It was as if it hadn’t happened.

Everything went on as usual for Ron.

Six Styles, Domineering, Kendo

Every day was tight, and the cooks in the cafeteria recalled the fear of being dominated.

However, no matter how busy and tired he is, Ron will find a time to comfort the crane.

Until this day, a news came out of nowhere.

“Lieutenant General Motobu, Monchi. D. The dragon attacked the world government transport ship yesterday, intercepted several years of heavenly gold, and officially defected! ”

“The world government was furious, issued a notice, and offered a reward of 500 million Bailey!”

Headquarters of the Navy, Marshal’s Office.

Empty hands crossed, said with a low expression.

The high-ranking naval officials in front of them looked inexplicable, and they couldn’t help but look at Karp who looked dim on the sofa.

Dragon is Karp’s son, his father is a naval hero, and his son was originally a promising vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

One of the most promising candidates for admirals in the headquarters of the Navy.

Now, he inexplicably chose to defect to the navy.

This is definitely a huge blow to Karp’s impact.

“Leave me alone, do what you want.”

Karp clenched his fists, suppressing his emotions.

“Karp, you don’t have to be involved in this matter.”

A trace of unbearability flashed under the empty eyes.

Karp’s loyalty to the Navy, he never doubted.

However, no matter how great the merit is, it cannot offset the sins committed by the dragon.

This matter has already angered the five old stars, and the order directly issued by the world government, even he cannot refute the decision of the five old stars.

“No need, I will personally arrest him and detain him in the city.”

Karp stood up with a gloomy face and said decisively.

Knowing the son Mo Ruo’s father, he knows the character of the dragon better than anyone, once a matter is decided, several cows can’t pull it back.

With this kid’s personality, if you don’t capture him back, you will definitely make a big mess.

“This guy, how dare you.”

Looking at Karp, who seemed to be ten years older for a moment, Ron shook his head.

He didn’t expect that the dragon would come up and directly make it so big.

Attacking the transport ships of the world government and robbing the heavenly gold paid by various countries is a hornet’s nest.

More troublesome than taking out a few Draco.

Although Draco has a noble status, there are quite a few of them.

Really kill a few, the five old stars will be angry at most, and they will not make a big move.

Anyway, so many Draco, raised like waste, is not distressed to die a few.

But the heavenly gold is different, this is the tribute provided to the Draco people by various allied countries, and the amount is huge.

So many Draco people in the Holy Land Mary Joa need to rely on this heavenly gold to support, and without the heavenly gold, the entire world government will fall into a financial crisis.

After all, the heavenly gold was intercepted, but the daily life of the Draco could not be cut off.

Such a large expenditure can only be filled by the world government.

The same thing, more than a decade later, Doflamingo’s family did the same.

Intercept the heavenly gold and threaten the world government to force the government to recognize him as a member of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty.

Even the world government has to submit to a pirate for the sake of heavenly gold.

The dragon dared to rob the heavenly gold, it was simply a hornet’s nest.

But what does it have to do with him?

Having robbed the heavenly gold of the world government, the current dragon probably did not know to run to that remote sea area to nest.

With this huge wealth, just give him enough time to develop.

Sooner or later, the revolutionary army will become a major problem for the world government.

This is a good thing for him, the world government is not messed up, how can he have a chance to make a difference.

Be the biggest winner in the end.

In the following time, the dragon’s bounty was pasted throughout the Great Voyage, but the final result was not unexpected.

The navy sent countless navies to search and arrest, not to mention people, not even a shadow was found.

On the undead battleship, Ron sat on the deck, slowly feeling the rhythm of his breathing.

Although he was sent out to capture the dragon, he did not take this matter to heart at all.

The dragon guy is not a fool, how can he go head-to-head with the world government, if he is smart, he should have hidden in the four seas and developed silently by now.

The world is so big, with the dragon’s Devil Fruit ability, it is not a simple matter to cover the trace.

The current revolutionary army has not yet begun to develop, and unless he wants to actively expose it, it is impossible to be discovered.

Instead of wasting energy, it is better to wander around the sea for a few days and go back to the errands.

“Life is returned!”

Sitting cross-legged on the deck, Ron’s body suddenly turned into two meters in size as if shrinking.

In the next second, the body expands to its original size.

After such a long period of hard practice, coupled with the effect of brain strengthening, he finally mastered the mysteries of this physical technique.

Life return does not belong to the six forms, but to a separate physical technique.

The principle is to integrate the will and the body to resonate, you can freely control the body, hair, internal organs, as long as the consciousness is poured in, you can freely control anywhere.

Those who have mastered the return of life can perfectly control their bodies and have micro-level control over their power.

In other words, it can hit with all its strength without hurting the enemy in the slightest, and can also lightly cut off steel with dead branches.

The strength of the power is only a thought.

As for the other roles, there are more.

For example, let the hair grow quickly, wield the sword like an arm, and the power is not the normal arm.

Gather the strength of the whole body in one point and burst out the power that exceeds the limit.

After mastering the return of life, whether it is physical arts or kendo, earth-shaking changes will occur.

“General-level combat power!”

Ron’s eyes flashed, and he had already stepped on the edge of general-level combat power with half a foot.

After mastering the return of life, he is confident that he already has the capital to fight with the general-level powerhouse.

Count the power he has now.

After killing several general-level powerhouses, the feedback from the red cry and the large amount of energy absorbed after the evolution of the stomach and intestines, plus the strong defense power after the evolution of the skin.

He already has a physique that is not weaker than a general-level powerhouse, and even his defense power is surpassed.

After mastering the return of life, the power of physical skills has skyrocketed, and he is probably at the level of top lieutenant general ~ brigadier general.

Armed color domineering can be released and created, and even the color domineering has undergone an evolution, and the perception has skyrocketed.

If the third evolution of Red Cry is completed, he is confident that he can compete with the three generals at his peak.

“If the realm of kendo can break through the great sword hao, and the armed color domineering also evolves to the strongest realm of internal destruction, the four emperors will basically kill indiscriminately.”

What the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, he directly pressed the ground and hammered to death.

If he could evolve to foresee the future, even if he faced the two four emperors at the same time, he would have the confidence to win the battle.

However, these can only be regarded as top-notch, not really extreme.

Beginner Lieutenant General, Ordinary Lieutenant General, Senior Lieutenant General, Top Lieutenant General, Brigadier General, Senior General, Top General, Four Emperors, Karp.

This is Ron’s subtle division of the combat power of the entire pirate world.

The strength of the top generals and the four emperors is between the same level, but the powerhouses of the four emperors usually have some particularly powerful talents.

Therefore, the strength will have some advantages over the top generals.

For example, Aunt’s exaggerated physique is also the combat power of the top general, but there are almost no ones that can be comparable to Aunt in physique.

Whitebeard’s shock fruit, red-haired overlord-colored domineering, Kaido’s vitality and defense.

These are clearly beyond the scope of top generals, but they have not achieved qualitative change.

If you can go further, it is estimated that you can reach the current state of Karp.

Beyond the top of the pinnacle.

As for Lokes, Ron estimated that his strength should be stronger than the ordinary Four Emperors, but slightly weaker than Karp.

Probably ranked at the level of the strong four emperors.

The only people who hope to reach the realm of Karp are Blackbeard and the future protagonist Tiantuan.

Of course, there is also the final hole card of the world government, Lord Im, who is above the five old stars.

She is the leader of the Draco, the true controller of the world government, and the master of the Void Throne, with an extremely noble status, living in the flowers in the depths of the world government, and her gender is suspected to be a woman.

Ron was suspicious that this guy was one of the twenty kings who created the world government eight hundred years ago.

After performing the undead operation, he received eternal life and survived until now.

Otherwise, how could the status be so exalted.

But, in other words, if it was really the same as he guessed, how terrifying would the strength be for an old immortal who had lived for eight hundred years?

It is estimated that at least it is also a strong person at the level of Karp.

After all, eight hundred years is too long to erase the lack of talent.

It is a stupid material who can step into the ultimate realm if he specializes in cultivation together.

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