Perfect Life

Chapter 656:

In fact, Gao Xiang is the happiest person.

Because he saw the two sisters in harmony from the actions of Han Muling and Lu Wanxi.

No one wants to catch fire in their backyard! This is the best blessing for everyone.

Seeing such a scene, Gao Xiang's heart was naturally happy.

On this lively West Lake, Gao Xiang Wanxi, Han Muling and the three of them are beautiful men, and naturally they have become a beautiful and unique scenery on the West Lake.

However, you can also see a lot of couples on the West Lake, because the Lantern Festival is also Valentine's Day.

Due to the prohibition of the ancient Lantern Festival, the flow of people was like weaving, meeting, and it was easy to produce love.

For thousands of years, there have been countless love stories that have been staged during the Lantern Festival.

It is worth mentioning that the Lantern Festival is also a romantic festival in traditional festivals. The Lantern Festival in the traditional feudal society provides an opportunity for unmarried men and women to meet. Young girls in the traditional society are not allowed to go out for free activities, but they can do it during the holidays. Come out to play together, the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is just a chance to socialize, and unmarried men and women can also find objects for themselves through the Lantern Festival Lantern.

Therefore, during the Lantern Festival, it is the time for young men and women to meet their lovers, so the Lantern Festival can be said to be an authentic Valentine's Day.

This is simply the country's open couple dog abuse day, and you can see couples showing affection everywhere.

Gao Xiang's three people 3 spent a whole day in the West Lake, and then went back to the villa to eat dumplings together in the evening.

During the Lantern Festival, the whole family eats glutinous rice balls, "Gangyuan"

Reunion with

The sound of the characters is similar, which symbolizes reunion and harmony.

"Come on, eat dumplings!"

Gao Xiang came out with a pot of glutinous rice **** and said, "Try the glutinous rice **** I made, how about trying!"

"It must be delicious!"

Lu Wanxi took a bite expectantly.

Han Muling tried a bite and said in surprise: "Gao Xiang, it's so delicious, your glutinous rice **** are so delicious."

"I think I am so happy!"

Lu Wanxi was eating the hot glutinous rice balls, her face filled with happiness.

This Lantern Festival is a very special Lantern Festival for Gao Xiang, Lu Wanxi and Han Muling, and it is also very happy and happy.

On the sixteenth of the first lunar month, a day full of infinite fun and joy.

"Sixteen nights, deep-fried twists, carried a bat, danced torches, sultry, and sent cattle piles, all old and young have fun."

This ballad roughly informs the behavior on the 16th of the first month.

On the first day of the new year, both adults and children are not free, because there are many scruples on the first day of the new year, especially speaking and doing things are the least... casual.

And the 16th of the first month is really our children's world, a day when adults can play as they like.

Other areas may be very lively on the 16th of the first lunar month, but the Chinese New Year is over in Hangzhou, and everything has returned to calm.

The 16th day of the first lunar month is the day of Hangzhou University, and it is also the first day of school, so Gao Xiang came to school! On the first day of class, I naturally have to come to understand what courses are available!!! For Gao Xiang, this is a big The courses in the next semester can also be completed by self-study, at least it will not be difficult to fail.

Now Gao Xiangqian, who has a high IQ, is good for...complex economics has his own thinking, and it is easier and simpler to complete the exam.

Another purpose of coming to school this day is to meet my roommates Chen Danwei, Wang Jin, Long Zhenhua, etc... friends.

On the seventeenth of the first lunar month, this is an ordinary day, but it is different for other places. There is a "popularity day" on this day.

,Send the cricket and scorpion festival, "mouse marries Nier"

, The day of sunset, the day of closing the lights, the day of acupuncture, the day of the white tiger's teeth, the death of the ghost, the Miao Mangge Festival, the Fenggang Pearl Empress and other festivals.

And this day is also very difficult for Gao Xiang, because this day is the day when the latest issue of Forbes magazine is listed! The cover character of this issue of Forbes magazine is Gao Xiang!!: Second, Guiqiu automatic subscription and Monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, all support, thank you.

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The cover character of the latest issue of Forbes magazine is Gao Xiang! If you want to subscribe to Forbes magazine, you need to order in advance, or go to a large bookstore or bookstore in a commercial center to buy it, and you can buy it at a general roadside newspaper stand. Not for Forbes Magazine.

The birth and development of Forbes are extraordinary.

At the beginning of the 2nd century, a Scottish journalist.

Forbes came to New York with dreams and pursuits, trying to create a piece of his own sky in this vibrant city. With extraordinary shrewdness and wisdom, he soon became the nation's premier financial reporter.

In 1 year, the 37-year-old Forbes independently founded the first magazine that purely reports business news, but the reporting method he used was completely different from that of the time. He opposed the prevailing method of stacking boring business figures at the time, and insisted on focusing on controlling enterprises. People.

This is to create a unique Forbes business magazine.

Perhaps Forbes himself did not expect that the entire magazine would undergo such a change in 833, and perhaps because of Gao Xiang, the attention has increased to a higher level.

As soon as the latest Forbes magazine went on the market, it immediately caused a lot of sensation and influence.

Hangzhou, the commercial center book city.

This bookstore is a large bookstore where you can buy a variety of books and magazines, and it is also one of the few selling points of Forbes magazines.

There is a classification of business journals in the bookstore, including...Forbes magazine.

Three decently dressed young people came to this category and scanned the latest issues of business magazines, and their eyes fell on the latest issue of Forbes.

"Hey, the cover characters of this issue of Forbes magazine are so familiar!"

One of the young people picked up the magazine and looked at it, and said, "Isn't this Gao Xiang, the youngest entrepreneur!"

"Yes, I remember him!"

Dai Young Man said: "It's not easy to be a cover character for Forbes at such a young age!"

Over the years, Forbes magazine has been advocating entrepreneurship and innovation with the slogan "Focus on practice and practice.

It is precisely because of its clear positioning and in-depth reporting that Forbes has become the only publication among major business magazines that has maintained continuous growth for 10 years.

However, the people who have been following and subscribing to the magazine are businessmen.These young people are also entrepreneurs, so they naturally pay attention to business magazines.

One of the young men opened it and looked at it, and said, "This issue is very miscellaneous, and there is an interview with Gao Xiang."

"Interview with Gao Xiang"

The young man wearing glasses was very surprised and said: "If I remember correctly, Gao Xianggong has been interviewed for the first time since he became famous. He has always refused to interview before."

"That's really worth seeing."

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