This shows how poor Likuwang is.

Lynn is not a spoiler.

As a capitalist, he can lend money to King Liku, so that King Liku falls into debt that cannot be repaid.

In the trap.Debt trap diplomacy has always been a means for the strong to control the weak.

Sure enough, King Liku restored domestic order and stability in order to obtain loans.

Therefore, Liku promised to mortgage the Fighting Skills Hall and the Port of Dresrosa

After receiving the loan, Likuwang first allocated 10 billion Baileys for infrastructure construction such as houses and streets.

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