Perfect Life

Chapter 702:


"In 201, the sales revenue of my country's jewelry manufacturing industry has reached 480.

The total consumption of many jewelry and jade categories in the industry ranks among the top in the world. The operating efficiency of the jewelry and jade industry has steadily improved, thanks to the gradual change from the "price war" among enterprises.

Turn to the improvement of craftsmanship, technology, design level and enterprise service quality."

"Relevant institutions speculate that according to this momentum, it is estimated that by 202, the sales revenue of my country's jewelry and jade manufacturing industry will reach 13.3 billion yuan, and the prospects are very broad."

This is a trillion market! It can be said that the market prospect of jewelry is very broad.

"Although this prospect is very broad, but from the perspective of someone else, how can you better win this market instead of being eliminated!"

Jiang Yuqing asked her first question.

Gao Xiang listened carefully to Jiang Yuqing’s question, and after a little thought, he said: "Yuqing, first of all, I am a layman. I will mention my layman’s views and opinions. You, an insider, analyze it by yourself. Think about it!"

"Second, let's not hide it from you, Yuqing, I also want to enter the jade and jade jewelry industry. With the continuous decline of this jade and jade jewelry, and the scarcity of things, the entire jewelry market must be a trillion-dollar market. Market, so our Sifang Investment Company also wants to enter this market, maybe we can still become partners!"

"Because of this, I have been paying close attention to some developments in the jewelry industry during this period, and I have also read many books in this area."

Gao Xiang is indeed not a person in the jewelry industry.All insights and analysis about this industry are based on observing the industry, and then relying on strong business acumen and analytical ability, and finally got his own opinion.

Jiang Yuqing took out a recording pen at this time.

Gao Xiang, don't mind if I record."

The recorder is really professional! I really want to find high questions, and the equipment is so well prepared.


Gao Xiang couldn't refuse.


With that said, Jiang Yuqing turned on the recorder.

Jiang Yuqing prepared the recording pen...I want to go back and listen to Gao Xiang's analysis after this meal is over! The last time I was on the plane, Jiang Yuqing regretted it very much.

At that time, I chatted with Gao Xiang about the development of the jewelry industry. Gao Xiang made a very reasonable analysis.

This time Jiang Yuqing learned to be smart.

"I think if the jewelry industry wants to quickly win the market, nothing more than... the domestic market and the foreign market."

Gao Xiang said: "Let me talk about the foreign market first. If we want our jewellery to go out, then the internationalization of the industry must be accelerated."

"The world today is an open and integrated world, and the development of our jewelry and jade industry will surely be in line with international standards.

This is the need for the development of global economic integration, and it is also the inevitable choice for my country to become a powerful country in jewelry and jade."

"my country's annual consumption of platinum, gold, diamonds, jade, jade, red sapphires, crystals and other products has ranked first in the world. At the same time, it has become an important production base for the processing and manufacturing of jade, diamonds, and artificial gems. Therefore, the country will inevitably become An important international market for jewelry setting, processing and trade."

"Therefore, if we want to gain a foothold, we must conscientiously develop the international market. After all, it is estimated that the market is a very large market!"

"As for the domestic market!"

Gao Xiang thought about it for a long time, paused, and then continued: "At present, our country is stable, the economy is developing rapidly, people's living standards are generally improved, and the quality of life is getting better and better. People's cultural level and personal Self-cultivation has also gradually improved. In this general environment, the pursuit of ideas is the mainstream of modern people. Therefore, in China, because Chinese people worship jade and traditional jade culture, I think the domestic demand for jade will increase. Bigger."

The demand for jade will increase. Jiang Yuqing suddenly became interested. Her smart eyes stared at Gao Xiang, and she couldn't wait to say: "Gao Xiang, hurry up and talk about the domestic market that is mainly jade."

Although Jiang Yuxue didn't plan to enter the jade jewelry industry, she listened very carefully.

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Gao Xiang looked at the two sisters Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue so interested, and then said: "According to my understanding, the current status of my country's jade market, high-end jade is led by jade and Hetian jade, these two kinds of jade are also traditional famous jade. ."

"Jade is originally a foreign jade, and a species of jade imported from Myanmar. In recent years, Myanmar's export of rough jadeite has become more and more strict. The price of jadeite has risen, and the high-quality raw materials of jadeite are also becoming less and less, high-quality jadeite products. , The price is extremely high, it is already the ceiling price, and the sky-high price of jade has made ordinary players unable to climb high, and they are discouraged!"

"On the other hand, the goods, goods, and collections currently on the jade market naturally disdain them."

"Hetian jade is also in the same situation. The high-quality Hetian jade of Hetian, the main producing area, is already very rare. In the Hetian jade market, a large amount of Qinghai materials and other raw materials have poured into the market. For the consumer market, supply exceeds demand. Collectors are also dismissive of them."

"The high-end jade of jade and Hetian jade is very expensive, and there are a lot of "junk" on the market.

In sharp contrast, because of this, more and more collectors, jewelry and jade merchants will focus on new jade, so in the jade market, there is the hotness of southern red, the hotness of yellow dragon jade, and the skyrocketing of gem light. ."

"So according to the prediction, the next jade whose price soars will be Huanglong Jade!"

"Yellow Dragon Jade is radiant and precious, warm and agile, yellow-red color is rich and auspicious, meaning beautiful.

Every aspect of Huanglongyu reveals attractive qualities."

"Yellow Dragon Jade"

Jiang Yuqing was slightly surprised and looked at Gao Xiang and said, "Gao Xiang, are you sure you are not wrong?"

"The domestic yellow dragon jade is now in a very awkward position. The yellow dragon jade has a thin culture and the same high-quality seed material is scarce. The high-quality yellow dragon jade is already expensive!"

"It is not enough...the old mountain material is the consumer group that occupies the market. Therefore, ordinary consumers have different praises for Huanglongyu. Too popular with consumers!"

"I think many ordinary consumers don't understand Huanglongyu!"

Jiang Yuqing said: "You are a professional expert, and you should know Huang Longyu's situation.

"Huanglong jade belongs to a type of quartzite jade. The industry has old and tender stone materials, or in layman terms, it is... whether the jade is good or not, it is old and not old.

Laoqishi, the Huanglong jade product made by it, absolutely does not have any problems such as dehydration and lint."

"A lot of the yellow dragon jade in the market, especially the mountain materials, are not up to the quality of yellow chalcedony. This jade expert can easily distinguish it! But..."

Gao Xiang changed the conversation and said: "Huanglongyu has gone through decades of market ups and downs, rollercoaster-like ups and downs, big waves are scouring the sand! No matter...

Whether it is the market or the merchants, the players, or the collectors, it is becoming more and more mature, and the operation becomes more rational, which will be more stable for the development of Huanglongyu."

"It is certain that the national standard environment will not be too bad! With the overall stability of my country's economy, Huanglongyu is now a nationally recognized jade, and more and more people like it. Huanglongyu's development trend It must be getting better and better, and the prospects are bright."

"Huanglong jade has no geographical area and does not have the meaning of origin.

Therefore, when collecting yellow dragon jade, you have to keep your eyes open. Wherever it is good, then develop and collect yellow dragon jade!"

"This is definitely a jade category that can be invested and developed! Huanglong jade!"

What is a prophet? What is a **** fortune teller? Perhaps someone like Gao Xiang may be called a prophet **** fortune teller! It is simply... a super **** prophecy.

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