The victory of the blade tooth seems so clean and incredible to most people.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was fully borrowed, and the two tiger streams also used seven, seven, eight, eight.

In the face of such a strong enemy, Blade Tooth ended the battle with only three moves….

Such a powerful blade made many players secretly mention their gods, praying that they would not encounter this level of existence in the future.


On the other side, inside the lounge.

The atmosphere of the room where Luo Zhu is located is relatively harmonious.

It’s time to eat and drink, and it looks like you’re using this game as a pastime.


A middle-aged man with a short figure and a shawl walked through the doorway, and the atmosphere in the room instantly changed sharply.

“Who is it!?”

Guo Haihuang was the first to exclaim, stood up, and the eyes behind his sunglasses were extremely solemn.

Liehai King, Hanayama Fumi, Shibukawa Gangqi and other strong people.

He also stood up unconsciously, his momentum condensed together, and he looked out the door in unison.

The reason why the crowd reacted so much was because they felt a huge malice at the same time.

This feeling is not like the powerful feeling that Yujiro Fan Ma gives people, as if in front of them is a villain fighting with a knife, who may kill himself at any time!

Only Luo Zhu lay in the middle of the crowd, still casually picking his teeth with chopsticks broken in two.


“Oooh! It’s a lively place. ”

“And something to eat!?”

The middle-aged man outside the door looked like a ghost, his cheekbones were high and bulging, his eyes were inverted triangles, and his voice was like a jackal, hoarse and sharp.

In particular, the two katanas hanging from the waist made everyone present look sideways.

“Are you…”

The Sea King stepped forward and took the initiative to talk.

But before the other party could answer, the rest of the people present said in unison.

“Miyamoto Musashi!?”

“Miyamoto Musashi!”

The voice was extremely affirmative, but the tone was full of self-doubt.

This contradictory manifestation is undoubtedly evident when you see the man outside the door.

That’s right, even if they guessed the identity of this middle-aged man, they were a little unbelievable.

Who is Miyamoto Musashi!?

The most famous sword hero in the history of the Neon Kingdom!

The most important thing is that this guy is a person hundreds of years ago, how can he appear now!?

Even though they had endless doubts about this identity, from the posture of this middle-aged man walking, the momentum exuded by his body, and even his appearance…

This guy can only be Miyamoto Musashi, it can’t be someone else!

After a moment of silence, Miyamoto Musashi broke into their private room.

“There are a lot of people!”

After sighing, Miyamoto Musashi sat down opposite Luo Zhu with his own care.

Picking up a pair of clean chopsticks, he began to pick up and eat the food on the table.

During the whole process, everyone in the audience did not say a word, just quietly watched Miyamoto Musashi eat.

When it was almost time to eat, Miyamoto Musashi patted his belly and looked around.

“You people have very good eyesight!”

“I didn’t expect that the old man has died for hundreds of years, and there will be people who remember!”

Miyamoto Musashi sat down and finally admitted his identity.

For a while, the rest of the people cast surprised gazes.

“Is he really Miyamoto Musashi!?”

“Could it be a stuntman invited by Mr. Tokugawa?”

“I know those two knives, they are the double knives used by Miyamoto Musashi, which is treasured by Neon Country, and I got these two knives for an actor… It’s not worth it. ”

“Anyway, give it a try and you’ll find out!?”

Seeing that the atmosphere gradually became anxious, King Lihai and Hanayama Fu didn’t say a word, standing on both sides of Miyamoto Musashi one left and one right.

In the face of the temptation of the group of heroes, the corners of Miyamoto Musashi’s mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled meaningfully.

Stubby fingers grabbed the table, and casually rolled up a chopstick.


The surrounding air seemed to have dropped to the freezing point, and the malice that seemed to be targeted by a hunter was like a tarsal maggot, which spread down the back and spread throughout the body.

Everyone stared at the chopsticks in Miyamoto Musashi’s hand, unable to pull their eyes off for a long time.

It is clearly a fragile, thin disposable chopstick.

Even if the three are superimposed, ordinary people can easily break it.

But now it is held in the hands of this person suspected of being Miyamoto Musashi, and it seems that it will instantly turn into the sharpest murder weapon!

In a trance, when the line of sight looked over, Miyamoto Musashi was holding chopsticks!?

It is clearly a sharp short katana!

After seeing it as a sword, there is no going back.


Between the electric flint, Miyamoto Musashi gently slashed the air around him with chopsticks in his hand.

At this moment, everyone actually heard the sound of a sword cutting through flesh and blood!

Then the muscles all over their bodies tightened, and a sharp pain made them convulse in place.

“I… I was struck!? ”

“What kind of move is this!?”

“I seem to have died once just now.”

“It’s clearly a chopstick, but it is as sharp as a sword when used, presumably this guy in front of you must be Miyamoto Musashi!”

After a while, many people who were struck by the “Mind Slash” came to their senses, and their foreheads were sweating profusely while commenting.

Miyamoto Musashi seems to have long been accustomed to this.

Turning his head to look at Luo Zhu, his arm was also placed on the real hilt of the knife at his waist.

“Young man, come and fight me!”



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