Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 300: Im’s Dream (Part 1) (Return)




Yin Mu slowly opened his eyes.

The light of the fire, the warmth of the campfire.

It was snowing heavily and the night sky was dotted with stars.

There was a lot of people around him, and many people were chatting noisily.

Seeing this, Yin Mu looked a little confused. But he didn't react immediately. He looked around, and the faces he saw felt strangely familiar.

Until a man walked around the campfire and walked up to him.

"Hey, Victoria, you're awake."

The man said with a grin, sat down in the snow next to him, and then patted Yin Mu's shoulder with his big hand.

"Yes, you have been traveling for so long today and you are in such poor health that you will indeed be sleepy, hahahaha..."

Yin Mu was not annoyed at the obvious ridicule of the man sitting next to him. Instead, he showed a slightly dazed look in his eyes.



Seeing Yin Mu's confused eyes, the man sitting next to him showed a strange expression, and then said with a strange expression:

"Hello? Moses Moses? Are you stupid in your sleep? Logically speaking, you should jump up and beat me up at this time."

"You are Qiao Yin Boyin..."

Yoon murmured.

The expressions of the people around him became even weirder.

"Yes, I am Qiao Yin Boyin."

Then, he showed a funny and exaggerated expression.

"It's over, Victoria really fell asleep."

"Hey, everyone! Victoria is so cute now! Come and tease him!"

Qiao Yin Boyin shouted loudly and greeted everyone.

People around the bonfire looked over one after another, noticing the blank look on Yin Mu's face, and then burst into laughter.

A group of people were chatting happily, but they were all joking at Yin Mu, and some girls even made faces at Yin Mu, who looked quite handsome.

But when Yin Mu looked around, his eyes gradually became more alert.

It even has a brilliance.

Different from the confusion when he first woke up and the indifference when he was sitting on the throne, Yin Mu at this time became more like a [person].

"Juliana, Cole, Praba, Albrecht..."

"Stanton, Bernstein, Brenda, Bernini..."

"Ferry, Macmillan..."

Yin Mu looked at the unfamiliar and familiar faces in the crowd, and slowly read out one name after another as if instinctively.

At this time, Qiao Yin Boyin finally felt something was wrong.

"Hey, Yinmu, what's wrong with you?"

"You looked very strange from the beginning."

"What, are you having a nightmare?"

Hearing what Qiao Yin Boyin said, Yin Mu was suddenly stunned.

He lowered his head.


"Huh? Hello? Victoria? Yinmu?"

Qiao Yin Boyin looked at the silent Yin Mu with a puzzled expression.

After calling Yin Mu for a long time and getting no response, he simply lowered his head, and then his expression changed.

"Hey, hey, wait, wait... Victoria, why are you crying???"

"Give me a moment..."

Yin Mu's expression was as if he had just woken up from a dream, dazed and lifeless, and two lines of clear tears fell silently from his eyes.

"You, you..."

Qiao Yin Boyin's face suddenly became a little unnatural, "Don't cry...or else the teacher will definitely beat me when he comes back!"

"Anyway, tell me why you're crying."

"...Hehe, hahahaha..."

Yin Mu suddenly covered his face and laughed, making Qiao Yin Boyin even more confused.

After a while, Yin Mu looked up at Qiao Yin Boyin as if he was tired from laughing, his eyes full of exhaustion that Qiao Yin Boyin could not understand.

"Sorry, Qiao Yin Boyin, as you said, I had a nightmare."

"And now I'm awake."

"Huh? Did you really have a nightmare?"

Qiao Yin Boyin looked at Yin Mu in astonishment, "What kind of dream can make a guy like you, who is usually so cold and indifferent, cry like this."

"What kind of dream..."

After Yin Mu was silent for a long time, he slowly spoke:

"I dreamed that the teacher died, you and I turned against each other, and all my friends left me. Only Mr. Attila was left to accompany me, and I spent more than eight hundred years."

"Ah? How could you have such a ridiculous dream?"

Qiao Yin Boyin immediately stood back and looked at Yin Mu up and down, feeling in awe.

"After sleeping for an hour, I can dream for more than 800 years and still be so deeply involved in the drama. I really belong to you."

"Haha... maybe I'm just being too sentimental."

Yin Mu burst into tears and smiled, "But it's okay that you are all still alive, as long as those things are all fake."

"You always say some strange things..."

Qiao Yin Boyin looked at Yin Mu and couldn't stop shaking his head.

"What are you two going to say?"

At this time, a familiar female voice came from behind Yin Mu.


At this moment, Yin Mu's expression was completely frozen, and even his whole body was unable to move.

The huge impact made it impossible for his brain, which had lived for eight hundred years, to recover. Until Qiao Yinbo Yin forced him to stand up, he was too confused to look back.

"Hey, Sister Christie, you're back!"

"Sage, how was the harvest today? Is there anything going on on the island?"

"Senior Great Sage, have you recorded the humanities nearby? I have prepared the records here!"

As soon as the woman returned to the camp, the entire camp exploded. A group of people stopped communicating and rushed towards the woman.

And the woman also made various responses very calmly and answered everyone's questions.

Finally, when the crowd gradually dispersed, she slowly approached Qiao Yin and Boyin.

"Well, I'm back. Did anything happen at the camp while I was away? You two?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Yin Mu felt that his vision was unclear.

There was only a vague human figure in Bai Huanghuang's field of vision, and after a long time, the appearance of that person gradually became clear.

Snow-white hair, pale blue eyes, and a gentle expression.

Behind the simple and harmonious linen robe, the pair of snow-white wings were folded.


He opened his mouth to say something, but the words came to his mouth and he choked again.


The woman in front of her tilted her head and looked at Yin Mu strangely, and then looked at Qiao Yin Boyin with doubtful eyes.

Qiao Yin Boyin shrugged straightforwardly and shook his head.


"Who are you?"

Yin Mu suddenly spoke, with a trembling tone in his voice.

It was more like a begging than a question.

Praying for an answer he would like to hear...

"Me? Of course I'm Christie."

"Christy Tiala."

"What are you talking about, Victoria..."

"Ah! Could it be that it's cold here and you have a fever?..."

Christie was slightly startled, and then immediately reached out to Yin Mu's forehead.

She lifted the hair from his forehead and pressed it against him.

"It's weird, it's not hot either..."



Christie felt Yinmu shaking slightly.

"What's wrong? Victoria?"

Yin Mu slowly covered his eyes with his hands and subconsciously turned his face away.

"Victoria had a nightmare~"

Qiao Yin Boyin on the side could only explain when he saw this, winking at Yin Mu.

"Hehe, according to what he said, he hasn't seen us in his dreams for more than 800 years."

"Well, if that's the case, it's not hard to understand why you're so excited now."

After saying that, Qiao Yin Boyin hooked the emotionally unstable Yin Mu to his side and hugged Yin Mu violently with his arms.

"After all, we are close friends, classmates, and brothers!"

"There is such a thing..."

Christie said in surprise, then shook his head and laughed.

Then, facing the sobbing Yin Mu, she showed an accommodating smile, then straightened her expression, and stretched out her hand to Yin Mu with a faint smile.

"Okay, then Victoria..."

"Long time no see. How are you?"


Yin Mu raised his head and looked at Christie.


"Why, you were so involved in the drama that you even forgot how to shake my hand?"


Caught off guard, Yin Mu hugged Christie.



Christie and Qiao Yinbo were stunned at the same time, while Yin Mu, who was holding Christie, had his face covered by his long hair, making his expression unclear.

"Just shaking hands... is not enough..."

After Christie was stunned for a moment, she patted Yin Mu on the back with a helpless expression.

"...Ah, are you still a child?"

"It's strange, you look so much more mature than Qiao Yin Boyin, why are you so childish in a dream..."

Qiao Yin Boyin, who was still confused at first, was suddenly choked by Christie, and immediately protested quite dissatisfied:

"Hey, what do you mean he is more mature than me?"

"I'm older than him, right?"

"Hot-blooded idiot."

Suddenly a small voice came from Christie's shoulder, and Qiao Yin Boyin's expression suddenly froze.

Then, his murderous eyes stared at Yin Mu.

"...What did you say?"

"I said you were a hot-blooded idiot."

"Asshole! Eat me in second gear!"

As Qiao Yin Boyin shouted, the flesh and blood on his body squirmed, a burst of steam burst out, and his skin turned red.

And Yin Mu immediately jumped away from Christie and stood opposite Qiao Yin Boyin's bonfire.

He originally subconsciously wanted to use the fruit's ability, but the moment he opened his hands, he stopped abruptly.

Instead, the armed color and the overlord color are intertwined.

"Rubber stamp!"


The two exchanged fists fiercely, creating an extremely fierce wind.

"Hey, wait, you two!..."

When Christie saw this, she quickly tried to dissuade her. However, with her weak body, it was difficult for her to stand firm in the aftermath of the confrontation between the two.

The onlookers also began to enjoy the show at this time.

"Hey, these two idiots are fighting again."

"Oh, the two enemies are fighting again? Why is it this time?"

"Hmm... I don't know. Is there any reason for the two of them to fight?"

"Who will win your bet this time? I'll bet Qiao Yin and Boyin."

"Qiao Yin Boyin."

"I crush Victoria!"

"Is the fight finished?"

"are you tired?"

"Really, they are both my students, why are they both so violent?"

Seeing the two people sitting opposite each other dripping with sweat and staring at each other, Christie slapped his head and said angrily.

After giving two towels to the two of them, she took out a stack of documents from the satchel around her waist and handed them to them.

"This is the latest battle report from the front line. The remnants of the Kingdom of God are actually so powerful in combat. My father has recently been encircled and suppressed by their first group army and lost contact. However, his life sheet is still intact. I guess based on my father's In terms of strength, there won’t be much of a threat, it’s probably just that I’m being held back and unable to escape.”

"The current position of those in Infinite Land is still wavering..."

After saying that, Christie raised his head to signal.

"These are the main battle reports that just came in. Let's discuss the specific countermeasures."

As soon as they got down to business, the two people who were noisy immediately became serious.

Both Yin Mu and Qiao Yin Boyin began to process the battle reports in their hands.

Not long after, Christie suddenly looked at Yin Mu in surprise.

"Huh? Victoria, how come you handle it so skillfully?"

"At this speed...even I am not as good as you. What's going on?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yin Boyin immediately looked up at Yin Mu, compared the documents in their hands, and said in surprise:

“Hiss—how are you so much faster than me??”

"As I said just now, I have lived in a dream for eight hundred years."

Yin Mu replied vaguely, "I'm very familiar with handling these things."

Christie obviously didn't believe this answer, but she didn't mean to delve deeper into it.

Instead, he turned his attention to Qiao Yin Boyin.

"...You know what I mean, right?"

"Ah - no, it's over -"

"Are you going to memorize those regulations again?"

Qiao Yin Boyin suddenly wailed as if he were mourning for his heir.

After all, Qiao Yin, Boyin and Yin Mu were both geniuses, and Christie put forward opinions from time to time. It didn't take long for a thick stack of battle reports to be thoroughly analyzed.

"In other words, this position needs to be strengthened because it can be easily broken through."

"It's unclear what kind of heavy firepower the opponent has, but they are willing to spend a lot of effort to trap my father. Presumably the backup they have left is not that bad."

Finally, after Christie concluded the analysis results of the battle report, he put away the battle report that had been filled with notes.

"Leave it to you for safekeeping, Qiao Yin Boyin."

"You should learn from Victoria's analytical thinking."

Qiao Yin Boyin, who just thought Christie trusted him, turned pale.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear a chuckle coming from beside him.

Christie didn't pay attention to this. She just looked at the sky, and then looked at the mechanical watch in her hand.

"Hey, is it only after six o'clock now? It gets dark so quickly on Winter Island."

She shook her head, stood up, and greeted several people around her.

Then he turned around and left with a group of people.

Yin Mu, who was still arguing with Qiao Yin Boyin, suddenly turned pale when he saw this. As if he remembered something terrible, he stood up abruptly and said:

"Teacher, where are you going..."

Hearing this question, Christie turned to look at Yin Mu in confusion and said:

"I'm going to buy some ingredients from nearby residents. We have to cook dinner tonight. We still have a few days to travel, so we can't be hungry at this time. What's wrong, haven't we always been like this?"

"...going to buy groceries?"

Yin Mu slowly recalled some memories of Mo Hu, and it seemed that he did have this habit.

"Okay, I will take people to exchange some necessities with the aborigines. You and Qiao Yin Boyin remember to guard the camp. We are not safe now."

"Just be the same as before. I'll be back soon. Look at your expression. Don't scare yourself. Smile."

Christie teased.

Yin Mu scratched his head and forced an ugly smile.

"Yes, that's it. Then I'm leaving."

Christie nodded, then his face turned solemn, and he said to the people around him.

"Let's go."


The people around them responded with low voices, and the group walked away from the bonfire.

The figure gradually disappeared into the dark forest.

Looking at this scene, Yin Mu felt like he had seen it before, but...

That was a dream, right?


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