Perfect Life

Chapter 579:

He raised his thumbs and looked at Gao Xiang and said, "Gao Xiang, yes, you can see the essence clearly."

"Little meaning!"

Gao Xiang smiled.

During this period of time, Gao Xiang's growth rate is very fast, so it is trivial to analyze these problems.

Gao Xiang was watching Xiaonian, and the high school classmates became very lively during the night of the Spring Festival Gala.

As soon as the New Year's Day comes, there will inevitably be various Taoist gatherings, especially this year, no matter how old they are, class gatherings are popular.

When graduating from high school, each class will set up a WeChat group to facilitate future contact.

It is the first year of graduation from high school to celebrate the New Year. Someone will definitely gather for classmates.

It's just that the current class reunion seems to have changed a bit.

Excessive material desires, real gaps, and lowly favors have ruined the friendship between classmates.

WeChat group in the first and third classes of high school.

Squad leader Luo Min: [Dear students, it's not new year since your holiday, let's get together!] Yang Lin: [Squad leader’s suggestion is good, it's time to get together.

】Yang Dafu: [It’s good to get together, let’s make an appointment to gather together!] Ye Baohua: [Ok, I agree with the monitor’s proposal, let’s have a New Year party.

] Liu Qingping: [There is a big man in our class. Xueba Gao Xiang has been very popular these days, and it’s been searched on Weibo] Yang Lin: [Yes, yes, I also read that... hot search .

I can only say that Gao Xiang is really awesome!] Luo Xiaolan: [I really didn’t expect that our class could still produce such a powerful person, so this time of classmates reunion, Gao Xiang must come to attend, let us get close Feel the distance and feel the internet celebrity Gao Xiang] Monitor Luo Min: [Yes, Gao Xiang must attend this party, don’t let our classmates face, Gao Xiang] Liu Haoxuan: [I think the person I should be most grateful for is... Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang, are you coming to the party? Gao Xiang].........The entire WeChat group of Grade One classmates in Gao Xiang's third year is quite lively, and the gathering of classmates has begun.

During the New Year, all kinds of classmates must gather money for good meetings, elementary school reunions, junior high school reunions, high school reunions...In addition to other gatherings, such as alumni gatherings, buddies gatherings, etc. of.

Class reunions are definitely a large-scale special program that can be called the Spring Festival and can be used to urge marriage, and there is no geographical restriction.

Therefore, many people are now afraid of the New Year. First, they are afraid of not having money to attend class reunions.

Gao Xiang is looking at Xiaonian, and Ye Spring Festival Gala, feeling a little boring.

These...the stars who are on the Spring Festival Gala are not small, but the performances are really average, and they don't feel too amazing.

So Gao Xiang took out his mobile phone, and suddenly saw 99+ unread messages appearing on the WeChat icon...: Third, Guiqiu automatic subscription and monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, thank you.

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WeChat's 99+ information Gao Xiang clicked on WeChat in confusion, and found that the news came from the WeChat group of the first grade of high school.

Clicking on the group message, I immediately saw the content of the message group.

The content discussed in the group is basically a class reunion.

It can be said that during the New Year, the invitation of classmates is indispensable.

"classmate reunion"

Gao Xiang looked at the classmates in the group, and if he didn't appear to say a few words, he didn't think it was appropriate, but he didn't know what to say, so he sent a smile.

It's just that most of the class reunions nowadays are deteriorating.

The reunion of classmates that has changed taste allows the rich to find a sense of accomplishment, and the poor to find a sense of inferiority.

Disgusting classmates gathering, the rich sit next to each other, the rich slacks and the rich shout and drink, the rich bury their heads in drinking, the rich brag, the rich blow a cup and the rich hold class flowers, Those who don't have money hold cauliflower and those who have money will get together again next time, and those who don't dare to get together again.

Disgusting classmates gathering, half-silly squeezing tables, brains filled with water, waiting for the car to be greedy for cheap, want to say more if you are rich, are you divorced, and the development is not smooth Moving nest.

The reunion of classmates who have changed their tastes, the family was poor at the beginning, and proud of good grades, now the pockets are strong, the powerful arrogant, the 833 money to talk about projects, the moneyless to pretend to be deep, and the half bucket of water is the most active.

Now Gao Xiang and the others are reunion for the first time in high school, and they just graduated from high school without saving, so they shouldn't change their tastes so quickly.

"Gao Xiang, are you going to the class reunion?"

Gao Yiyi looked at Gao Xiang and said, "Anyway...I haven't been to a class reunion."

"Since the first reunion of high school classmates, I have clearly seen the faces of some people, so I will not go to these class reunions now."

Gao Yiyi's circle is the art circle. The rich second generation of this circle is even more beautiful, so it is very easy to compare or show off.

Gao Yiyi doesn't like such a scene very much, so now he doesn't attend class gatherings during the holidays.

The longer you graduate, the more serious the taste of classmate gatherings. Classmates gatherings that have not been seen in a few years or more than ten years have begun to pretend to be forced, and they have begun to show off their wealth. Everyone has become a local tyrant.

Some students sighed "Although the annual salary is 6 figures, but life is not easy"

, Some students said, "I just bought a second house in Shanghai, and I have to pay back more than 30,000 mortgages every month."

, Some students said, "Can’t drink too much today, and tomorrow there is still a project worth tens of millions to discuss"

...Some local tyrants don't show off their wealth, but they stretch out the hand that wears the Rolex when they are picking up dishes....It is higher than the annual salary, higher than the job, and more comfortable than easy. , The size of the house is better than the car grade...For such a class gathering, Gao Yiyi really doesn't have a cold and is not interested.

Of course, holding thighs is indispensable for class gatherings.Whoever has thick thighs and squats, and those who don't mix well, can only put in a short toast, whisper the old, and some are making ideas.

This is a very realistic reunion of classmates.

For... now Gao Xiang, he is a very successful person in the middle of the thigh.

As Gao Xiang posted a smiling face in the WeChat group, Li's entire group exploded again.

Squad leader Luo Min: [Wow, isn’t this my high boss? We are going to have a class reunion after the new year, are you coming?] Yang Dafu: [Yes, you are our schoolmaster, how come you suddenly If you make a fortune, you can pass on some experience to us!] Liu Qingping: [Gao Xiangda, you must come, I think a big man like you comes to our party, so it’s fun!] Yang Lin: [Liu Ban Hua was right, Gao Xiang, this kind of face should be given to old classmates. How to say it is also the love of classmates in three years of high school.

】Ye Baohua: 【Gao Xiang, you are really amazing, so get together together.

Luo Xiaolan: [Yes, yes, Gao Xiang, if I take a picture with you, maybe it will become popular on the Internet, you are so popular now.

] Liu Haoxuan: [Gao Xiang, if we have time, we can get together, I always want to thank you in person] Monitor Luo Min: [100 years of cultivation in the same boat, we have been classmates for three years, this is also after our high school graduation I hope everyone has time and time to participate. In any case, our classmate friendship can't change! All members]...Looking at the news of these WeChat groups, Gao Xiang smiled.

Indeed, this is the first class reunion after graduating from high school.

When Gao Xiang read novels in the past, it can be said that basically every urban novel will have a plot of a class reunion: the protagonist attends a class reunion, and then will be looked down upon by all kinds of snobs, and even humiliated the plot. , Then the protagonist began to pretend to show his true strength, slapped those... snobbish male and female classmates, and then these old classmates began to flatter all kinds of things. .

Although the plot in the novel is a bit exaggerated, the real classmates' association was originally a huge vanity fair.

The reunion of classmates will not be these again...The story of the dog's blood. After the three, Gao Xiang replied in the WeChat group: [We must be there when we are free].

In other words, it was the first class reunion after graduating from high school. Gao Xiang thought about it and went to participate.

Being a man can't be too unfeeling, but you can't be too tender! Seeing Gao Xiang's reply, the students in the class are more excited, and feel that Gao Xiang has participated in this party, then it has become more interesting, and all kinds of careful thoughts have emerged. Here comes...: Fourth watch: Guiqiu automatic subscription and monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, thank you.

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Only half a year after graduating from high school, Gao Xiang reached such a height, and he naturally became the idol of the whole class.In such a society, how many real classmates there are, this is not known.

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