Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 269: Mary’s Bizarre Adventure (Final)



On the sunny beach, the white sand is blown by the sea breeze. Two figures, a man and a woman, were lying on the fine sand with their eyes closed tightly, as if they were asleep.

Not far away is a blue sea.

The waves crashed over one after another, making a roaring sound, as if they were about to be submerged under the sea.

When a seagull landed on the girl, she slowly opened her eyes.


She struggled to hold herself up, and the seagulls were frightened and flew into the sky.

As if she had lost her soul, the girl finally made some movement after being silent for a long time.

She stood up and staggered towards the place where the man was lying next to her.

She reached out to touch him, but her fingers slipped across his face and finally rested on his chest.

"Raven...you are still alive."

The girl murmured, then looked at Raven's left hand.

The clothes there were blood red and empty.

"It seems you are not safe either..."

Mary murmured under her breath.

Not long ago, they faced the whole regiment's artillery fire from the Creek Pirates, but the fragile ship failed to survive.

When the ship sank, at the critical moment, Raven hugged himself and protected himself from the rumbling gunfire without any harm.

The violent impact caused everyone to be scattered in the sea, but Raven and Mary hugged each other and drifted out under the wash of the waves.

The coldness of the sea slowly caused the consciousness of both of them to disappear, and Mary, who was thin, lost consciousness earlier. When she woke up again, the two of them had collapsed on the beach.

Looking at Raven who was unresponsive, Mary felt a burning sensation when she reached out to his forehead.

"You have a fever, is the wound suppurating and infected?"

She murmured, taking off the clothes on Raven's upper body.

The broken arm was blown off by artillery. Perhaps due to the effect of sea water, this shocking wound has tightened and stopped bleeding. But at this time, the skin and flesh near the uneven fracture had turned white, and a pale yellow liquid began to seep out.

Mary subconsciously tried to fumble for the medical kit, but it only took her a few seconds to realize that now she had lost everything again and there was no medical equipment left.

After a moment of silence, she tore off her clothes, walked far away, soaked in some seawater, and helped Raven clean his wounds.

Sea water has a certain disinfection effect, and now Mary doesn't have time to find other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Her movements were very gentle, as if she was afraid that if she applied force, she would hurt Raven.

"Raven, Raven... wake up..."

Mary whispered something, but still got no answer.

His breathing was weak, as if he was dying.


Mary stood up and dragged Raven towards the dense forest on the island.

This is the only way to reduce inflammation for the time being. The next step is to reduce Raven's fever. Before that, Raven had to be taken to a shady place.

In the mountain forest, there is a huge boulder blocking the sun, and it is surrounded by dense trees.

Mary cut a gap with a branch and placed Raven inside. Then she picked up the branch she had just picked up and continued to use the branch to dig in the gaps.

It wasn't until the gap was big enough that she breathed a sigh of relief.

This gap is big enough for Raven to fit in.

After doing all this, Mary sat down on the stone again and began to look around the woods.

Now she couldn't wait for Raven to wake up on his own. Raven's injury is very serious and needs to be treated as soon as possible, otherwise if it worsens, he will definitely die under the current conditions.

To prevent the wound from getting worse, Mary had to look for any herbs that could have a stronger disinfectant effect.

At the same time, they had to find a way to reduce Raven's fever.

Not to mention, Raven became what he is now because he was trying to save himself. Even without this problem, Mary would have tried her best to save him.

Feeling reassured, Mary dragged some blades of grass over Raven and covered him, then went deep into the jungle alone.

It is self-evident how dangerous it is for a person to go deep into the jungle, but fortunately, there are no ferocious beasts on the entire island.

There weren't even animals...I couldn't say there weren't any, but Mary didn't see them at all.

But on the other hand, Mary didn't find any usable herbs.

This is a completely deserted island.

There was nothing at all except some weeds and trees.

No herbs, no food.

Mary could only walk back to the beach, use a small spoon folded from a leaf to fill up a little seawater, and bring it back to Raven.

Pour seawater on Raven's head to cool him down, and soak his wounds with seawater. This is something that can't be done now.

As for whether Raven can wake up...it all depends on God's will.

As for food, Mary found no edible vegetation on the island. She just boiled a little weed and ate it. Mary felt severe abdominal pain and had to give up the idea.

It was okay to peel off the bark and eat it, but Mary almost didn’t have the strength to peel off the bark now.

But boiling the bark into water... maybe the weird bark can have weird curative effects?

With this thought in mind, Mary pulled out the dagger that Raven had inserted into the edge of his boot and walked into the jungle.

Familiar islands, familiar oceans.


Ren Wenyue was floating in the sky, overlooking the island.

There was no mistake, this was the island where Mary was when I traveled across time.

That is to say...

The countdown to death has begun.

At night, beside the burning bonfire, Mary got a piece of shell from the beach, wrapped it in a straw frame and cooked it on the fire.

The smell of boiled leaves in water was very strange, but after Mary tried to at least not die from eating it, she gave Raven some to drink, and Raven's fever actually went away a lot.

Pulling out the notebook she took out from the room last night, she wrote down the characteristics of this tree.

In this book is "BIBLE" written by her and the unrecorded types of herbal medicines she discovered. Although she felt that she might not be able to leave here alive this time, she had developed this habit over the years.

Mary's stomach growled as she closed the notebook.

She subconsciously touched her belly.

There was nothing to eat on the desert island. I ate some tree bark, but it didn't satisfy my hunger at all. Mary, who has medical knowledge, knows that although tree bark can be digested, it is very difficult to digest and will cause considerable damage to the gastrointestinal tract, so she cannot eat too much.

What's more... it was too much to ask Raven, who was now unconscious, to eat tree bark, something that she could hardly swallow even when she was awake.

Moreover, now they are facing water shortage.

There is no way, the water source in the sea is far less than what ordinary people think. Sea water is not drinkable, and Mary spent a whole day wandering around the desert island without seeing any water source.

The water being boiled now was obtained with great difficulty by Mary using the method of solar distillation. The amount was so small that it would be impossible to maintain the body's demand for water over time. Even the only water he had was still boiled for Raven to drink.

Mary herself could only quench her thirst by licking some tree sap. Not to mention the strange taste, it was doubtful whether it could quench her thirst.

The water was probably boiling. After cooling for a while, Mary slowly poured it into Raven's mouth.

Raven still showed no sign of waking up.

Mary lay on her side, dazed.

Let's see tomorrow if there is anything edible washed up on the beach, such as shells or something...

And will it rain and bring some water...

The next day, it didn't rain and there was nothing to eat on the beach.

Mary walked around the desert island again and finally found some normal-looking food like fungi.

After one taste, I got stomach cramps and gave up.

On the third day, it didn’t rain and there was nothing to eat on the beach.

I found some wild bracken on the desert island, which is edible.

Mary had begun to show symptoms of dehydration, and Raven still showed no sign of waking up.

On the fourth day, it didn’t rain and there was nothing to eat on the beach.

Mary began to consciously cut down some trees with a dagger. In four days, she was roughly convinced that this desert island was not on any route.

She had not seen a single merchant ship on the coast for so many days.

Mary began twisting bark together to serve as rope, cutting down some trees and tying them together to resemble a small raft.

Her skills weren't great, so it was quite laborious. It took a day and only a small raft was made.

But this was her limit, she had no strength left.

On the fifth day, it didn’t rain and there was nothing to eat on the beach.

Raven was starved to death, and Mary's skin was starting to crack.

Raven's temperature rose and he had a fever again. Not eating means that the body has no source of energy. When Raven was seriously injured, his immune system had almost collapsed.

Mary still couldn't find a suitable water source.

If it weren't for the physical fitness of people in the One Piece world, both of them would have passed away by now.

Day six.

Mary almost didn't have the strength to stand up.

She looked at Raven, who was so thin that the shape of his skull could be seen, and finally made a decision.

She slowly crawled to Raven's side, knelt on the ground, and put Raven's head on her knees.

Ren Wenyue looked at the two of them in silence. He had never thought that Mary had encountered so many things before her death.

After he traveled through time, he didn't see Raven. That is to say...

Did you finally rescue Raven? Mary?

How did you do it?

Under the firelight, Mary slowly picked up Raven's dagger.

There were already a lot of gaps in this dagger. She didn't know how to use weapons, so when she used it to cut down a tree, the gaps broke out and a lot of the blades were broken.

Under the light of the campfire, the dagger reflected orange light.

Mary opened Raven's mouth, and then placed her arm across his mouth.

What to do...!

Ren Wenyue's eyes widened in shock.


"Can these also give you some nutrition? Sorry, there is nothing else to eat."

Drops of red flowed into Raven's mouth.

The crimson was originally drop by drop, but then it started to connect into a line and merged into Raven's body.

A red light flashed on the tip of the dagger.

Mary used a dagger to cut a long gash on her arm. Mary's blood, which had not drank water for many days, was extremely viscous and flowed into Raven's mouth like butter.


Ren Wenyue opened her eyes wide.

Not only Mary's blood flowed into Raven's body, but also her life.

For many days, she had used all the precious water on Raven. And now, Mary gave up her life to Raven using her blood as a carrier.

Her face was expressionless, as if she wasn't in any pain.

"Drink some water to moisten your throat."

Mary lowered her brows and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

To her, she is not important.

To her, what is truly important is always very simple.

But she didn't know how much what she did shocked Ren Wenyue.

After a long time, Raven's face gradually returned to rosy.

Mary saw Raven's breathing become much more steady.

She felt dizzy for a while, but she still resisted the nausea and sleepiness to stop the bleeding from her wound and bandaged it.

She already felt a little short of breath. She had lost so much thick blood in a short period of time due to lack of water. The lack of water caused the hematopoietic function to almost disappear, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Then she threw the dagger aside and fell asleep.

There was nothing she could do. Now, everything depended on fate.

I didn't wake up until the evening.

And when she woke up, Raven was still asleep.

But all of Raven's physical features have returned to normal. Mary, who has been improving her medical skills for many years, does not need to think much to know that Raven will wake up soon.

She was silent for a moment, and used her last bit of strength to drag Raven away.

Leaving the bonfire, he was slowly dragged to the beach.

The little raft she had made two days ago was on the beach, and Mary tied his two feet to the raft with a rope made of bark.

Then she placed the notebook on Raven's chest. After hesitating for a while, she inserted the knife and cross she had always carried with her into Raven's waist.

After finishing all this, Mary went back to collect the things she could still eat, packed them with the last remaining coat of hers, and put them on the raft. He poured the collected water into the empty conch shells he found on the beach and tied it around Raven's waist.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Mary pushed Raven and the raft into the sea.

This is the time when the tide is out, and it is also the time of day when the wind and waves are at their lowest. Unless the weather is not good at night, there won't be any big storms.

The low tide will take Raven away from the coast. Raven carries a pointer on his body. As long as he wakes up, with his ability, it is not a problem to stay on the sea for ten days and a half.

They never drift too far after being shelled. There are no merchant shipping routes near the deserted island, but commerce on the East China Sea is extremely developed, especially since Rogge Town is also nearby, and there will be no shortage of merchant ships.

As long as his luck doesn't get that bad, Raven should be able to be rescued.


Mary looked at the raft that was getting smaller and smaller, standing alone on the beach.

Her craftsmanship was pretty good. As long as the bark ropes were of good quality, there would be no problem in sustaining the raft for a while.

She figured Raven would wake up during the night. The ropes tied to his feet ensured that he would not fall unconscious into the sea, and as long as he woke up, those ropes could be easily untied with his ability.

The reason why she wanted to send Raven away before Raven woke up was because she knew that once Raven woke up, Raven would never leave her alone no matter what.

Whether he is staying on a desert island or wandering on the sea, Raven will definitely take Mary with him. Just like when he hugged her tightly when the ship sank.

Years of friendship made it impossible for him to give up on Mary, but Mary just wanted him to live.

However, the resources on both the desert island and the sea have reached their limit, and there is no way to support the consumption of two people. Even that raft can only carry one person. If two people go up there, it won't take long for them to fall apart.

Now Mary was a pure liability to Raven.

And, the more important reason is...

Mary raised her arm and looked at it. The narrow wound was no longer painful.

Although he had not recovered, he had lost feeling, and the nearby nerves had begun to die.

Days of hunger, fatigue, and harsh conditions had wreaked havoc on her body, and she could even feel her organs failing.

She knew she didn't have more than a few days to live.

Unless you can now receive treatment from the famous and famous hospitals in the East China Sea, but...

how can that be possible?


Mary smiled and shook her head.

It's too late to replenish food and water now. Mary didn't want Raven to waste the already precious water and food on herself because of emotional impulse.

And more importantly, she didn't want Raven to see her die.

She didn't want to see other people in pain. Although she knew that when Raven woke up and saw what Mary left him, he might not feel much better.

But...Mary couldn't think more about it.


"This is the last time..."

"Just let me 'run' one more time."

She traced her fingers across her chest, where a heart was beating.

Now, the beating feeling is getting weaker and weaker.

The [travel] that started ten years ago has finally come to an end. And she started running from Mariachia and has been running until now.

Now, she was alone. The whole body was empty except for one piece of clothing.

She gave away the cross that carried her longing and the knife that she had promised. She did not want those things to sink with her on this desert island.

She wanted to go home.

Returning to the hometown she once knew.

She sat cross-legged on the white beach, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, she didn't wake up.

She didn't wake up during the day on the third day.

During the day on the fourth day, a crab emerged from the beach and slowly touched Mary's hand with its pincers.

Suddenly, Mary's hand twitched.

The crab was so frightened that it immediately burrowed back into the white sand.


Mary's eyes were slightly open, and her chapped lips had long lost their former luster.

She couldn't even make a whimper, her throat had lost the ability to speak.

Ren Wenyue looked at Mary's expression. To say she was down and out would be an understatement. She felt mixed emotions in her heart and didn't know what to say.

He knew it was time for him to appear. After watching Mary's life for more than ten years, he now began to reflect on her life.

Mary's life can be said to be special or extraordinary, and it can be said to be ordinary or ordinary.

She was born into a family of Celestial Dragons, and the people around her were extraordinary, and even she herself was not a normal person.

But everything she did in her life was so ordinary. She didn't do anything earth-shattering. She just followed her heart and listened to the words of people who were good to her.

Even the final death was so silent.

There is nothing spectacular, the way Mary died is the way countless shipwrecks died.

But Ren Wenyue could not ignore it calmly.

Her life was not successful. She lost a lot but gained very little.

But there was one sentence that ran through her life, and that was her creed.

【Live for others】.

Mary walked towards the forest, walking very slowly.

Maybe it was too hot on the beach and wanted to find some shade.

She moved her body slowly, teetering on the edge of falling to the ground several times, but she never fell.

The world of memory began to distort, and it was no longer a desert island.

She strolled through the bustling streets of Mariegioa.


Ren Wenyue opened her eyes wide.

This Mariejoia has no slaves, no ugly Draco. The people walking on the busy streets were dressed in different clothes, and they were not aristocrats at all.

The CP and the navy maintained order. At the same time, her parents, brother, and Yin Wan were all around her, smiling and saying something.

Then, the streets of Mariejoia gradually faded away, and the Grand Canyon of the Red Earth Continent appeared before her eyes. A fat blue fish man and a man in brown clothes were waving to her, but she couldn't see the man's face clearly.

After walking out of the Grand Canyon, she came to a gloomy street. A man with extremely sharp eyes watched her walk past him.

When the street came to an end, she boarded the deck of a ship to rest for a while. Several well-dressed gentlemen and a group of strong men were drinking and fist-fighting. A strong man greeted Mary, but Mary smiled and waved her hand in rejection.

When the ship stopped, Mary got off the ship and walked out on the deck, walking among the wheat fields. A group of children ran past her. On the field ridge in the distance, an old man looked at her with a smile.

At the end of the wheat field is a large mountain. At the foot of the mountain, a group of ferocious-looking strong men were shouting something to each other. In the corner, a man with an extremely exaggerated figure was flipping through books.

“If you wanted to travel, where would you want to go?”

"East China Sea."

All the scenes of the past ten years rotated under Mary's feet. I don't know how long it took, but everything disappeared as if blown away by the wind.

Mary once again set foot on the desert island.

She had already walked to a shady place and leaned against the trees on the side. She slowly sat down.

At this time, she really felt tired. It was the first time in ten years that she felt so.


Mary sighed.

No one here can hear her because her voice is hoarse.

She didn't know how long it took, but she finally couldn't help it and started coughing.

This cough almost coughed out all her internal organs. But in such pain, she actually smiled.

Ren Wenyue vaguely saw two shadows floating around her.

"You didn't lie to me...stay with me..."

Mary's voice was as thin as a mosquito, but Ren Wenyue heard it clearly.


Ren Wenyue knew who Mary was talking about. Just then, Mary looked up.

Looking at the sky, through the gaps in the leaves, a meter of sunlight shone on her cheeks.

"God, if you really exist."

"...Let my body redeem others. Let this tattered body...let it use its last bit of value."

"No matter what the method is...if you die on this island, some flowers and plants will be nourished, so that the next person who falls here will have a chance to survive..."


"...let my life continue like this..."

After saying that, Mary slowly closed her eyes.

However, at the last moment, she suddenly turned her head slightly.

Ren Wenyue's eyes met with Mary's, and suddenly, Mary smiled at him.

"My wish has come true..."


"Then, goodbye."

She closed her eyes.

The world of memory suddenly collapsed, Ren Wenyue's feet were empty, and then he landed on the ground.

There was no distinction between up, down, left, and right around him, and it was all white.

Suddenly, he felt something and turned around.

A petite girl stood in front of him, looking at him.

The two of them were naked from top to bottom, and their bodies were glowing with white light, standing in this snow-white space.

Ren Wenyue opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when she reached her mouth.

Mary smiled at him, then broke into pieces.

It turned into sparkling dust and gradually dissipated.

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