Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1664: fate

In fact, Zhang Zi'an couldn't think of anything for Zhuang Xiaodie to ask. His memory was estimated to have been turned over by her, including some deep memories that he had forgotten or unwilling to remember. She knew what she knew. , She doesn't know, she knows, what else?

He still wanted to ask her, for example, some movies that he had seen and felt very artistic and thoughtful, and now I wanted to revisit but forgot the specific number ...

She didn't ask immediately, pacing slowly around the cliff, as if thinking about how to ask.

Zhang Zi'an wanted to return to the real world earlier, even if he was sleeping in the real world, but he didn't dare to urge him. He had to be patient.

There is nothing to wait for. The speed of time passing in the dream is her final decision. Even if you wait for a hundred years in the dream, the real world may just be a few flicks.

After walking for a while, she suddenly stopped, her colorful eyes fixed on him tightly. He knew the problem was coming, and immediately raised his spirits and waited.

When he was trapped in a dream last time, her eyes were no different from ordinary people, but now she has fantastic colorful eyes. You do n’t need to know that she was disguised as a normal person last time, and this time she does n’t need to disguise .

"Does free will exist?" She asked the first question.

Lying down?

Zhang Zi'an was dumbfounded and asked with a bitter laugh after half a ring.

He should have thought that if she knew his memory well, if she wanted to ask any question, besides the question of which softer girl in the east and western big horse would you like, it would be such a mysterious question.

"Do you want to go back?" She asked.

"Okay ..." He scratched his hair anxiously, and began to pace back and forth on the top of the mountain like she had just before, thinking and organizing the language while thinking.

Free will is a philosophical issue to some extent, but with the development of modern frontier science, this issue has become inseparable from science.

The antonym of "free will" is "determinism". In simple terms, the former believes that human beings can think and decide freely and choose from countless action plans, while the latter believes that everything is constant and you consider yourself You made a choice, but in fact it was just what you were destined to make.

In a word, can people really decide their own destiny?

Suppose you are lying in bed and finally can't hold back to going to the toilet. Which foot do you take first after getting out of bed, is it your own decision or your fate?

Obviously, most theists and fatalists accept determinism, and most of the atheists may prefer free will, so the second-degree statement in the sentence "My life is by my side" is particularly exciting.

But if free will does not exist, even you who shouted this sentence are destined to shout it.

The uncertainty of quantum mechanics is a strong support for free will, and the minimum time principle of Fermat's principle has become a strong backing for determinism. Certain neurological experiments also seem to confirm that free will is a pseudo-proposition.

Einstein said, "God doesn't throw dice."

This sentence has shown the point of view of the greatest scientific master in human history.

From a philosophical perspective, quantum mechanics and free will are both idealistic, while determinism is more in line with the materialist view of material-determined consciousness.

Both scientifically and philosophically, free will and determinism are rivals.

With Zhang Zi'an's ability, how dare he challenge this difficult problem that plagued countless sages?

"I don't know whether free will exists, but personally, I prefer free will." He knew that this answer could not satisfy her, but Jiu Liangjiu could only give this answer.

She raised her eyebrows slightly and broke the expressionless state, "Because Xinghai? Because it made Zhao Qi walk out of your shop?"

He suddenly understood what she meant. Xinghai disappeared the future of 187 species of Zhao Qi passing by the pet shop but not entering the shop, making the future of one kind of Zhao Qi decided to go into the shop collapse into reality. He often said this Changed his destiny, but I do n’t know that his destiny is like this, never changed?

"The 187 kinds of futures may not even exist at all. They are always mirage-like dream bubbles, and the future it chooses is what it is destined to choose." She stared at him and said, "Fate is destined to meet you. , Destined to decide to help you, destined to choose this future-no, this future is not its choice, but destined to happen, Zhao Qi is destined to walk into your store, its selection process only It's just a cutscene. "

He cannot accept it emotionally, but theoretically he cannot refute it.

She is not fighting, nor demeaning Xinghai ~ ~ but rather calmly and objectively explained a possibility, the possibility determined by determinism.

Everything is destiny, everything is doomed history.

Xinghai is an observer of destiny. The word has two possible ambiguities. One is that its observation has caused the destruction and collapse of countless kinds of destiny, and one of them has been selected. The other is that it is only observing destiny. Destiny, it can't change anything, it just sees the upcoming destiny in advance.

Which one is true?

Zhang Zi'an looked at Binhai Town again.

The sending-off team has entered the city. The mess outside the city is covered with broken red gun coats, and it gradually returns to quietness. Only a few hungry people are trying to find the copper plates and even silver dollars thrown by the sending-off team in the dirt.

The city was a tumultuous place, where the pro-teams passed, the whole street was lit with lights, and people greeted each other. The small coastal town was almost the same as the New Year.

The pro-family team finally entered a large mansion house, and the number one mansion house in Binhai Town was counted. With the door closed, the final preparations were made for the grand wedding.

Is the history that happened before us really destined to happen?

Faced with rich dowry, did the bride's father's family members not have any delusions in their journey, trying to take the dowry as their own and put it into action?

The wealth is moving. They may have thought about it, but did not do it. They did not do it. The result is determined by their own will or by fate?

No one can answer this question, and Zhang Zi'an is no exception.

He sighed, feeling like he was about to bald.

"So, you haven't been there for a while, just thinking about this problem?" He stared at Zhuang Xiaodie.


She nodded, and a vacant sense of inability to grasp her fate appeared in her eyes.

Pet King

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