The next day, the third match day.

After receiving the battle list, most of the super first-class fighters came to the Dome Fighting Arena.

Compared to the first and second day of the competition, today is obviously more interesting….


At this time, the high platform of the Dome fighting arena.

Katahara Sheath wears a tight leather jacket that shows off her perfect figure.

The bronzed skin glows in the light, and the smile on the face looks even more vibrant.

“Hello audience! Today is the third matchday! ”

“Seeing so many spectators coming today, everyone must already know that the players who appeared today are all heavyweights!”

“Without further ado, there are now players who invite us for the first match!”

“From the direction of the green dragon, Asura Ten Ghosts and Snake King Horse!”

“And from the direction of the White Tiger, the king of the last Dome Arena, Fan Ma Blade Tooth!”

As soon as these two names appeared, the audience immediately erupted into a tsunami of cheers.

The sound of wave after wave contains the unparalleled enthusiasm of the audience!

Anyone who has watched some underground fighting matches knows that among the younger generation, Blade Fang and Ten Ghost Snake King Horse are definitely among the best.

They can even get over against top powerhouses like Kuroki and Yujiro Fanma!

“Is our king finally coming out? Blade teeth! Crush him! ”

“It is said that after the last boxing wish competition, the two tiger streams of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse have evolved again, and who loses and who wins is really not necessarily good!”

“The day before yesterday, Blade Tooth seems to have almost fought with Luo Zhu, if only he were arranged to fight against Luo Zhu.”

“Luo Zhu? That bald? I heard that many martial arts masters want to fight him, obviously so ordinary, why is it so concerned? ”

“Don’t say it, the game is about to start!”

Various discussions followed, but after a few moments it was calm again.

At the entrance of the passage in the direction of Qinglong, a fighter with slightly longer hair and a calm temperament slowly walked into the fighting arena.

As an all-round fighter of the Boxing Wish Club, the Ten Ghosts and Snake King Horse is not so prominent in size and muscles.

But no one would underestimate Wang Ma’s combat ability!

However, the Ten Ghosts and Snake King Horse waited for a long time, and the blade and teeth did not appear in the direction of the White Tiger Passage.

Just when the audience was a little anxious, a strange cry suddenly came from overhead…


I saw that from the top of the stands, a petite black shadow suddenly fell to the ground, splashing a large thick cloud of smoke.


When the smoke cleared, Blade was standing in place, squinting and raising his arms, as if ready to meet the cheers of the audience.

“I’ll go! This appearance is also too handsome! ”

“How did he jump down without injury at such a high place?”

“It’s worthy of being the king of the fighting arena, it’s too arrogant!”

“Blade teeth are people who flow with the blood of Fan Ma, is it not easy to solve a king horse?”

“Sure enough, it’s a young man, can’t hold his breath!”

The audience’s comments were mixed, but it reached the ears of the blades below, and it became a complete cheer.

That teenager doesn’t like the sensation of being in the limelight?

Blade has been active in the Dome Arena, not only to hone his skills against various masters, but also to enjoy the feeling of the spotlight hitting him!

When the call gradually faded, the blade finally took on that classic pose.

Turn sideways to reduce your exposed weaknesses, turn your hands into fists one after the other, ready to attack and defend.

Keep jumping your legs to get yourself excited, but you can also play a flexible position!


It is the fighting stance that Blade has found for many years!

On the other hand, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse side is relatively mature and stable compared to the blade teeth.

The feet were spread out to stabilize the lower plate, and the two hands were held in front of him….

“Come on, let me see your Erhuliu!” The blade teeth kept jumping, and he said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The gaze of the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma deepened, and he whispered: “Erhuliu, Fire Sky Type, Fire Go!” ”

At the same time as the sound sounded, the feet of the Ten Ghost Serpent King Horse began to walk on the ground with a strange frequency and route.

The speed is not fast, and the action is not so profound.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, as soon as this technique appeared, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was directly split into four people!

And over time, four became eight, and finally split into sixteen!

In the blink of an eye, sixteen “Ten Ghost Snake King Horses” surrounded the blade teeth!


For a while, the entire stand erupted in exclamations.

“What kind of body is this? How is it similar to witchcraft!? ”

“Big brother, let’s this is a fighting competition, not a magical competition, take your magical powers!”

“I’ve seen this body method in the boxing club before, and before there were obviously only a few coming, but now it’s become a dozen!?”

“It’s so fierce! How else to fight this? Is it okay to surrender? ”

Just as the spectators in the stands were talking about it, the sixteen Ten Ghost Snake King Horses had already adjusted their postures.

With a sharp straight punch, he hit the face door of the blade tooth!


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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