[Ding, it has been detected that the host has successfully sold more than 100 small Pichu, reaching the conditions for unlocking Pokémon, and now unlocking Pokémon for the host. ] 】

【Unlocking, please wait!】 】

【Unlock successful! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the genetic data of the Pokémon Magic Frog Seed! ] 】

[Currently the host has unlocked Pokémon: Pichu, Katy Dog, Green Caterpillar, Unicorn, Little Lada, Magic Frog Seed! ] 】

[Indirect unlocking: Pikachu, Iron Armored Chrysalis, Bada Butterfly, Iron Shell Chrysalis, Needle Bee, Lada, Myo Frog Grass, Myo Frog Flower! ] (Since Rai Chu and Wind Speed Dog need evolution stones to evolve, and currently Chu Feng does not have evolution stones, and does not know how to obtain evolution stones, so it is not counted.) )】

[Mastered: Pichu, Kati Dog! ] 】

[Not mastered: green caterpillar, unicorn, little Lada, magic frog seed! ] 】


Hearing the prompt tone of the system, Chu Feng was extremely excited in his heart.

But on the surface it does not show itself.

Very calmly said to the big power next to him:

“Mimi, order it down in a while, count the information of all customers as soon as possible, arrange the escort work of Little Pichu, and be sure to ensure that Little Pichu is delivered to all customers within three days.”

The big power nodded, and suddenly became a little emotional again:

“To be honest, I’m a little reluctant to send those little guys out.”

“What if the little ones can’t adapt to their new family?”

“What if the little ones are abused?”

This cannot be thought of, and the more you think about it, the more uneasy it is.

Looking at the suddenly sensual power, Chu Feng reached out and took her into his arms and comforted:

“Rest assured, in general, the little one with a new family will definitely be taken care of better than in the manor, after all, one person takes care of dozens of little guys, and there is definitely no one person or even several people to take care of a little guy.”

“As for the adaptation problem, except for a very few cases, most Pokémon are very adaptable, so don’t worry too much about this.”

“And if you are abused, rest assured, I will definitely not let those who abuse little Pichu have a good time!”

As he spoke, a sharp color flashed in his eyes.

Feeling Chu Feng’s comfort, and the last overbearing words.

Da Mi only feels that his man is so handsome, gentle and domineering!

Unconsciously a little confused:

“You’re so nice!”

Lips slowly crept up Chu Feng’s cheeks.

Chu Feng smiled and hugged the big power.

Under the stunned eyes of Pikachu and Pi Yipi and Pi Yi Pi San.

Kick open the door of the office cubicle and lock it!

This office cubicle, which has never come in handy since its construction, finally came in handy at this time.

I have to say that expensive has the truth that you are expensive, this material, sound insulation is really good!


In a second-tier city.

On the wide and crowded street, a vehicle printed with the Dongfeng Express logo and a red and white ball logo is driving smoothly on the street.

On both sides of the road, from time to time, pedestrians cast their eyes on this vehicle, and their eyes were full of envy.

Dongfeng Express’s vehicles naturally do not attract the attention and envy of pedestrians.

But the red and white ball logo can.

Because that’s the Pokémon logo.

To be honest, many people don’t understand why the Pokémon company set the logo as a red and white ball.

It seems to have nothing to do with Pokémon!

But it’s quite memorable, which should be considered an advantage.

“Why did the Pokémon company’s logo appear on the car of Dongfeng Express? What is the cooperation between these two companies? ”

A passerby questioned his companion next to him.

The companion gave him a roll of his eyes:

“Think about the previous ordering activities of the Pokémon company, and you know what cooperation the two of them have!”

Hearing this, the passerby immediately reacted, and his eyes became very envious when he looked at the car:

“So, this car is here to deliver Pokémon, and it’s good luck that we have lucky people in our city who grabbed Little Pichu!”

The vehicle soon drove into an ordinary community, which immediately caused an exclamation in the community.

“If I’m not mistaken, this is supposed to be the car for Pokémon, right?”

“There are lucky people in our community who grab the little Pichu ?!!”

“Who is it? Does anyone know who the lucky one is? ”

“I really didn’t expect that in an ordinary community like ours, someone would be willing to spend 250,000 yuan to buy a pet, what a local tycoon!”


In the car, there are two people sitting at this time!

One is the driver of Dongfeng Express, and the other is the delivery man of the Pokémon company.

The driver listened to the continuous exclamations in the community, and said to the delivery man next to him with a smile

“It seems that this lucky one will soon enjoy the feeling of being trampled on the threshold at home!”

The delivery man smiled a little proudly:

“Of course, this is the charm of our company’s little pichu.”

Seeing that the delivery man was so proud, the driver not only did not feel bored, but was a little envious and inquired:

“I heard that your company is treated very well, is it true?”

The delivery man was also a talkative person and immediately said:

“It depends on where you work, I don’t know where else you work, anyway, at the company’s headquarters, even the sweeping aunt has a monthly basic salary of 10,000 taels!”

“Oh, 12,000 !!!”

The basic salary of 10,000 taels a month for the sweeping aunt really scared the driver.

You must know that he is exhausted and runs all over the country, and he is only in the early 10,000 years a month plus bonuses.

The salary of a sweeping aunt on the other side is higher than him, which really makes him envious, and at the same time it is not a taste.

Immediately asked:

“Is your company still hiring?” To apply for a job in your company, what conditions are required, do you see if I have a chance? ”

Hearing this, the delivery man was a little embarrassed, and thought about it before speaking:

“Hiring is recruiting, our company has been hiring, I heard my boss say that our boss recently planned to open several factories for the manufacture of gene culture jars and gene culture fluids, as well as peripheral toys for small pichu, which requires a large number of employees!”

“As for the requirements, I don’t know about other places, but in the head office, it seems that in addition to sweeping the floor and working in the kitchen, at least a bachelor’s degree is required, but I think the requirements in other places should not be so high.”

Hearing this, the driver nodded thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.


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