Pet The World

Chapter 35

Pet The World Chapter 35

It took a while.

The door creaked open.

A burly man with a dragon on the left and a tiger on the right came out, and he looked towards Fang Ziyu fiercely: "This is not welcome to outsiders, go as far as you can."

Fang Ziyu After looking at this man's body, and then at his own, he pondered for two seconds and asked, "Am I pretty?"

"en? courting death, I will fulfill you." The big man grinned. rushed over.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound, and the big man thumped and rolled twice.

This is the result when Xiaobing shoots down with one paw, which is different from Fang Ziyu, it uses real power.

Then wrote that the big man was also bound to the ground by several ice shackles.

Fang Ziyu was silent for a second and continued to knock on the door: "Is there anyone? Is anyone there? If there is no one, I will come over and ask!"

It seems that he feels the left-patterned dragon on the right. An accident happened to the man with the tiger tattoo. This time, three people in a row were holding a watermelon knife and three Tibetan mastiffs behind them. They looked so terrifying.

"Boy, are you making trouble?" the man in the middle asked, and he saw the big man on the left and the right tiger on the ground.

"No, no, I just want to ask me and the Northern Part of City Xu Kun who is more beautiful?" Fang Ziyu waved his hands and said innocently.

"Hehe boy, you are very skinny, aren't you? I'll skin you in a while to see if you're still skinny! Come on, let me put a dog to kill this guy." The man said with a sneer.

"Grass the grass! This Tibetan Mastiff is so big!" Fang Ziyu took a step back and exclaimed.

The next second, Xiaobing on its shoulders didn't even look at the frost, and the three Tibetan mastiffs running became a beautiful ice sculpture.

They're all over the place.

There is no need to keep this kind of thing that takes the side of the evil-doer.

"Second Rank pet, run, call the boss!" The three who saw the three Tibetan mastiffs killed in one move immediately knew that Fang Ziyu was not courting death, but really powerful.

But the backlash of the pet's death directly caused them to spit a mouthful of blood out. Although they didn't die, they couldn't run either.

Fang Ziyu practiced the swinging stick on the ground and went to dong dong dong three times to let them rest temporarily.

Xiaobing then bound the three of them together, and the movements were already very skilled.

"Go, Xiaobing." Fang Ziyu said.

There are only a few others left in the room, not as many as Huang Mao said.

As soon as Fang Ziyu rushed into the yard, two people rushed out, accompanied by two dogs. Before Fang Ziyu could speak, the two wild dogs turned into ice crystals, and then the two people were also kidnapped. Bing slapped and fainted.

Fang Ziyu is the equivalent of taking a few Level 10 high-level numbers out of the novice village to bully the people of the novice village, which is naturally very simple.

But that's the fun of Fang Ziyu.

The reaction speed of the third rank frost giant dragon is not comparable to that of first rank pets and humans.

When the boss came out of the room, he looked blank. In just a few minutes, my men were all cleaned up?

"You scum, die. Get on Xiaobing, let's take a breath." Fang Ziyu yelled, he couldn't stand the bad lines.

"You think you're invincible with a Second Rank pet? Blaze dog, flamethrower, kill this one man one dragon for me." The boss yelled.

The flames and the ice fog collided into a big fog.

"Xiaobing, you need to put in some more strength, and put some color on it to clean it up, don't be so strong." Fang Ziyu said telepathically.

"There's still some strength." The boss hugged the woman tighter and ordered his flaming dog to attack again.

Next, Xiaoice was like fighting too many demons and not enough icy fog. The flames knocked it flying and some parts of her body seemed to be blackened.

"It's almost there, a small formidable power of frost will freeze the dog's feet, and then fly over to stun it, and it's almost done." Fang Ziyu and Xiaobing exchanged secretly.

The next second the dog was really frozen, and then Xiaobing sprinted to avoid its attack, and it flew to the dog's head and it was a blast. Soft fell.

The boss was still stunned. He was about to scold Fang Ziyu for not playing cards according to the routine when Xiao Bing slapped him with a paw and took the woman together.

Fang Ziyu cleaned up his mood, ran to the flower bed to find the American ginseng, pulled it out, washed it with water, and ate it directly in his mouth.

"en. Although the old man ate your ginseng, I also avenged you, so it should be an equal exchange."

Can be wiped!

ka beng is crunchy, like white radish, Fang Ziyu said while eating: "Don't worry, Xiaobing, go back and buy you crystal cores to eat."

I saw it when he was talking. The woman with Xiaobing sitting.


"What are you thinking, the powerhouse should be single."

Fang Ziyu finished eating American ginseng and thought it was the ginseng's pot. At this time, not only his stomach was burning, but his internal organs, especially his two kidneys, were burning. One after another warm current was running around in his body.

"Hey, Officer Feng, is there a reward for sweeping gangs?"

"Yes, then, come on... here, a murder happened here."

Half an hour later, the police car roared, and Officer Feng rushed over with a group of people in a hurry.

Fang Ziyu ran over as soon as he saw Officer Feng holding the blackened Xiaobing with a bitter face: "Officer Feng, you are here, it's too dangerous, I almost died here. Ahhh..."

Fang Ziyu shameless added fuel to say how difficult the whole process was, and how dangerous it was. And at this moment, he is also unkempt and looks like he has been fighting for a long time.

In fact, he fell into the flowerbed himself.

"But no matter how dangerous it is, as a young man of four or four, I will resolutely obey the act of cracking down on crime and crime, even if climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of fire in No matter what, even if there is no reward, I will not sit idly by and say nothing..."

Seeing Fang Ziyu talking more and more vigorously, the policeman who was checking the scene couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I get it, I will report your credit truthfully, and the reward you should have won't be less than you. By the way, the guy who planted American ginseng to kill for Second Rank, what about American ginseng? ?" Officer Feng said.

"You don't know, Officer Feng, I was beaten so badly just now... Then the American ginseng was accidentally divided between me and Xiaobing. Where else should the plant be used as evidence?" Fang Ziyu said innocently.

Anyway, I have eaten my stomach, and vomited it out.

Officer Feng: "..."

I believe in your evil.

"No, that police officer, my pet is injured, I will go to take a statement tomorrow, I will go to Xiao Bai to treat my pet first, and my shop I am afraid of being attacked again. I stole it..."

Fang Ziyu found an excuse and hurriedly ran away, if Xiaobing was detected by the detector and found to be third rank, it would be no fun. Although he can explain that he was promoted by eating the fourth rank double sucker insect crystal nucleus, but he is afraid that he will be called to do dangerous work if he has a third rank pet.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved, and he can slip away if he can.

Officer Feng: "..."

Am I shameless?

But Fang Ziyu has legitimate reasons, and he is not a criminal, so he can't help but let people go, right?

But Officer Feng always felt that something was wrong.

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