“Colonel Ron, single-handedly defeated the Berserk Pirates and solved the danger of the World Government allies.”

“This merit, I think it can be promoted to the rank of major general.”

Navy headquarters, inside the Marshal’s office.

Sakaski looked at the marshal empty and said in a deep voice.

“Sakaski, I am for your own good, if all the merits are counted on Ron, your promotion to the rank of major general will need to be delayed for a while.”

The marshal wrapped his hands around him and looked at Sakaski calmly.

“Saving the World Government member country is a great achievement, missed this opportunity, the next time I want to be promoted to major general, but I don’t know when.”

“As for Colonel Ron, the Ministry can grant him the rank of brigadier general while making up for his losses in other ways, I believe he is understandable.”

He is very optimistic about Sakaski, and this time in an emergency, he has already done his job to support Sakaski to take office.

Unexpectedly, he was rejected by Sakaski.

This puzzled him a little.

“Ridious, do I still need to rob others of their merits to be promoted to major general?”

Sakaski slapped the table angrily.

“It is because of your incompetence and indulgence that the Navy will let those who cannot run amok on the sea, and justice should not be compromised.”

“Sakaski, watch your identity!”

Empty who was reprimanded in person, his face was a little ugly, but he was also a little helpless.

Sakaski is this kind of personality, and there are no shortage of other high-ranking naval officers on weekdays.

If it weren’t for the power protection of Sengoku and Zefa, plus the rarity of those with the ability of the natural Devil Fruit.

He may still be chasing pirates in some remote sea area now.

Colonel of the Navy headquarters?

Don’t even think about it!

After a moment of silence, Sora sighed.

“I know, this time the merit headquarters will truthfully report to the world government, I hope you will not regret it.”

Sakaski got the desired answer and left satisfied.

Not long after, the door to the marshal’s office was pushed open.

Looking at the annoyed Sora on his face, Karp had a gloating expression on his face.

“Angry with that sakaski bastard again, right?”

“How much better are you than him?”

The empty stomach was already angry, and he was angry when he looked at Karp’s gloating face.

“Let you hunt Roger, what are you bastards doing? No news for so long! ”

“Roger’s guy’s luck is so good that he was forced into desperate situations several times and let him escape.”

Karp buttoned his nose, as if he was returning to his own home, casually found a sofa to sit on, ate the snacks on the table, and had an expression of indifference.

In terms of strength, fighting Roger head-on is definitely not his opponent.

But every time Roger is cornered, there are accidents.

Either a sudden storm or a sudden tsunami.

Let Roger’s gang get away with it.

This kind of thing is not to blame on his head.

Although he has a good friendship with Roger, he is also a comrade-in-arms and friend in a sense.

But he is the navy, Roger is a pirate, and he will definitely not show mercy in the face of big right and wrong.

“Roger, this guy, is a great threat to the world government, a villain who must be eliminated, and the Warring States can assist you when necessary.”

Sora nodded, not that he doubted Karp.

Although this guy sometimes makes mistakes, he will definitely not do anything to betray the Navy.

“This is the shortlist for the next batch of generals, Zefa and Tsuru have not returned yet, you should take a look first.”

“Let Sengoku see it, I’m not interested in this kind of thing.”

Karp waved his hand, with his strength and merits, if he wanted to be promoted to the rank, he would have become a general long ago.

However, admirals are not as free as vice admirals, and they need to report in advance wherever they want.

In comparison, he still prefers to be a vice admiral.

“No Sakaski?”

Sengoku glanced at the list cursoryly, frowning slightly.

Most of the people on the list he knows, they are veteran brigadier generals with strength and merit, and he knows whether he can be promoted to major general, and promoting major general is just a process.

However, the absence of Sakaski’s name on the list made him a little puzzled.

He already knew about Gries Island, and although the strength of the Pirates was average, the impact of this matter was not small.

The Navy reacted in time to save Gries Island from pirates, and the world government was very satisfied with this.

This merit was enough for Sakaski to directly leapfrog the rank of major general.

As for strength, the natural Devil Fruit ability is enough to block all opposition.

“Colonel Ron, his strength should not be enough to promote major general, right?”

Looking at the line of red names in bold on the list, Sengoku couldn’t understand what Marshal Kong meant.

Ron knew that although this man was only a colonel in the headquarters, his name was not inferior to that of an ordinary rear admiral.

He didn’t like this guy very much, though.

Or rather, the philosophy is different.

Today, on the sea, the pirate power is getting stronger and stronger.

Although the Rocks Pirates have collapsed, the remnants of Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Roger, Ledfield, and other Rocks Pirates have grown.

Although the power of the navy and the world government alone can be suppressed, it is only a barely advantage.

If a complete war is launched, the navy will inevitably suffer unimaginable blows, and even more seriously, it will lose control of the four seas and the great shipping routes.

In such a situation, balance is the only solution.

This Ron’s personality is even more extreme than Sakaski’s.

If he is allowed to become a high-ranking member of the navy headquarters, it will inevitably exacerbate the conflict between the pirates and the navy.

This kind of person, having a Sakaski is already a headache for him, and if he adds a Ron, he doesn’t know what the Great Voyage will become.

Could it be that Marshal Kong intends to start a complete war with the pirates?

“Gries Island was attacked by the Berserk Pirates, and Colonel Ron single-handedly suppressed the Berserk Pirates, something that Sakaski personally confirmed.”

“This kind of strength, a rear admiral rank of the navy headquarters, he can withstand it.”

Marshal Kong said lightly.

Although this Ron has not had any outstanding performances all along.

However, the sea is a place full of wonders.

Overnight, there are many deeds of changing from ordinary people to strong people.

Ron’s situation is rare, but it is not impossible.

If you are lucky enough to get a powerful devil fruit, you can create a strong person in an instant.

“This matter was personally ordered by the five old stars, even I can’t refuse.”

In other words, this Ron’s name has now appeared on the table of the five old stars.

As long as it is not a betrayal of the Navy, his rank of rear admiral is already secure.

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