Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 72: fight again

Outside Longpan City, Dongfeng Hunter, led by Londo, and fifteen other non-human powerhouses have already arrived. But the other warriors have only reached more than 2,000 people one after another.

At the time, there were about 5,000 warriors in the Longshan base, but now there are only more than 2,000 people left. Except that they left Longpan City before, the rest either did not receive orders, or did not go outside the city after receiving orders.

There is one last possibility, that is, those warriors will never receive orders, they were parasitized, or they died while fighting the beasts.

Rondo glanced at all the warriors. In the crowd, he saw Lin Feng, the one who had a strange illness, but was the strongest genius of Wan Guo Academy in the past 100 years, but now he is standing quietly in the crowd.

Rondo took a deep breath and said to the fifteen non-human strong men: "There is an army of fierce beasts led by thirty monsters outside the city, and there are three million people in the city. In this battle, we may have even one chance of winning. CDs don't."

"Commander-in-chief, we have broken the genetic lock. We have been on the front line for so many years, why have we ever been afraid? There is only one death left, but in any case, as long as we are here, we will never let the beasts rush into Longpan City!"

"Yes, since I broke the genetic lock, my family and friends have lived a prosperous life. I have no regrets. Even if I die in battle, I will definitely be a hero, and my family will be proud of me!"

"We won't take a step back!"

None of the fifteen inhuman powerhouses will take a step back. They all know what it means once they decide to fight to the death. It is very likely that even the inhuman powerhouses like them will die.

But as they say, what if you die? Warriors are to protect human beings and protect peace. They have obtained the most material life that human society can bestow upon them. Even if they die, they will definitely become heroes. Their families and descendants will be taken care of, and they have no worries.

Not only the fifteen non-human powerhouses, but the more than 2,000 warriors who came outside the city also had the same thoughts. They could only die once they were left, but after they died, they would definitely become heroes and their families would be taken care of.

The entire human society highly respects the heroes who died on the front line, and there are many pensions, and there will never be a hero shedding blood and tears. Human society is prosperous, and human warriors dare to work hard, so that the entire human territory is expanding rapidly, and more and more warriors appear.

Rondo was very satisfied. When he hadn't broken the genetic lock, didn't he have such courage in frontline battles?

He was very proud to see these energetic warriors with great fighting spirit!

"Very good, you haven't forgotten your responsibilities as human warriors! However, you will never be forgotten, nor will the three million people in Longpan City be forgotten. One of the supreme commanders of the Armed Forces, World Nine The invincible boxing saint among the great saints will arrive at Longpan City in ten hours."

"As long as we persevere for ten hours until the Lord Wudiquan comes, we will be saved, and the three million people of Longpan City will be saved!"

Rondo's words were spread all around, and all the warriors could hear it clearly. Even this news, Rondo will not hide the people of Longpan City. He asked the mayor to notify all the people of Longpan City by means of radio, television, etc.

In desperation there must be such hope to cheer everyone up, and this news is very timely.

Many people who got the news took the initiative to build fortifications outside the city, and they also encouraged all the warriors. There are military police and some warriors in the city who continue to hunt and kill those beasts, which is generally safe.

Right now, the most dangerous thing is outside the city. Thirty-headed monsters and an army of fierce beasts. Once they can't last for ten hours, for everyone in Longpan City, it will be destruction and doomsday!


The army of warriors outside the city could already feel the ground shaking, and from a distance, the smoke and dust all the way filled the air. The army of beasts finally came, and it was so mighty that it looked like there were almost thousands of them.

Once so many beasts rush into Longpan City, I am afraid that the entire Longpan City will turn into purgatory on earth.

Lin Feng was also in the crowd. He held a sword and stared at the beasts.

All of them are beasts of meat worms, but there are no elephant trunk beasts, hedgehog beasts, etc. that were in the decisive battle on the front line. These thousands of beasts are all beasts of meat worms.

With so many beasts, and all of them are meat worms, everyone knows that this battle is almost a lot less fierce. No matter in terms of number or inhuman level, the army of beasts is far stronger than those outside the city. Human warrior.

With so many beasts, how can they resist for ten hours?

Rondo laughed when he saw this scene. Yes, with so many beasts, there is no need for any tactics, because they are useless at all.

"Haha, well, I can finally kill a happy one."

Since Rondo became the commander-in-chief, there have been fewer and fewer battles in person. But this time, he didn't need to direct at all.


Ronda roared loudly, his voice like a muffled thunder.


All warriors also know that there is no luck in this battle, and they will die if they can't resist, but even if they die, they must not let these beasts rush into Longpan City.


The warriors moved, and they took the initiative to attack, especially the sixteen inhuman powerhouses, who rushed in front of all the warriors.

Rondo stretched out his hand and patted it, and his palm emptied the air within a radius of tens of meters. Under the pressure, dozens of meat worms and beasts were crushed all at once, completely turning into a pile of minced meat~www. Other non-human powerhouses also show their magical powers. Every non-human powerhouse who breaks the genetic lock will awaken one or several abilities. In front of them, whether it is an ordinary beast or a lord-level beast Beasts, even king-level beasts, are no different.

With one palm down, it all turned into blood mist!

However, among those beasts, there are also demons, and there are still thirty!

Even many non-human powerhouses saw so many monsters for the first time. The 30-headed monsters were huge, like 30 hills, and they were very conspicuous among the beasts.

Facing the slaughter of ordinary beasts by non-human powerhouses, the thirty-headed monsters just watched indifferently, and did not take action immediately. It seems that in their eyes, ordinary beasts are nothing at all.

The intelligence of these monsters is similar to that of humans. They don't care about the death of ordinary beasts. In fact, if you think about it carefully, they can continue to parasitize. As long as there are enough parasitic bodies, they can do as many beasts as they want.

These common worms and beasts are really just cannon fodder.

"Haha, happy, really happy."

A non-human strong man, holding a big axe, went down with one axe, and dozens of fierce beasts were cut into countless pieces.

Another non-human strong man is like a bulldozer. His body is like a little giant, expanding in circles and circles. Wherever he passes, there is almost a **** road.

The thirty-headed monsters have been watching all this indifferently, and finally, one of the monsters, who is obviously twice the size of the other monsters, made a sharp "squeak" sound.

Afterwards, all the beasts seemed to be furious, and responded with a "squeak" cry.

Countless beasts immediately went mad, and the thirty-headed monsters also moved all of a sudden, targeting the dozen or so inhuman powerhouses!

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