Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 78: : Strong provocation [2]

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Chapter 78: The Strong Provocative [2]

When the long princess took her into the palace, the little girl saw that he was always afraid of three points with three points. When he spoke a little, he could scare her.

But now Huang Beiyue dared to lift the pair of clear scorpions and his confrontation, without the cowardice and timidity of the past.

Everyone said that the female university had changed eighteen. It seems that after the death of the princess, she gradually grew and changed.

Somehow, in the heart of the battlefield, I felt a little happy.

"Northern Moon, you are in good shape. After coming to the palace to move around, you will not enter the palace in these years. The emperor is very missing you." Sakura Night Princess said sincerely.

Huang Beiyue’s impression of this Sakura Night Princess is not as bad as it was at the beginning. Although Sakura Night is quite arrogant, but the **** is straightforward, it is derogatory and dare to do it.

A woman of true temperament, like Phoenix North, appreciates it.

Just nodded, there was a small **** running back and forth: "Your Majesty, the prince wing is here, and the drama is also here!"

The Xiaguang Temple calmed down for a moment, and the emperor was overjoyed and stood up, and went out to meet him personally.

It seems that all countries attach importance to master talents, and it is not fake.

Huang Beiyue noticed that, opposite her, several old men dressed in Chinese costumes and with the seats of the royal family and nobles immediately stood up and were all sitting in jeopardy.

Her breath of the master is clearly distinguishable, although the few people did not show murderous, but the deep and introverted temperament of the master, but can not hide.

It seems that these are the masters of the South Wing country, the kind of arrogant momentum, the strength is probably more than eight stars.

I only listened to Xiao’s remote voice and said to Xiao Yun: “Yue, your grandfather is there, and he will give him to the elderly for a while.”

"Know, father." Xiao Yun immediately agreed.

Xiao remotely hi here: "Your grandfather will come to the palace feast, it seems to have broken through the ranks of the eight-star summoner."

"Grandpa's summoning beast is a fiery leopard, but it is a 12th-order beast. The strength of Grandpa's present, I am afraid that it will be difficult to win with the Nine Star Summoner."

Xiao remotely nodded, and the arrogance on his face seemed to be his own nine-star summoner.

Huang Beiyue’s impression of Xiao’s father was not deep. The old man did not like Xiao’s long-distance princess, and became a Hummer’s Hummer. He lost Xiao’s face, so he did not like it to Phoenix North.

Xiao Jia’s father lived in the Xiao’s main house. For so many years, Huang Beiyue has not been to several times. Every time he goes, he is afraid to look at him because he is afraid of the majesty of this old man.

So she doesn't really know what Xiaojia's father looks like.

Looking around in the group of high hands, I found a white-haired long-haired old man glanced at them. It seemed to see Xiao Yun, and the look on his face was somewhat relieved.

Xiao Yun’s face immediately smiled.

It seems that the old man with white hair is Xiao Qi’s father, Xiao Qiyuan!

Xiao Qiyuan also turned to look at the entrance of the Xiaguang Temple with other masters, waiting for the legendary singer who had the legendary ice spirit of one of the "Five Spirits"!

The emperor went to the door, and several princes and ministers naturally followed. ,

Several little eunuchs took the lanterns to lead the way, and slowly, a petite figure shrouded in a black cloak slowly entered the line of sight.

Elegant and mysterious, proud and cold!

Sure enough, as in the rumors!

"Lord of Heaven, I have been waiting for a long time!"

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