It appears to be carved into the body of a non-magician.

Certainly, there was something wrong with the atmosphere of the engraved guests who came to the magic experience during the day. Somewhere empty, I didn't want to dominate.

However, I didn't pay much attention to it because there was nothing wrong with it, but these two are different.

He was clearly trying to disturb Yunfe and the others.

... for what?

Do you have any grudges about Yunfe or the tasting of this medicine itself?

As a non-magician, I will not tolerate a substance that affects the body called a psychic drug...

A group of sorcery opponents?

- No, I don't think so.

I still know the guy in the back is cracking the psychic, but he just leaned on Yunfe. I don't think the purpose is a psychic. If I were a sorcerer opponent, I wouldn't have experienced it myself.

If you think so, it's just a riot and an attempt to disrupt sales.... Why now...?

"Hey, Gil! What are we gonna do? These guys!

Ren's voice, which suppresses the other behind me, pulls me back to reality.

Yes, we have to do something about them first.

I'll think about it later.

"... let's follow the rules first. Bring him to headquarters and hand him over to the teachers."

"Are you sure you don't want me to faint?

"In the meantime, you'll be fine. They're non-magicians, and they can't resist us."

That's true too. Let's get him out of here. "

Then the man who fell under me said.

"Are you sure...? Do you... have time for that?

Hahaha, squeeze your voice out of your narrow throat as you hold your breath.

"How many people have you... seen?

A man laughs when he comes.

"We're scattered...! Hang in there and keep it down...! He's moving too..."


I'll punch a man in the face.


"Hey, Gil!?

"Calm down, I just shut you up a little bit. It's useless to let these people talk. I know it's true, but if you dance, you'll see pain in your eyes. You should think first of all about bringing him in now."

Yes. If there was one, it wouldn't have taught them the true purpose of getting caught so easily. Probably discarded.

"Haha, Gil is as reliable as ever...! Let's get him out of here."

"Oh, wait here for Belle. If something goes wrong again, please do it."

Bell nods strongly.

"I got it! Be careful...!

... but it's also true that I care.

It's no different if we take these guys with us, but I've seen a few guys with patterns like these.

I have a bad feeling I'm not taking you back to the lookout.

◇ ◇ ◇

"- Thank you! Hold on, I can't let go of you right now!

The noise at the headquarters was unexpectedly high, as opposed to daytime.

It seems that other students, teachers, and knights are pushing around.

"What is this...."

Then a figure comes out of the HQ and calls me by my name.



"And yours?

Grimm sees the two of us that Len and I brought in.

"... looks like the same. There was a sudden outburst of non-magicians. I brought him here because he was alone, but by then the HQ was already like this."

He said, "Did he show up around the Grimm?"

Grimm nods, pointing inside the headquarters.

In the back, similar non-magicians of both sexes were caught with vague faces.

By the end of the response, the senior students and teachers at headquarters were running around.

You've been so stable until now, what's the difference...?

"When the parade started, it was overflowing... I just thought I was aiming for it."

"I wonder why the senior students are rampaging at a time when they can't let go... what's the purpose?"

"That's refreshing for me too. There is little resistance to being violent. It's like I got caught myself. Besides, I don't have any claims. It's a real mystery."

Grimm sighs with his shoulders stunned.

"By the way, Grimm. Didn't you find any strange patterns on the guy you caught? It's like an eye mark."

"Eye mark?... ahh, it was definitely a woman, but it was dug on the outside of her thighs."

"Hey, where are you looking, Grimm?

Len raised her voice.

"Don't get me wrong! The skirt just rolled up a little when I held it down. Not at all....."

"If you trust me..."

It looks like again...

Can we consider this a collective act of the people in that pattern?

Let's call them Pentagon.

The purpose of the Pentagon is still unknown... it's rampant at the timing of the parade, bothering the tour and the guards. That's all. There has not yet been a huge blow.

To scrape up people?

To distract attention from something?

What the hell...

"Gil! Ren-kun!"

And you can hear the voice of the bell from behind.

Hahaha, as Belle ran out of breath, he stopped at our place and put his hands on both knees to hold his breath.

"What's the matter, Belle? Something wrong?

"But... more and more people are getting violent... I don't have enough manpower...! Senior students are paying for the parade, and the guards are pretty broken up on the parade path....!

"Whoa... you're still pouring!

"I don't have enough people to look around, so I was told to call for help...."

Me and Grimm face to face.

"... is this what you're after?

"I don't know what the real goal is, but at least those non-magicians seem to have a role to play. They make small noises simultaneously and frequently everywhere, aiming for security overcapacity."

"Who are they?

"These are non-magicians digging patterns with eye marks in the center of the Pentagon. Probably most of the noise must have been from them."

"Is that what Gil was saying..."

I nod.

"Well, then, suppressing this noise doesn't make any sense...?

"No, we're making a scene, and it doesn't change what we have to suppress... but if it's all about suppressing us, it's no wonder something else is going to happen."

"What do we do, Gil!? Are we gonna go back on our own?

"Just going back won't solve it... the knights and teachers are full of trouble. We have to do something about it...."

If you keep going backwards, other goals (if any) will be achieved.

This trick... don't remind me of Abyss who threw a beast into the arena.

What should I do...?

--And then, I remember a fact.

The discomfort I remembered at that time.

Now it's coming up on the surface of your consciousness.

"... Linde"


"... okay, Belle and Len, just go check on Dorothy and the others for now. I'm worried that someone might already be in control. Yufi is also here. Then go to the person who asked Bell for help and go around, and I'll be there soon."

"Okay. What are you gonna do about it?

"I have one idea. I'll look at you."

"I'm going to follow you... but... okay. You're not sure about that, are you? I don't think we're going to the big zone."

"Oh, hey, that sounds good for Len."

Then Len snorts and stretches her chest.

"I know it's a very pressing situation... I'll leave it to you!

"Be careful, Gil-kun...! Later!"

That's how they run toward Dorothy and the others.

"I'll go back to Luc and see if there's anything else I can do for you when you're not ready. Call me if you need anything. A little help."

"Haha, you can count on me. I'll take care of it."

Grimm nods and leaves immediately.


Surely the last time I saw him was near Yunfe's tasting corner.

"Linde Arroy....!

The bandage on my arm... it could be something.

Contact him first!

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