Pharmaceutical Companies: Please, Stop Haggling!

Chapter 109: White-Eyed Wolf? Negotiations Are Impossible! 【Please Subscribe! 】

Chapter 109: White-eyed wolf? Negotiation cannot be realized! [Please subscribe!]

In the opinion of these experts and Ron, Chu Feng has only made some achievements in the field of negotiation, and at most he has made some achievements in the field of medicine.

But where is this place now?

This is a photolithography machine!

This aspect of the lithography machine involves quantum mechanics, chemistry, mathematics, and manufacturing materials to produce the core technology of the chip.

How can he, Chu Feng, be so virtuous as to be able to put his hands into the field of photolithography machines?

To put it bluntly, their beautiful country's technology is at the leading level in the world, and in terms of lithography machines, it has surpassed Long Country for who knows how many years.

Otherwise, there would be no technology transactions for photolithography machines today.

Want to study two-nanometer lithography machines through seven-nanometer lithography machines?

Is he worthy of Chu Feng?!

After discussion by these expert leaders and the negotiation team Ron, they believed that Chu Feng was just trying to please others.

What he did was simply fanciful and just a dream.

There is absolutely no possibility of it happening.

Just when everyone decided that it didn't matter if they sold the seven-nanometer lithography machine to Longguo, the negotiation team Ron spoke.

"I think that sentence makes a lot of sense."

“What the enemy opposes, we must support, and what the enemy supports, we must oppose.

“Since Long Guo wants to develop a two-nanometer lithography machine based on a seven-nanometer lithography machine, we might as well raise the price.

"Don't they want to study it? Then sell it for more money, which will make them feel very distressed, but they have to buy it."

"What do you think of my opinion?"

Ron had a smile on his face, as if he was saying something ordinary.

This decision was recognized by everyone present.

"I think it's okay. This way we can make a lot of money from the people of the Dragon Kingdom, haha!"

"That's right, Ron, you finally came up with a good idea. I like it very much."

"Oh! Ron, you are simply a genius, let us decide like this!"

These people all wore malicious smiles, thinking that when the time came at the negotiation table, they would see the people of the Dragon Kingdom with pained expressions on their faces.

But they had to spend a lot of money to buy their photolithography machine.

Who makes them, the Dragon Kingdom, so backward yet so wildly imaginative that they want to achieve success in one go?

These experts became happy one after another and even opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate the beautiful country's victory at the negotiating table in advance.

At the same time, in the Longguo Research Laboratory.

These experts in various fields invited by Chu Feng are no longer as contemptuous as before.

They all stared at the extremely precious drawings with their eyes wide open.

The above ideas opened up the situation for their originally stagnant research direction.

And they also vaguely feel that if they really follow this research, they might actually be able to create a world-unique two-nanometer lithography machine!

You must know that in the field of lithography machines, every nanometer of progress is as difficult as reaching the sky. The more refined it is, the more profound the technology is.

As long as they can thoroughly study this drawing, their technology in the photolithography machine will directly lead the world!

There is no time to immerse yourself in research.

These experts looked at these drawings and couldn't help but start working directly.

Soon, the laboratory was full of busy figures of these experts.

Normally, they might not be so serious.

But when Chu Feng took out these drawings and claimed that they were research drawings of two-nanometer lithography machines, these experts were extremely excited.

This is like studying carelessly on weekdays. Even if the exam is coming, he knows that he will fail the exam and there is nothing he can do about it.

But if someone takes out a dense piece of paper and tells them this is the answer to the exam.

Without saying a word, these people all memorized the answers with 120% enthusiasm.

In fact, as long as they show the same enthusiasm, they can pass the exam smoothly.

This is just a shortcut mentality at work.

It's a bit tricky, but it does work.

These experts at this time are also in such a state.

While all countries in the world are still researching three-nanometer lithography machines, this drawing is related to the technology of two-nanometer lithography machines.

Anyone would be crazy about it!

In this way, these experts did not sleep or eat these days. They buried themselves in the laboratory every day without leaving home.

No matter how Chu Feng tried to persuade them, they were stubbornly determined to develop the two-nanometer lithography machine for Long Guo.

Not long after, Shen Fei was preparing how to reject the negotiation with the beautiful country without making them suspicious.

Great news reached his ears.

Research on photolithography machines has made tremendous progress!!!

When Chu Feng rushed to the laboratory, he saw everyone's faces filled with joy.

Their steps became relaxed, and the energy on their bodies dissipated.

Everyone knows that their country no longer has to look at the faces of other countries in terms of chip technology.

No longer needing to be threatened by this or that, their dragon country can have its own cutting-edge photolithography machine!

An old academician who was elected and had a great reputation among these experts stood up and told Chu Feng with excitement.

"Little friend Chu! We really misunderstood you before! This drawing is really exquisite~々!"

Looking at the old man who was so excited that he could not speak coherently, Chu Feng couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't care about the previous stress.

After all, I have never been exposed to the field of lithography machines, but I summoned these experts and said that I would study two-nanometer lithography machines.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is indeed a bit fanciful.

But that's okay, after all, these are experts in various fields who have dedicated themselves to the Dragon Kingdom.

Chu Feng is not as good as chicken intestines.

So after receiving many thanks from the old academician, Chu Feng was a little curious about the extent of their research.

When Chu Feng asked about this, the old academician became excited again.

"Although we have not yet fully understood the technology of two-nanometer lithography machines, after all, we are still starting a little late, and it may still take some time."

"But although we did not produce the two-nanometer lithography machine, we separated the drawings of the three-nanometer lithography machine!"

"In other words, at a stage when lithography machine technology is still relatively backward, we have directly developed a three-nanometer lithography machine that is still under research in other countries around the world!"

"What is this concept???"

"It's just... it's just..."

As he spoke, the old academician choked up for some reason.

Those who engage in scientific research have been suppressed by those countries in some aspects for too long.

Over the years, they have struggled, suffered a lot, and sweated a lot.

It is just to enable their countries to stand upright and behave themselves without looking at the faces of those countries.

Now seeing that this goal is gradually being achieved, these elderly researchers have mixed emotions.

Listening to the current research progress of lithography machines, a bold idea gradually emerged from Chu Feng's mind.


"Old sir, according to you, our Dragon Kingdom has now fully mastered the technology of three-nanometer lithography machines?" Shen Fei's tone was a little urgent, as if he had something important to do.

The old academician nodded when he heard this. Their Long Kingdom has indeed fully mastered the technology of three-nanometer lithography machine.

But the reason they haven't manufactured it yet is because they plan to go directly to develop a two-nanometer lithography machine.

After all, there are the most advanced ones, who wants to lag behind?

But then, what confused him a little was that Chu Feng directly asked them to manufacture the three-nanometer lithography machine now.

"What? Little friend Chu Feng, this is not necessary! We have now mastered the two-nanometer lithography machine, and we no longer need to work hard to manufacture the three-nanometer lithography machine.

However, after hearing that Chu Feng insisted on doing this and had his own reasons, the later scholars did not bother him too much.

After all, the entire photolithography machine drawing was given by Chu Feng.

Now that Chu Feng has made the request, researchers like them have no objections.

Make it happen.

Following the old academician's order, all researchers in the entire laboratory also put down their work.

There was also some excitement in their expressions.

Although the three-nanometer lithography machine is not as good as the two-nanometer lithography machine, it is still the absolute leading level in the world.

Just by building this, Longguo can jump from the difficult situation of having to purchase seven-nanometer lithography machines to becoming the top country in the field of lithography machines!!

"Quickly, is the precise exposure system that decomposes and strips the ultraviolet light source into various required light rays ready?"

"Wait a minute, turn on that excimer laser that accurately controls the wavelength of light..."

"The alignment system is now focused and debugged, and the relative movement stage of the sample film has begun to converge..."

"Molecular analysis precision testing equipment must also be used..."

At this moment, all kinds of conjectures and hypotheses came to the minds of the experimenters.

Those visions that have been carried out no less than millions of times in their minds are finally about to start actual operations today!

Even though they were all experts in various fields in the Dragon Kingdom, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But what appeared in their hearts more was excitement!

Now in their hands, it represents whether Longguo can independently research and develop the future of lithography machines.

At this moment, they must go all out!

The old academician, who was still a little choked with sobs before, was now a completely different person from before.

"."The mirror angle is tilted two degrees to the right. "


"Laser increases output power."


“How resolving is the spectrometer?”

"The parsing level has successfully reached the expected threshold!"

"Okay, now let's move on to the next goal, which is to complete the stripping of the ultraviolet light source.

The calmness and calmness he showed at this time, as well as the perfect and precise instructions, made these professional scientific researchers run like a machine.

Outside the transparent glass bulletproof wall, Chu Feng looked at the scientific researchers working inside, without much worry.

Regarding trust in the system, he believes that there is absolutely no problem with this two-nanometer lithography machine drawing.

There is also no doubt that they can develop three-nanometer lithography machines on this basis.

What Chu Feng has to do at this time is to start thinking about how to obtain greater benefits for the Dragon Kingdom at the negotiation table, and wait silently!

The experiment went smoothly.

Under the watchful eye of Chu Feng, various scientific researchers did not make any major mistakes under the command of the veteran academician.

There were several experiments that almost went wrong, but the old academician helped turn the tide and came back.

This further increased Shen Fei's respect for the old academician.

If there is any new technology in the future, he can safely hand it over to

This is an old academician.

This experiment lasted for a long time until the end of the experiment.

The extremely tired faces were filled with unconcealable joy.

They succeeded!!!

After success, everything was easy to say. Chu Feng asked the old academician to produce a drawing of a three-nanometer lithography machine.

This drawing requires two copies, one is a slightly modified version of the complete drawing.

Modify that drawing slightly in another direction.

In other words, this modified drawing can also produce a three-nanometer level lithography machine, but it cannot continue to develop a two-nanometer lithography machine on top of this.

The old academician was not a fool, and he quickly understood Chu Feng's request.

Think back to the seven-nanometer lithography machine negotiation with Beautiful Country a few days later.

Suddenly, the academician's eyes lit up!

Obviously, he guessed what Chu Feng was going to do.

He was also pleased to hear about this matter, and soon he assured Chu Feng that he would be able to obtain the drawing in one day.

So the old and young foxes said goodbye with a smile.

Soon, the news about Chu Feng’s negotiations with the beautiful country delegation spread all over the Internet.

Netizens are actively discussing this matter.

"Brothers! Good news, our Dragon Kingdom is going to obtain seven-nanometer lithography machine technology!"

"That's right, our country can continue to study on this basis. It can be said that it has taken more than one step forward!"

"Alas, what kind of good news is this? We in the Dragon Kingdom are not as good as others in this area. Is it worth being proud to buy other countries' backward lithography machine technology now?"

"You people are really too optimistic. Countries in the world are now researching three-nanometer lithography machines. Niu Niang sells our seven-nanometer lithography machines. You guys are...

Taste carefully.


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