Qiu Shuyuan kept returning home, and his flustered heart was a little better.

But that image still flickered in her mind.

Slowly, she thought of Gao Yang.

Then she felt a little hot and dry, and her hands were involuntarily touching her body.

I don't know how long it took, Qiu Shuyuan was full of excitement, and he felt very comfortable just now.

But she was very scared, and hurriedly took her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I was actually thinking about Gao Yang just now.

This bath took a long time, almost an hour before it ended.

When you're done showering, turn on your phone.

There were several missed calls, and then there were a bunch of voice messages from Qiu Lili to her.

Qiu Shuyuan listened to a few casually and didn't listen.

Roughly speaking, this kind of thing is like that, and it doesn't matter once you open your mouth.

There is also a piece of information that Qiu Lili can now make money without going to work, and more than before.

Qiu Shuyuan naturally knew what this sentence meant, that is to say, Qiu Lili found the password to make money, and the way she used was the one this afternoon.

Qiu Shuyuan wanted to make a phone call or send a message to scold Qiu Lili, but in the end, he thought about it and forgot it.

Everyone has their own choice, because there is a market for need.

So Qiu Shuyuan sent a message back to Qiu Lili -- it's good if you're happy!

The sky is getting dark, leading to a big mountain in northern Myanmar, in a cave.

At this time there was a fire in the cave, and there were six people sitting around the fire.

There were also two roasted hares on top of the fire.

At this time, the hare was almost roasted, and there was a burst of fragrance.

The taste of the barbecue is indeed fragrant.

"Third Elder, this one has been roasted, this hare is really fat, this hind leg is for you!" Chai

Sang used his sharp dagger to disassemble a hare, and then handed a hind leg to the Variety Enchantress.

The Variety Enchantress did not refuse, after all, she was a little hungry after a day of travel.

Chai Sang handed the other hind leg to Tang Xiaomi, after all, Tang Xiaomi was Tang Yingyingtang's younger sister and the granddaughter of the patriarch.

"Xiaomi, this is for

you!" Tang Xiaomi said thank you, and then turned out to be a hind leg meat:

"Brother-in-law, eat it quickly!"

Gao Yang was about to take this piece of rabbit meat, because he rarely ate this kind of thing, so he was indeed a little greedy.

But at this moment, a yin and yang strange voice sounded:

"A man doesn't even know the basic skills of hunting, and he wants a woman to give him alms, don't be ashamed!"

"Chaisang, what do you say

?" "This firewood was picked up by my brother-in-law, without this firewood, can you cook rabbit meat?"

Tang Mi was not happy to be the first one.

Chai Sang "cut" and said

, "There is a lot of firewood outside, as long as there are hands."

"It's like this hunting, only a real man can do it!" Chai

Sang sarcastically said that Gao Yang was not a man.

The Variety Enchantress never spoke, first, this is a young man's business, and there is actually no harm in fighting a fight.

Second, she wanted to see Gao Yang's reaction.

The main thing is to see how Gao Yang responds to this matter, and conduct always comes first.

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Xiaomi, you eat, I have something to eat!"

Gao Yang said

as he reached out and rummaged in the package, in fact, he was taking something in the storage ring.

After a while, he pulled out a bag, which was full of crabs, the cooked kind.

After taking out the crabs, pick out six of them and roast them next to the fire.

Compared to rabbit meat, crabs are considered a tall product, especially in this big mountain, you can't get this thing to eat in your life.

Not only that, Gao Yang also took out a plate, and then there were vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, green onions, and other condiments.

Start stirring on your own and set aside.

This is like a mission, it is simply the treatment of traveling.

In fact, Gaoyang regarded this time as a tour.

It didn't take long for the crab to be roasted, and the aroma went straight down the nostrils to the lungs.

"Master, Xiaomi, this crab is roasted, it's very fragrant, let's eat it quickly!" Tang Xiaomi's

mouth had already begun to drool, and the rabbit leg meat in his hand suddenly became unfragrant.

So he put his hand aside and began to peel the crab and eat it.

Naturally, the Variety Enchantress was also attracted by this taste and participated.

Gao Yang glanced at Chai Sang and the three of them, Chai Sang was fine, and the other two were Chai Ling and Shi Jun, staring at the remaining crabs with their eyes.

He kept swallowing his saliva.

"Brother Shi Jun, this is for you!"

Gao Yang directly picked up a crab and handed it to Shi Jun.

"Thank you, Brother Gao Yang, then I'm welcome!" Shi

Jun's face was happy, and he hurriedly took the crab, then ripped off a claw and dipped it in the seasoning.

As soon as I stuffed it into my mouth and sipped my mouth, I immediately felt that satisfaction.

"Chai Ling, this is for you!" Gao

Yang also took a crab and handed it to Chai Ling, who was swallowing saliva.

"Thank you, Brother Gao Yang!" Chai

Ling couldn't wait to take the crab, and even changed the title.

Gao Yang picked up another crab and handed it to Chai Sang.

"Brother Chaisang, I have more here for you!" Chai

Sang's face felt a hot pain.

It really hurts!

" I don't know this thing, take it!" Chai

Sang said as he pushed back the crab that Gao Yang handed over.

Perhaps because of his strength, the crab in Gao Yang's hand fell directly on the fire, splashing countless small sparks.

"Chaisang, how can you do this!" "

My brother-in-law kindly invited you to eat crabs, but if you don't eat them, forget it, and throw the crabs into the fire."

"Why are you so stingy!" Tang

Xiaomi was not used to Chai Sang, and directly fought for Gao Yang.

Chai Sang's face was blue and purple at this time, and he wanted to be mad, but there was no reason at all.

Because this matter seems to be really wrong, but Chaisan doesn't think so.

He thinks that Gao Yang is deliberately embarrassing him.

But he really can't be mad now, after all, the third elder is still here.

Gao Yang stretched out his hand and pulled Tang Xiaomi, signaling her not to talk and eat quickly.

Gao Yang used two wooden sticks to clip out the crabs in the fire.

This crab claw or something is definitely inedible, but the body is okay, and because it has been directly roasted by the fire, the taste is even more delicious.

"Everyone eat as you like, after eating, I still have it in the package!"

Gao Yang finished eating a crab and saw several people staring at the last crab left, Gao Yang smiled.

Then he began to take the crab out of the bag and continue to roast it on the edge of the fire.

Chai Sang was so angry that he walked out of the cave directly with rabbit meat.

He now has the urge to find Gao Yang to PK.

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