Pill God Returns

C2150 five failures of heaven and man

Wu Chen is silent, Taoist Hongmeng. This is the real happiness for the cause of mankind. This is the real friar, the real warrior, worthy of admiration all over the world.

"What about the others?"

The emperor continued: "the same is true for the Dragon God and the Phoenix mother. When they died, their world, the Dragon world and the Phoenix world, also disintegrated and turned into the dust of the universe. As for the brain, it was also severely damaged and fell into a deep sleep. Now its whereabouts is unknown. As for other people, the destruction of destruction, the leaving of the whole universe, except for a few places Apart from being destroyed, most of the other places have been destroyed. The cruelty and cruelty of different races cannot be described by words. "

Wu Chen is silent again. Although he has not experienced the war of annihilation, he can infer how fierce and miserable the battle should be from the details he tells and the cosmic scenes he sees.

"After the end of the world, the alien race is still the strong one who has not let us go, and has launched a cosmic level tracking. It's still unknown what the result will be if we want to catch all the strong ones who left."

Wu Chen knows that the existence of the alien race is to destroy their universe, to build a world that is absolutely subject to their alien will, and not to destroy the most powerful on their side. That is not to give up.

"God Dan, I suggest you leave as soon as possible. If the strong of different races find you here, they will not let you go. Once, in the war of extermination, the different races issued a wanted order. Among the above mentioned people, there is your name."

The emperor reminded me.

"I know. I won't stay here long."

Wu Chen is very clear that the reason why the foreign people wanted him is because they were afraid of him and his alchemy. They were afraid that he would refine the God's Alchemy, create a new emperor, and stop their plans and conspiracies to destroy the world.

If the news of his presence is known to the people of different nationalities, he will immediately send a strong man to seize him in tianwu continent. At that time, not only he will suffer, but also tianwu continent will suffer along with him and be mercilessly destroyed. This is not what he wants to see. After all, this is the only paradise for monks now. He doesn't want to break it because of him It's bad for the peace and beauty here.

After talking with the emperor, Wu Chen immediately found some other powerful people and talked with them to learn more about them.

Later, he left tianwu and started a long way of cosmic drifting.

This is a walk, I don't know how much time, he walked through one world after another, one star domain after another, one Jedi after another, the space of death, the black hole of destruction, the endless turbulence, he walked through one by one.

He has completely forgotten the time and witnessed the destruction of many interstellar spaces, just like a pure wanderer, wandering aimlessly in the universe.

All of a sudden, the whole space is shaking violently. A terrible force is gathering in all directions.

Wu Chen was shocked. Looking up, he saw endless decadent air, which filled the whole space.

"This is the five failures of heaven and man?"

For Wu Chen, this kind of decadent spirit is not new to him, because he has also experienced the five failures of heaven and man.

"Five failures of heaven and man, is this era finally coming to an end?"

Wu Chen knows that the five failures of heaven and man are the disaster of the universe, the end of all things and the beginning of the next era. No one can survive this devastating disaster.

Then, he saw that countless worlds were destroyed, destroyed in an instant, and the endless void was also exploded violently, destroyed by the power of terror.

No one can stop the five failures of heaven and man, even the great emperor.

"God's eyes are open."

Wu Chen opens the eyes of the gods, glances around, skims over the space of the universe. All of them are suffering from destruction. Countless lives wither in an instant. The decadent spirit spreads all over them, destroying all of them.

Tianwu continent, the only place that has not been destroyed by other nationalities, is also rapidly darkened, and then it is engulfed by decadent Qi. Only a few strong people are still struggling to get rid of this destructive power.

The holy world of different nationalities, once mighty and powerful, is also vulnerable to the attack of the five failures of heaven and man, and they are beginning to destroy.

"Alien ah, alien, you are determined to destroy the world and build an eternal world, but now, you are still facing destruction."

Wu Chen's mouth set off a bit of ridicule. In the face of such destructive power, all beings are equal, and no one can be exceptional.

"I don't know if chaos will appear?"

He is now waiting for the rumored chaos Tianhe to appear. When the chaos Tianhe is born, it is when he is promoted to Emperor.

"That is?"

All of a sudden, his eyes focused on a certain place in the endless space. In that place, I don't know when, there were many strong breath. Each breath, at least, had the cultivation of the divine realm. The most powerful breath was the Supreme God.

Glancing at these people, he saw many familiar faces.

"Yue rying, Yue Qingzhu, red sea, Dan Qingzi..." The more he looked at it, the more ecstatic he became. He knew that these people were the strong ones who left when he was in his era when the alien race was exterminating the world.

"Space transfer."

As soon as Wu Chen tore the space apart, he rushed to the past.

On that side, countless people look at the space, their eyes show endless joy, they have been waiting for this moment, now, this moment is finally coming.

"Hahaha, five failures of heaven and man, five failures of heaven and man finally come."

Dan Qingzi laughs and gathers powerful strength to resist the five failures of heaven and man. After hundreds of millions of years of practice, his accomplishments have also reached the holy land, forming the pure land of the world of Dan, which can resist the corrosion of the five failures of heaven and man.

"I don't know where the elder master is now and whether he has come back from another time and space."

The Red Sea said in a deep voice that he was missing his master.


At this time, a super strength rushed towards them. This strength, very powerful, far exceeded their imagination.

"The Supreme God."

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