“Kuroki Gensai, Yujiro Fanma, why did you suddenly visit the office?”

Tokugawa Mitsunari sat in the middle of the lobby, holding a bonggun in one hand and a crutch on his knee with the other, smiling and asking.

Seeing the little old man’s triumphant look, Fan Ma Yujiro smiled contemptuously, and said with his hands folded around his shoulders.

“Huh! It’s true that the older you get, the more shrewd you are, what are we here for, you should know very well, right? ”

Yujiro Fan Ma was the first to speak, and Kuroki Gensai echoed on the side.

“I… It was as if a heartbeat was heard. ”

“The voice was long and powerful, and it always lingered in my ears, and I guessed that the old man Tokugawa should know something, so I came to visit.”

Compared with Yujiro, Kuroki Gensai was very honest and directly said his thoughts.

In this regard, the old man Tokugawa was first stunned, and then he raised his head and laughed.

“Hahahaha! Sure enough, there is resonance between the strong! ”

“It seems that you have detected the appearance of this strong man!”

“But before I meet him, I want to ask you both a question.”

Halfway through, Tokugawa directly diverted from the topic, and after observing the two for a long time, he said lightly.

“What do you two think of each other?”

Leng Buding asked such a question, and the atmosphere immediately became tense.

Kuroki and Yujiro are both the ones who stand at the top, and it is really strange for them to evaluate each other.

However, the two did not hesitate, and after a moment of silence, they gave their respective answers.

“The strongest creature.”

“The end of Wu.”

When the two evaluated each other, they never looked at each other.

Instead, Tokugawa jumped up directly and clapped his hands.

“It seems that you still have a high opinion of each other!”

“Then let me ask you again, what do you think of Blade Fang, primitive human Pike, and Luo Zhu, who has recently been on the cusp of the storm?”

The successive inquiries made Yujiro’s face show a hint of impatience.

After pouting, he directly snorted coldly.

“Hmph! Geezer! Don’t test my patience! ”

Kuroki Gensai was not as radical as Yujiro, but he also had some doubts in his heart.

“Old man Tokugawa, if you have something to say, it is better to say it directly.”

Tokugawa was not too disappointed in this, but squinted his eyes, shook his head and talked about other insignificant things.

“I don’t know if you know the term synchronic principle.”

“Simply put, it’s the same thing, happening in the same place without any connection.”

“The most famous in history is probably the discovery of nitroglycerin.”

“It is clear that it crossed both sides of the strait, one was the crystallization of nitroglycerin found on a cargo ship, and the other was verified in the laboratory.”

“The two… Don’t you think that’s amazing? ”

The old man Tokugawa’s eyes gradually widened, and he seemed to be caught in his passionate speech.

However, all this he said did not interest Yujiro Fan and Kuroki Gensai.

As if they had made an agreement, they fell into silence at the same time….

Seeing that they were not as excited as himself, Tokugawa Mitsunari just smiled lightly.

Then came an appalling conclusion.

“I mean…”

“Whether it is the appearance of Luo Zhu, the growth of Blade Teeth in recent years, the second generation of Nomi Juku coming down the mountain, or the two of you who have never been in touch before, but come to participate in the competition I held at the same time.”

“What’s even more amazing is that the primitive human skins that lived 300 million years ago were dug out of the ground and resurrected!”

“Don’t you think… Is it all too coincidental? ”

“Don’t you think that all this is a divine arrangement so that we can decide who is the strongest in this world!?”


Hearing this, Yujiro Fan Ma finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

While the whole person’s hair stood upright, his eyes were also full of malice.

While smashing the floor next to Tokugawa, he leaned down and said viciously.

“Old man! Don’t talk about it here! ”

“Who the hell is that person!? Hurry up and let me see you! ”

Faced with the threat of the strongest creature in history, Tokugawa Mitsunari only smiled lightly and did not answer him.


With a gentle clapping of his hands, the space around the screen behind Tokugawa Mitsunari began to distort.

At the same time, a heavy footstep was getting closer and closer, and Kuroki Gensai and Fan Ma Yujiro all showed a stunned expression.


Finally! The footsteps finally stopped before the screen.

A man of medium height with confused eyes was already standing in front of the three!

Looking at his fighting posture, there is some naturalness in the sluggishness, his eyes take on an inverted triangle shape, and he is looking straight ahead.

His lips are light, his hair is scattered, and his hands are on his waist, looking a little restrained.

From the outside, this person does not stand in a posture that does not look like a person who practices martial arts.

But just standing there, he would make the people in front of him feel a wave of malice rushing towards him!

In an instant, Yujiro Fan Ma and Kuroki were stunned, staring straight at the middle-aged man in front of them.


“The two… Who do you think this person is? ”

Tokugawa Mitsunari’s voice came again faintly, with a hint of a smile in his tone.

For the identity of this mysterious man, Tokugawa was extremely confident that they could not guess.

But a moment later…

“Miyamoto Musashi!”

“Miyamoto Musashi!”

The two spoke in unison and said the same answer!


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