Pet King

Chapter 962: select

Young men and women are also eyeing women who hold babies. They ran across the street to do the same tricks. Because they are skilled and realistic, plus they also hold babies, they easily won the sympathy of women and took their mobile phones to transfer them. A sum of money.

Zhang Zi'an told himself to be calm.

Again, there is no evidence.

So far, everything has been his speculation.

Some cats have pirancis, and some mothers don't love their own children. This may not be normal, but it cannot be used as evidence.

Not to mention that parents do not love children. Even if parents beat children in public on the street, he could not force them to the police station and ask the police to check whether they were trafficking in children. This is ridiculous and the chance is too low.

When he met the young men and women just now, he had a little doubt in his heart, because they were too young, they looked about 20 years old, and they were less than the legal age for marriage in China.

However, in rural areas in China's underdeveloped regions, early marriage and early childbearing are not uncommon, and there are also younger and younger children than them, and nothing can be proven.

The possibility exists that the baby is indeed the biological child of a young man and woman, but they are too young, not ready to be parents, do not love the child, but just use the child as a tool for begging and fraud-you can condemn this This kind of behavior, but it cannot be said that it is a crime.

But just in case ... what if this baby is not their child, but they are kidnapped? Or did they buy it?

When thinking of the word "trafficking man", Zhang Zi'an could not move anymore.

He can choose to ignore it and choose to leave it. This is the most secure and will not have any impact on his life. Everything is as usual. Eat what you eat, drink what you drink, and make money if you make money.

If he guesses wrong, they will definitely be bitten by them, and maybe even save money. He is still a little famous now. Once he is trusted, his reputation and money will be affected.

However, his choice at this time may determine the fate of the baby's life.

It may be that he was too focused, the young men and women realized his eyes, lowered their heads and muttered something, while whispering, they also glanced at Zhang Zi'an from time to time and pointed at him.

Now that they had been discovered, Zhang Zi'an simply stared at them, and their eyes flickered away.

Anxious in his heart, Zhang Zi'an kept peeking around and looked around, and said that the Chaoyang masses, one of the world's five largest intelligence organizations, are legendary? When should they be used, where did they go? Don't drop the chain at the critical moment!

But he thought for a moment that this is the old city center, not Chaoyang District, and probably not within the sphere of influence of Chaoyang people.

The young man and woman muttered, and finally gave him a stern glance and turned and walked towards him.

They knew they had caused Zhang Zi'an's suspicion and were planning to leave.

They harvested a lot at noon today and have already exceeded their goals. There is no need to stay on this street. For their business, it is only reasonable to sail a boat for ten thousand years. It is only reasonable to take a shot and change a place. Anyway, the capital is so big, the capital is so rich, and there are so many good people. Where can I ask for money? I can't stand here with Zhang Zi'an.

Looking from behind them, the towel wrapped around the baby showed only a corner, and the white was conspicuous, swinging up and down with the young woman's footsteps.

Zhang Zi'an's eyes focused on the white towel in this corner, and he unconsciously kept up.

As soon as he took a step, he stopped because he suddenly remembered the true purpose of the trip-he came here to catch the evil cat.

He glanced at the phone, and the light group on the screen remained still, indicating that the evil cat remained nearby.

Lao Cha and Feimas have been ambushing in front. Seeing that the siege of the evil cat is about to take shape, as long as he finds the evil cat, he can either grab it or run forward, and it will still be stopped by Lao Tea and Feimas.

But if he walks back with young men and women, he will lose the best chance to catch this elf, and may even lose this elf forever.

Young men and women are fast paced, and within a few minutes will be integrated into the bustling crowd of the capital, with the baby disappeared completely, leaving him little time to hesitate.

At this moment, it seemed as if he was deliberately pouring oil on the fire. Something suddenly shook in the light of Zhang Zi'an's eyes, and the feeling of being monitored again appeared.

He glanced sideways, not far ahead, under the shadow of a tall locust tree, squatting down with a cat similar in color to the shadow, staring at him with a smile.

Nothing wrong, it was the evil cat who turned him around!

Seeing his gaze come, he changed from squatting to standing, turned and walked a few steps forward, then turned back.

"Haha! I have the ability to chase me!"

It laughed provocatively, paced slowly, and walked one step at a time, as if to seduce him to follow.

Zhang Zi'an looked at it, and then looked back at the young men and women who were leaving. Their directions were completely opposite. He was destined to choose only one of them.

On the one hand are high-level elves at their fingertips, and on the other are just suspected crimes.

In terms of reason and selfishness, there is no doubt that he should choose the former. In order to appease his conscience, he can choose to call the police after capturing the elves. As for whether the police can find them, this is the matter of the police and has nothing to do with him. .

"Quack! What are you waiting for? Blind? Didn't you see that guy laughing at you?" Richard patted the top of his head with his wings, wondering what **** he was scratching.

Zhang Zi'an reached out and grabbed his paw ~ ~ and took it off his head, and said, "You flew to a high place and greeted Laocha and Feimas. The previous plan was cancelled."

"Huh? What nerves do you have?" Richard froze. "Will you have to eat black and want to chase away the money they cheated?"

"Don't ask any more, hurry up!"

He didn't have time to explain further, but tossed it up high.

Richard fluttered his wings and flew in the air, sending out a signal that had been negotiated in advance. When Laocha and Feimas saw the signal, they would leave from their hiding place and rush here, but it took a certain amount of time.

Zhang Zi'an didn't have time to stay, and he didn't need to stay. Feimas was familiar with his taste, and his smell would catch up with old tea later.

Richard flew down after sending the signal and landed on his shoulder, still thinking nonchalantly, not understanding his decision.

He finally glanced at the ward-off cat, who resolutely chased after the young men and women left. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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