Perfect Life

Chapter 526:

The Flying Scholarship is used to attract talents, and the Longteng Club is used to gather contacts.

Gao Xiang saw Liu Shunhua's message and then looked at the time.

It's still early.

So Gao Xiang replied with a WeChat: Okay, I will visit the company now.

A few minutes later, Yan Zhantian drove the Rolls Royce to the downstairs of the teaching building, and took Gao Xiang to Sifang Investment Company.

At the headquarters of Sifang Investment Company, Gao Xiang directly came to Liu Shunhua's office.

As soon as he entered the door, Liu Shunhua stood up and smiled and looked at Gao Xiang, and said, "My college, how are you doing in the exam recently?"

"It's easy."

Gao Xiang said indifferently: "Today is the last subject, and I handed in the paper ahead of time."

Liu Shunhua smiled: "You deserve to be a scholar."

The two chatted for a while, and then took their seats.

After Gu Xiaoman brewed the tea, he pushed it down.

Liu Shunhua is a resolute and resolute woman. She went directly to the subject and said: "The Flying Scholarship and the Longteng Club are now in operation, but now the most critical documents still need your signature to confirm."

With that said, Liu Shunhua handed the document in his hand to Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang took the document carefully and seriously.

The Feixiang Scholarship is a scholarship system established by Gao Xiang's Sifang Investment Company. It is aimed at students from all outstanding first-class universities in Hangzhou, such as Hangzhou University, Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou Music, etc.

Each school has a total of six 66 places, with 1 first prize, 8 million prizes, 2 second prizes, 500 prizes, 3 third prizes, and 300 prizes.

There are a total of 10 schools in Hangzhou that can provide scholarships.

Gao Xiang sets up the Feixiang Scholarship for three 3 purposes.

The first purpose is naturally to encourage those... hard-working students, to encourage them to study diligently, to achieve better grades and achieve good results.

Learning well can't say that everyone is a talent, but most of them are talents.This is an incentive mechanism.

The second purpose is naturally to improve social reputation.

Because social reputation is a legitimate system plug-in of the system.

If the social reputation is excellent and excellent, then the rewards in all aspects will be more, and all kinds of surprises will be able to burst.

The third aspect is...gathering talents.

The development now depends on talents.

Talent is very important.

As the saying goes: "A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find."

Talent is the decisive factor in the development of an enterprise.

As a boss, a leader, the most important thing is to have a pair of "wisdom eyes" for discovering talents

After discovering that you still have to be good at using them in the future, to achieve these two points is really "the one who has the talent will win the world."


Humans are the most difficult to grasp and the most difficult to identify animals in the world.

To learn to identify talents, you must first break away from the doorway and reduce your likes and dislikes to the lowest level. Those who can get the flying scholarship are naturally people with excellent academic performance, and such a person is also a talent.

As the company continues to grow and develop, achieving greater success depends to a large extent on your ability to identify talents, use talents, and motivate talents.

Therefore, Feixiang Scholarship is a means to accumulate talents.

As for the Longteng Club, this is Gao Xiang's first...

Gao Xiang is very far-sighted, not only knows how to gather talents, but also knows how to gather contacts and integrate resources.

Liu Shunhua said in a suitable tone on the side: "Flying Scholarship will start running this semester."

"We will have a professional review team to select scholarship winners, and then make a file record and talent registration. This will be our talent record file."

"As for our 833 Longteng Club, many local entrepreneurs in Hangzhou and entrepreneurs around Hangzhou have begun to join us. Among them, there are many senior members of the Ari Group, so the quality of our Longteng Club membership is still very high. High."

"So the initial development of our Longteng Club is still possible, of which your credit is not small."

"My credit"

Gao Xiang was taken aback for a moment.


Liu Shunhua nodded and said, "Do you still remember the group photo of the Wuzhen restaurant that was all over the Internet?"

"Because of that photo, you took a photo with many big bosses, so many entrepreneurs have seen your connections and the development of our Sifang Investment Company, so they are willing to join our Longteng Club. After all, this is a very good opportunity. ."

Many successful entrepreneurs are willing to join the Longteng Club, not only because the club is formed by the Sifang Investment Company, but also because the organizer behind it is Gao Xiang.

It is certainly not easy for someone to take photos with so many big bosses and participate in dinners.

Therefore, Gao Xiang is a great hero.

This is the role of influence.

: Third, Guiqiu automatic subscription and monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, thank you.

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Therefore, although Gao Xiang is just a hand-off shopkeeper on the bright side, he himself has a certain personal charm and influence, and this is the real big boss.

Gao Xiang left Sifang Investment Company and could create another Sifang Investment Company.

Sifang Investment Company has left Gao Xiang, so I don't know how it will develop in the future.

A great boss can lead the development of a company.

Liu Shunhua looked at Gao Xiang with an admiring smile on his face and said, "Gao Xiang, although you are the shopkeeper who is shaking hands, it affects the fate of the company. This is truly powerful."

"Don't compliment me."

Gao Xiang's gaze fell again on the document in front of him, and while reading the document, he said: "I am moving my mouth. You are the ones who do the work. You have worked hard, Sister Hua."

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