“Senior General Sengoku, Lieutenant General Tsuru, Brigadier General Sakaski, and an unknown lieutenant general, plus me, a major general.”

A few days later, look at the warships gathered in the sea.

Ron smacked his lips slightly.

One general-level powerhouse, two lieutenant-level powerhouses, plus Sakaski, a natural Devil Fruit ability whose strength is not inferior to that of vice admirals.

And he, a superficial major general, can actually hang the combat power of ordinary lieutenant generals.

This lineup, a complete demon slaughter order, I’m afraid it’s just that.

No, it should be said that even if it is a real demon slaying order, there is no such card.

After all, his undead battleship is equivalent to a castrated version of the Devil Slayer Order level firepower.

In addition to the combat power of these high-level personnel, there are nearly 10,000 elite navies drawn from the navy headquarters.

The number of naval warships alone has exceeded a hundred.

To deal with a Ward Pirate Regiment, it takes so many troops.

One can imagine the importance that the world government attaches to Bondiwald.

“If this can make him run away, I wonder if there are any of us who are just treacherous.”

Ron muttered softly.

Against a Ward Pirate Group, it actually dispatched the combat power of the Demon Slayer Order.

Plus an undercover agent hidden in the Ward Pirates, this kind of lineup can’t even win a Bundy Wald.

He felt like these people were playing him.

After all, Bundywald is not Roger’s hang-up, and there are always accidents whenever it matters.

Do you really think that in this world, everyone has the luck of the protagonist?

“There can be no adultery here, but accidents can happen at any time, so don’t be careless.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru, who had a handsome face, said in a soft tone.

“Lieutenant General Tsuru, if I’m not mistaken, you shouldn’t be married yet.”

Ron looked at the crane’s face full of intellectual charm and asked suddenly.

“Why, are you little imps planning to pursue me.”

Tsuru looked at Ron with some amusement, there was a difference of almost ten years between the two of them.

“If you can successfully capture Bondiwald this time, Lieutenant General Tsuru might as well associate with me.”

Ron said lightly.

When he was young, Lieutenant General Tsuru had an indescribable intellectual and mature imperial sister temperament.

Whether it is strength or status, it is quite suitable for him.

His upright pursuit, there is nothing to hide, the needs of this man as a normal man and the instinct of biological reproduction.

Not contacting women before, purely because he didn’t look at those vulgar fans, does not mean that he really broke off his desire.

On the contrary, desire is the driving force behind a person’s progress.

He climbed up desperately, but he didn’t want to be cannon fodder, and he didn’t want to live in this world.

Killing pirates, purely because of the difference in camps, he is a navy who wants to accumulate merit if he wants to improve his rank.

What is the best way to get merit?

Kill pirates, of course!

Of course, he really doesn’t like those villains who do nothing, so he is more ruthless.

And the purpose of everything is only to achieve his own ambitions and ambitions.

Could it be that he really thinks that he is for the so-called justice of the world government and the navy?

The world government has a fart justice, and he is not a fool like Chi Inu who has been brainwashed by the idea of the Navy.

In this world, world government is the greatest evil.

Hundreds of years of power have long decayed the world government to the bones, the roots are rotten, no matter how glamorous the appearance is, the bones are still rotten.

If he really wants to insist on so-called justice, the first one should destroy the world government.

It is still a little difficult to destroy the world government, but it is still possible to pursue Lieutenant General Tsuru with his strength.

“If you survive.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru shook his head.

Over the years, there have been many people in the Navy who have pursued her, but no one has ever been able to impress her.

She is the navy of the same term as Sengoku and Karp.

Having experienced the most difficult part of the Navy’s history, the dangers and dilemmas she experienced were simply not what these young navies could have imagined.

She’s not the kind of woman who can impress with rhetoric.

If you want to be her husband, at least you must be a strong person of Sengoku and Kapu’s strength.

Ron, who was politely rejected, didn’t care.

Now he is indeed not comparable to an old lieutenant general like Tsuru, whether it is strength or status.

However, this is only temporary.

Give him a little time and he will surely stand at the pinnacle of this era.

Become the insurmountable mountain that weighs on the entire world.

This woman, sooner or later, will be branded with his mark and completely transformed into his shape.

“Coming soon! The whole army is ready! ”

Sengoku, who was standing in front, suddenly said in a deep voice, interrupting the atmosphere created by Ron.

Ron glanced at him, always feeling that the timing of this guy’s speech was a little deliberate, as if he had deliberately made a fork.

An old friend is single, and finally has the opportunity to get out of the single, if you don’t help, forget it, and run out to make a fork?

How many meanings?

Eating from the bowl, still thinking about the pot?

If he remembers correctly, Sengoku should have been married and had children long ago, just like Karp.

Looking at this situation, do you plan to sublimate the friendship?

“Bah! Disgusting! ”

Ron spat in his heart.

Dare to rob a woman with him, it is useless for the marshal of the navy to come.

Sengoku looked at the sea area ahead with a serious face, but he didn’t have so many ideas.

It’s just that he simply doesn’t like Ron, it’s not a disgust in character, it’s just a simple faction difference.

He is a standard balancer who likes to win over a group of people with gentle means, suppress a group, and let pirates fight with pirates.

While weakening the power of pirates, it gives the navy a chance to breathe and develop, without provoking a large-scale war.

The most troublesome thing about his kind of softness is Ron, a reckless man who can’t move to shout and kill, and wants to clean up the pirates in the entire sea.

Among today’s hardliners, Ron and Sakaski are rising stars.

He naturally didn’t want his friends to have anything to do with this kind of guy.

This kind of person is too extreme and too dangerous.

If you walk too close, it is easy to set yourself on fire, and it is difficult to get out.

While his mind was floating, a huge pirate ship in the distance rode the wind and waves and came at great speed.

“Navy, how can there be so many navies here!”

On the pirate ship, Bundiwald looked at the warship spreading in front of him, and his pupils shrank slightly.

He couldn’t figure out why he was meeting a group of navies here.


Or did a traitor appear on his ship?

“It’s impossible, only my henchmen know the location of the route, and they will definitely not betray me, it must be a coincidence.”

“I didn’t expect such bad luck, and I just returned to the first half of the Great Voyage, and I encountered this kind of trouble.”

Bundiwald’s face was not timid, but instead showed a defiant maniacal laugh.

He’s a world breaker, Bondiwald!

Hundreds of warships just want to catch him?

Simply look down on him!

“Speed up and hit me!”

“Let these damn navies see how powerful we are!”

With one foot on the railing, the huge Bundywald looked fierce and took out a gun and aimed it at the warship in front of him.

“This kind of thing as a world government should not have existed for a long time.”


Spit gunfire!

A bullet burst out.

The moment the bullet broke away from the barrel, the volume suddenly enlarged a hundred times, and a terrifying sonic boom erupted.

The violent shock caused the sea surface to rise to earth-shattering waves.

The gigantic bullet, blessed with a hundredfold speed, flew towards the warship in front.


The flames roared, and a warship exploded directly.

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