"Thank you, Mr. Gilford."

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Sorry, my seniors are getting rough."

An unexpected reaction...

Surprisingly common sense.

I certainly wouldn't have had to fight if I hadn't been roughed up...

"--Fine, now. Now it's three to three. That's all I have to do... to get you out of here fairly and squarely."

"Ha ha, you tell me. - But I'm looking forward to fighting you."

That's how Richard shakes his wrist lightly and starts stretching.

Stretch out and warm your body.

Phew, exhale deeply, and Rich looks at me.

"No, not really."

"Same grade as me. If your rumors are true, we're going to have an interesting fight."

"That's a lot of confidence."

"Because it's true. I don't like lying."

"... I see. I'm looking forward to hearing about you from someone."


Richter wrinkles his neck.

Knight leader Eledin Blood.

If what the man was saying is true, the power of Richter will be real.

...... Nevertheless, I don't think he's a magician enough to beat me to the fullest.

However, based on the reaction of the two amalfis behind it, there is no doubt that they are quite capable among the amalfis.

The opponent should not have been able to fight until the three-school battle, which I don't know how many years later.

I can't do everything I can... but let me see what kind of magic you're using.

"There are only a few people who talk about me....."

Well, fine, fine.

"... that's right. I'm a little hopeful that I can really fight. Please don't fall down right away."

That's what Rich said.

"Don't make such a mess... I'll take care of it."

All right then - Amalfis for a year!! Richter Turner!! The opposing Rondor is the rookie winner! One year, Gilford Eura!!

"" "Uh-oh!!

The audience cheered loudly.

"It's up to you to win in London!!

"Hit him!!

"Good luck with Amalfis too!!

General battle begins!!

Almost simultaneously with that voice, Richard rushed toward me.

Proximity type sorcerer...!

The type that weaves magic into a fleshbullet battle and breaks down all at once.

Quite a belligerent sorcerer against his appearance.


Richard's punch approached my face.

Punch and kick rewards.

I've been trained for a lot of slaughter fights... is that what Amalfis is all about?

I'll sneak those attacks and shoot the counter straight to the right.

When Richard takes it with his hand, he grabs my elbow and tries to pull me down.

--At that time, I felt a magical reaction at my feet.

A magical formation appeared beneath Richard's stepped foot, concentrating his magic.

The moment, the magic reaction from behind.

- Magic!

Three thorns came up behind me.


The thorns are stretching vigorously around my head, neck and hips.

The magic that will definitely take me down... unforgiving!

When I twist my body aggressively and destroy the two thorns with a "break", I take the remaining one stretched by the waist with a side step.

Destroy the last one when it stretches out and take a light distance.

"! It usually ends with this blow...."

"Ha ha, don't use your clever little peculiar magic, no matter what you look like."

Turner... if you think it's a name you've heard of, it's the original blood.

Indeed, this peculiar magic is the "Spike Realm"....

Also, activating it at a feet where magic control is difficult seems like a pretty high level sorcerer.

Let's try to control it a little.

"―" Fireball ""

Fireballs are fired from the magical formation that activated in my right hand.

A fireball large enough to envelop Richter's upper body, it flies straight to Richter while exhaling heat.

At its size, Richard's eyes were lightly opened.

"Is that the power of general-purpose magic...!

Richmond, with a shitty face, put his right hand in front of him.

A magical formation appears and magic flows all at once.

"─" Spike Shield "!"

In a moment, rapidly growing thorns gather around like vortexes to create a huge shield.

When my fireball hits that shield, it starts burning thorns while generating intense heat.

Licht immediately unlocked the magic, and the burning thorns fell to the ground in ashes.

Versatile... it's a peculiar magic that's good at defense.

I also nod that Eledine Blood is strong.

A knight leader with a sword would be a pretty nasty opponent.

Richter opens his eyes with excitement.

"Haha... that's amazing, Gilford. More than I expected....!

Well, thank you.

"But... I'm still not serious.

I see.

Rich gathers magic in both hands at once.

"It's been a long time since I was serious...!

This magic amount... is going to dominate the field.

This guy's serious from here on out...!

"Let's go..." Spike King... "

"That's it!

A fairly loud voice echoes through the venue.

Scenes and quiet venues.

The silent companion sounded a metal noise, and two men appeared.


Two knights appeared there.

Stand in front of the ring, heading towards us to stir up the audience.

The knight sighs loudly at us and at the senior students and amalfis around him.

"... we didn't hear that there was an artifact from crossing other schools?

"It's nice to be bloody, but it's a festival today, can't you make it a little more refreshing? Don't imitate London, the headmaster will cry."

The moderator's senior student panicked and sandwiched his words.

"No, this is a mock game, it's never barbaric -"

"I don't think so from what I've seen.

With perseverance, the knight said so.

I can't escape seeing this scene...

Then Amalfis and the others panicked because they thought it was really bad.

"Damn, that's it, Richard! Let's get back out of here!

"--Eh... but I'm with him--"

"It's too early to sell fights to knights! Damn, I was supposed to get this over with... I'm leaving today!

Richter is taken by the other two and is pulled vigorously.

"Ah, hey, Rich!

Richard looks at me as they pull him.

"Three school battles! I look forward to it!

"What!? No, I..."

Richard smiled and disappeared into the crowd without finishing listening to my words.

Thus the battle against Richmond was over with incomplete combustion.

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