Su Li's meaning Gao Yang naturally understood, in fact, he didn't want to!

But now that the other party has found it, it will be even more complete if he dodges.

As for what Su Li said about occasionally opening a small stove, it is estimated that she is talking about herself, suggesting that Gao Yang can occasionally find her to solve it.

Gao Yang didn't have time to think about these messy things now, he had to figure out what Tang Xiaomi's meaning was first.

"Su Li, let's not talk about it yet, I'll go and see first, in case Wan Ting ......" Su Li didn't

wait for Gao Yang to finish speaking, he waved his hand directly, signaling Gao Yang to hurry up, she knew very well what Gao Yang wanted to say.

It's nothing more than asking Su Li not to tell Wen Wanting.

This man really didn't have a good thing, he ate the bowl and looked at the pot.

The most important thing is that some pots are almost rusty when they are empty, and they are desperately looking for new pots.

...... in a room in the Yaxia Hotel

"Sister, I know, you've said it eight hundred times!" "

Shouting Mr. Gao, right?"

"Okay, I won't mess around, but if my brother-in-law does something to me, you can't blame me at that time, and I can't resist." "

You can't call me!" Tang

Mi hung up the phone, then opened the box and found a very, very low top to change into, she did it on purpose.

I looked in the mirror and even wanted to take a bite.


there was a knock on the door.

Tang Xiaomi's face was happy, and he hurriedly ran over to open the door, if Gao Yang saw it, his first reaction was that Tang Xiaomi had not grown up yet.

As soon as the door opened, it was Gao Yang.

"Brother-in-law, do you miss me?"

Gao Yang directly gave Tang Xiaomi a brain meltdown.

"I think you're a big-headed ghost, what are you doing here?"

Tang Mi stuck out his tongue, and then touched his head, but it didn't hurt either.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing at the door, come in!"

Tang Xiaomi hurriedly grabbed Gao Yang's arm and pulled it in.

Gao Yang glanced at it, it seemed to have grown a little longer, especially there was a small black mole on the left half, Gao Yang really wanted to pick it with his hands.

"Is it good-looking

?" "My sister is not here, do you want to touch it?"

Gao Yang hurriedly retracted his gaze, as long as he didn't answer the question, he would definitely be fine.

"Tell me, why are you here

?" "And what about your sister?"

Tang Xiaomi was not happy when she heard it.

"You just care about my sister, you don't care about me, ignore you!" Seeing

Tang Xiaomi's coquettishness, Gao Yang's head was big, and he was really afraid of a fire in the backyard now.

"My aunt, tell me quickly, this is Jinling, not Ruicheng.

Obviously, Gao Yang's words played a role, and Tang Xiaomi became honest.

"My sister has something, and I may need you to help me then.

"I'm here mainly to help you, I'll be your secretary, I'll be at your mercy!"

Tang Xiaomi didn't be honest for three seconds and started again.

Gao Yang didn't bother to pay attention to this, he was thinking about how to arrange this Tang Xiaomi.


it in a jewelry store? Gao Yang hurriedly shook his head, if he really put it in the jewelry store, it would probably cause a mess.

It doesn't seem to be suitable to put it in the original stone shop

, or should it be arranged for Su Li? Gao Yang's eyes lit up, Su Li knew Tang Xiaomi and Tang Yingying, so it shouldn't be a problem for Su Li to

take care of Tang Xiaomi.

So the question comes again, how to explain it to Wen Wanting?

Thinking of this, Gao Yang had a headache again, and he wanted to take a pair of scissors to cut off his thing.

It's okay to mess around, and now the trouble is finally here.

"Xiaomi, tomorrow you go to my store, you ...... like this"

Gao Yang still said, Tang Xiaomi began to listen.

"Remember, if you ruin my business

, I will ...... you" Tang Xiaomi hurriedly nodded and promised:

"Mr. Gao, don't worry, I will be obedient

!" "If I say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing, you can treat me with that!"

Ignoring this crazy Tang Xiaomi, Gao Yang returned to the original stone shop after many explanations.

"It's done, so fast?"

"It shouldn't be!" As

soon as Gao Yang came back, Su Li glanced at a certain place in Gao Yang with strange eyes.

Gao Yang was speechless for a while, this woman is not normal.

"Su Li, that Tang Xiaomi will come over tomorrow morning, and then you will say that she is the one you met in Ruicheng.

"She'll be in charge of giving you a hand from now on.

Su Li glanced at Gao Yang and didn't speak, which was a tacit acquiescence.

"By the way, your grandfather's shop is over there, why don't you go over and have a look?"

After saying this, Gao Yang remembered this matter.

"I don't want to go, let's talk about this later

!" "Wanting is going to get off work, you go pick her up quickly!"

"For example, the original stone shop is basically empty after four or five o'clock in the afternoon, so Jiang Yiyi will also get off work.

Gao Yang looked at the time and drove directly to Wen Wanting's company.

As soon as Gao Yang came, he was stopped by the little secretary Sun Yan.

"Brother Yang, that leper dog is here again.

Gao Yang reacted immediately, Sun Yan was talking about Chen Kai.

"Okay, thank

you!" "By the way, I made you a jade pendant, I think it is very suitable for you, and I will give it to you!" Gao

Yang directly took out a piece of green jade and handed it to Sun Yan after speaking.

Sun Yan took the jade pendant and looked at it, and was shocked.

She has been working here for almost two years, and she naturally knows a little about the value of jadeite.

You must know that this is a company specializing in making jade and jade jewelry, even if you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs walking.

This small jade pendant, even if Sun Yan works for ten years, may not be able to earn it back.

"Brother Yang, this is too valuable, I can't ask

for it!" Gao Yang smiled and said

, "Just take it for you, don't you know me?" "

This is a priceless thing for others, but for me it is the same thing.

"Who asked Yanyan to help me so much, right!" In

fact, Gao Yang's words were not wrong at all, Sun Yan did help him a lot.

For example, she does the calculation of attendance in his jewelry store, and there are also some things on Wen Wanting's side, most of which

Sun Yan told him! Sun Yan doesn't owe him, so why help him?

Besides, Sun Yan is indeed a very good person, and Gao Yang should give her a good jade jade pendant.

The most critical point, Gao Yang is right, this thing is really nothing to him!"

"Thank you, Brother Yang, next time you touch my butt, I won't tell Mr. Wen."


Chen Kai was in the office, Gao Yang didn't plan to go in, after all, he didn't need to be a bad guy every time.

That's right, Qian Meimei's office is Gao Yang's goal.

Nothing else, it's okay to take advantage of it, who made it a little uncomfortable to be teased by Tang Xiaomi just now.

Wen Wanting's office, at this time, Chen Kai was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Mr. Chen, I made it very clear to you last time, it is up to you to cooperate or not, you can increase the price, I can reduce the price, this is a very reasonable thing.

"I don't have much time to bargain with you, and don't use the relationship of classmates to morally kidnap me, you broke the contract first.

"Gao Yang has a saying that is right, if you do the first year of junior high school, we can do the fifteenth, I don't mean anything else, I hope you understand!".

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