Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 376: The power of Neptune

"Preparations for war?"

Neptune suddenly looked up at Renesmee, who was almost touching the ceiling.

"What does it mean?"

"I have always cut off information exchange between you and the outside world, just to prevent outside interference like today."

Renesmee looked back at the corpse behind her: "I can allow remonstrance, but such blind people must die. If there are too many such people, it will be very annoying for me to deal with them."

"The time has come, Neptune. It is also time to tell you this matter."

After Renesmee said that, the snake's tail turned and gently wrapped itself on the ground beside Neptune.

"The World Government has declared war on the Desert United, and the Revolutionary Army has allied with the Desert United."

"The Navy betrayed the World Government and Alabasta was destroyed by the World Government."

"The King of Heaven and the King of Hades appear, belonging to the World Government and the Desert Alliance respectively."

"Currently, the active military actions launched by the World Government against the Desert Alliance have failed except for the destruction of Alabasta."

"Now is the time for you to decide where you stand."

Renesmee said expressionlessly: "The fishmen should make their own choices. I will only tell you the situation. As for which side to choose, you can decide for yourself."

"You have a lot of time before the final battle begins. But I must tell you, the fishmen cannot stay away."

"Sea King, it is impossible to stay out of such a war."

Renesmee twisted her body and swam out of the Dragon Palace, saying before leaving:

"Think carefully. If you need to ask me anything, you can go to the Sea Forest and wait."

"I want to take Shirahoshi away first. After all these years, Neptune has been forced to dare not go out by a low-class pirate. It's really shameful. How on earth did you protect your daughter?"

"Before participating in the war, I must let her understand how powerful I am as the King of the Sea."

"She will be the fish-men tribe's only bargaining chip."

As Renesmee's figure disappeared from sight, Neptune looked down at the blood on the ground, and after a while, he sighed deeply.

The fishmen obviously just want to live on the sea, but...

From beginning to end, I couldn't help myself.

World war? If we win, what will happen?

Neptune no longer believes in any promises. When it comes to promises, what the World Government said at the beginning sounds better than anything else.

"The Sea King of the Fishman Tribe...Shirahoshi..."

"Lei, Lady Renesmee..."

White Star swam cautiously behind Renesmee.

Compared to Neptune, for some reason, Shirahoshi felt a sense of intimacy from the first moment he met Renesmee.

That kind of unreasonable closeness made her feel less afraid of Renesmee and at the same time, she became closer to Renesmee. Renesmee, who had always rejected others, seemed to have no problem with Shirahoshi's intimacy.

"What are we going to do?"

Shirahoshi asked, looking at Renesmee in front of him.

They had swam away from the Fishman Island, and with Renesmee's ability to control the currents, they were moving very fast.

And strong water pressure doesn’t hurt either.

"Go to where the sea kings live."

Renesmee simply replied: "Theoretically, the Windless Zone is the best choice. But the Sea Kings living there are probably not something you can control now."

"Control..." Bai Xing touched his fingers like a little girl who had done something wrong, "I'm just talking to them..."

"But it's a fact that you can control them. Otherwise, just like there are evil people among humans, what if there are Neptunes who are very irritable and hostile to you?"

"Then, then we won't have anything to do with him..."

Bai Xing blinked his big eyes, "I won't be friends with bad people either."


Renesmee felt that her explanation was in vain, as the other person's world view was too different from her own.

But that doesn't matter. When things fall into place, Shirahoshi will naturally use this ability.

Of course, the current Bai Xing is not enough, she is still too simple. Need a little stimulation from the outside world.

"right here."

The current rose into the sky, and the figures of White Star and Renesmee appeared on the sea.

On the skyline dozens of kilometers away from the two of them, there was a long red horizontal line.

Red continent.

"The Fish-Man Island is close to the Red Earth Continent. I didn't expect it to be an advantage."

Renesmee murmured, looking at Shirahoshi.

"White Star, destroy that red earth continent."


Bai Xing was startled, pointed at himself and said: "I, I, I, I don't have that kind of power..."

"No, you do."

Renesmee said seriously: "This is the ability of the Sea King. The sea has chosen you. You don't need to do it yourself, you just need to let the Sea King destroy it-just give this order."

"Koko, Coco, but... no, no, no, how can you ask gentlemen like Neptune to do such a thing..."

Bai Xing hurriedly shook his head and refused: "Besides, what kind of continent is that? There should be people living there. I have no enmity with them, so why should I destroy it..."

"Is it true that there is no injustice or enmity?"

Renesmee interrupted White Star.

"Baixing, do you know why your mother died? I heard Neptune said that your mother was assassinated after you were born."

"……my mother……"

Bai Xing was stunned. After thinking for a long time, she said: "I remember that the mother was killed by humans..."

"Maybe, I don't know why. But this killer is logical."

After Renesmee said that, she looked towards the Red Earth Continent.

"Baixing, the person who lives up there is your mother-killing enemy."


Bai Xing was stunned for a moment and turned pale.

"Why did Lord Renesmee say that..."

"We all know who that person was at that time, hasn't he been caught...?"

"That's not what I meant by my mother-killing enemy."

Renesmee shook her head.

"As far as I know, Otohime's ideal is to let the fishmen leave the bottom of the sea and coexist with humans."

"But this is difficult because of human discrimination. So Shirahoshi, why do humans discriminate against fish people?"

"Did you have friends when you were a kid?"


Bai Xing nodded, "When I was very young, I would play outside..."

"Every year, I don't know how many murlocs are captured by humans and used as slaves for fun. I didn't expect that all the murlocs would fall to this level after I slept with them for so many years."

Renesmee shook her head: "Your friends may also be captured. In fact, Fishman Island is separated from time to time due to human plunder."

"Guess who is leading the discrimination against fish people?"

"Who is the biggest financial sponsor of fish-man slaves?"

"Who ordered the murder of the fishman hero?"

"Who keeps keeping the fish-men from floating in the sea?"

"Why does your father look so haggard every day?"

"Why...why did your mother die?"

Renesmee didn't say a word, but Bai Xing's face turned pale.

"This this……"

Bai Xing's penis trembled, and he covered his head with both hands.

Renesmee stopped talking. Originally, she was unwilling to say so much. After all, interfering with the world structure was not what she, a sea elf, should do.

But now Neptune needs to accelerate his growth, and she has no choice but to say so much.

Bai Xing was kind-hearted by nature, and had lived in a boudoir for a long time, and it had been a long time since her mother passed away. Therefore, even if she said this, Bai Xing would not have any unforgettable hatred for those people on the Red Earth Continent in a short period of time.

This is also what Renesmee needs. After all, she has always adhered to the principle of neutrality. Now she just wants Neptune to awaken his power, but does not want her to take sides under her influence.

No need for any unforgettable hatred, just a little anger, a little sadness...

As long as she has a hint of destructive malice, Neptune's power will activate.

"Rumble, rumble..."

The sea surface surged, and a huge sea king species rushed out of the sea.

Then it crashed back into the sea.

One head, two heads, three heads.

Ten heads, twenty heads, fifty heads.

One hundred heads, two hundred heads, three hundred heads...

"This this……"

Bai Xing was stunned. She had stopped thinking when the first Neptune rushed out of the sea, but Neptunes continued to pour out.

"It seems that my aura has made many Neptune types recognize your identity."

Renesmee couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw this scene: "But the talent of this sea king is quite good."

Countless sea kings jumped out of the sea and smashed back into the sea, forming a line.

A line of several thousand meters corresponds to the Red Earth Continent.

Subsequently, the vibrating seawater continued to churn and churn to form waves, and then expanded rapidly with the continuous blessing of the tireless and surging sea kings.

In the end, a huge overwhelming tsunami formed and crashed towards the Red Earth Continent.

"That's enough for now."

Renesmee's hair slapped Shirahoshi's waist.

Bai Xing finally recovered from the shocking scene in front of him.

"Let's go. If you don't leave, those Sea Kings will probably hit the Red Earth Continent with their bodies."

Renesmee said: "It will probably hit a lake of flesh and blood. I don't care. I don't know if you will care."


Bai Xing immediately shook his head quickly: "No, no, no, no, no..."

"Then why are you still standing there? Let's go."

"Ah? Ah? Oh..."

Bai Xing was still a little confused until now. When he followed Renesmee into the sea, he looked back at the waves.

"The power of Sea King..."

"Neptune species and tsunamis?"

After cleaning the battlefield in Baldigo until midnight, it was finally completely clean.

However, since the revolutionary army's base had been completely destroyed in the war, everyone was temporarily stationed on the Destiny.

The interior space of this giant ship is surprisingly large, and the people who built it squeezed almost every inch of available space to the extreme.

“Is energy a problem?…”

In the captain's cabin, several core members were still awake, carefully studying the parameters of the Destiny.

After all, it is an ancient weapon that can defeat Attila, so it must be taken seriously.

"Yeah, energy is a big issue."

Weiwei nodded, sat in the main seat and said to Long: "The main energy source of the Destiny is explosive rock, followed by electrical energy."

"I only know of one Enero that can provide stable power. It seems that the power supply problem was not considered when the Destiny was originally designed, which makes it difficult for our normal power equipment to input."

"In fact, if we hadn't retained enough explosive rocks during the bombing of Alabasta, it would have been difficult for the Destiny to reach here. It consumed energy too quickly."

After saying that, Weiwei paused and said worriedly:

"And, we're short of ammunition."

"The ammunition used in previous bombings was antique ammunition left over hundreds of years ago, and we have no way to produce it ourselves."

"This is also the reason why we didn't pursue him before. It's not that we didn't want to pursue him. We're almost out of ammunition. If we pursue him again, the situation will be bad if his secret is revealed."

"But Destiny himself said that he has a production line inside his body, and he just needs enough raw materials."

"What materials are needed?"

Long knocked on the table: "If you only need raw materials, and if the raw materials are not rare, the Desert Alliance currently has many member countries, so supply should not be difficult."

Weiwei nodded and pulled out a piece of paper from the drawer.

"This is the list of materials the Destiny gave us. Just prepare these raw materials for making ammunition or something."

"The Ship Elf is an incredible thing, and it's so convenient."

Long took the list from Weiwei's hand and couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the clear and meticulously classified text.

"Elves are not a rare thing. If people put their emotions into something, over time, elves will be born."

The screen in the captain's cabin flickered, and the vicissitudes of life came from the sound.

"But if you really want to talk about it, I am considered older among the elves, but I am just sleeping most of the time."

An elf was having a conversation with two people and three people. On the other side, Yixiao was shaking the sieve for fun. Robin was studying the words left on the Destiny hundreds of years ago. Kobra looked at the words in his hand. Various documents are a headache.

"But speaking of which, you are not the first people I saw after waking up."

Destiny said with a somewhat puzzled tone: "I have no idea about time, but maybe not long ago, someone found me first."

"She seemed to be protecting Alabasta at the time...Looking at your situation, couldn't you have protected her?"


Weiwei and Long looked at each other, their minds racing, and after a few seconds their faces showed surprise.

Not long ago, a man protected Alabasta.

These few elements instantly reminded them of the same person.

The two said in unison: "Mary (Your Excellency)?"

"You also know?"

Destiny said slightly surprised.


At this time, the sound of a self-entertaining laugh came from a distance:

"Are the people here related to Mary?"

"Your Majesty Weiwei and King Kobra owe a debt of gratitude to Your Majesty Mary. Robin was once threatened by Mary and later joined the revolutionary army."

"The Revolutionary Army and Lady Mary have always had a cooperative relationship."

"But Lady Mary is actually related to Lord Destiny. This is really beyond my expectation."

"That guy's connections are surprisingly wide..."

Long rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Weiwei.

"Speaking of which, have you contacted Mary? We need to know what's going on there with her. What's going on with the navy after the World Government takes action... and we also need to ask her if there's any trouble there."

"Not during the day. After all, everyone is very busy. It's late at night now. Let's contact you tomorrow."

Weiwei replied.

"As far as I know, Mary doesn't need sleep."

Robin said quietly.


"Then I'll contact her now."

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