“Julius, very strong!”

Cold, Fan Ma Yujiro gave an answer that made everyone stunned.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the audience became more and more subtle.

The concept of strong is mostly used to describe Fan Ma Yujiro, and it is rare to see Fan Ma Yujiro used to describe others!

Can be called a very strong man by Yujiro Vanma, how many can there be in this world?

But for such a result, Blade Tooth did not seem to be very satisfied, pinched his chin and seriously thought for a long time, before continuing to ask.

“What about big brother? What do you think of him? ”

On the surface, this is just a father and son discussing the victory or defeat of the game, but the every move of this father and son is so eye-catching in the eyes of everyone!

To put it bluntly, this father and son are definitely experts among experts in terms of combat, and everyone wants to hear the experts’ predictions, right?

Still silent for a long time, Fan Ma Yujiro suddenly turned his head, his eyebrows raised high, and his expression was even more puzzled to exaggeration.

It’s like hearing a very idiotic question.

As soon as his throat moved, Yujiro Fan Ma gave an evaluation.

“Of course Jack will win!”

“He has my blood flowing in him! Even if it is weak, it is not something that can be dealt with by a single scrap! ”

The unexpected reversal made many people a little out of their minds.

Fan Ma Yujiro clearly acknowledged the strength of Julius, but said that he was a miscellaneous person.

The reason for this inconsistency is only because Jack has the blood of Van Ma flowing in him.

Judging whether a person is strong and can win a game can be judged by bloodline alone!?

This can no longer be regarded as self-confidence, but incomparably powerful conceit!

After hearing his father’s words, Blade Tooth was first stunned, and then laughed brightly.

“Hahaha! Just like I thought! ”

“I heard that my brother recently changed his teeth, and it seems that he can ‘eat’ a big meal today!”

Watching this father and son talking about life and death was like a common thing, the rest of the onlookers immediately felt a chill in their hearts, and unconsciously took a few steps back.


On the other side, inside the operating room.

Eihatsu and Momiji had a rare time off after surgering the two wrestlers in the first match.

At this time, he also looked at the big screen in front of him, and the collision between his eyes seemed to have a smell of gunpowder.

“This Julius is a trump card of the Boxing Club, and I have also participated in his muscle transformation, and in terms of strength alone, Julius is not lost to anyone.”

When Yingchu said Julius, there was always a trace of inexplicable confidence on his face.

After all, Julius’s strength is also partly due to him.

Momiji just smiled contemptuously at Yingchu’s statement, not daring to agree.

“Jack is also an existence that has broken through the limit!”

“In order to surpass his father, he maintained 30 hours of intensive training every day!”

“Bone modification, taking various lethal doses of hormonal drugs…”

“And the latest makeover I helped him complete recently, it’s enough to win this game easily!”

The two were at odds with each other in language, refusing to back down.

As “fighters”, they may not be very qualified, but as “doctors”, they have incomparable confidence!

What seems to be a showdown between Van Majek and Julius is actually a contest between these two doctors in the “human body modification” technique!


To put it bluntly, off-site evaluations are only on paper.

The specific victory or defeat still depends on the scene.

At the same time as the two giant beasts wrestled, the sand and gravel on the ground splashed, and many vertical and horizontal ravines were stepped on by the four legs!

Obviously, in the competition of strength, no one wants to back down!

But this kind of struggle will always have a result.

After three minutes, the stalemate finally changed.

Jack’s body softened first, and he took the initiative to retreat half a step.

But then….


The huge swinging fist came from the side, and the tiger landed violently on the side of Julius’s face.

The neck, which was originally solid like a stubborn stone, was instantly stretched by this punch.

Julius’s tank-like body was also blasted out heavily!

It took five or six rolls on the ground before he could stop at the edge of the fighting arena.


Two thick arms supported his body and stood up, and Julius slowly stood up, the look under his eyes was turbulent, like a fierce beast choosing people to eat.

Patting the dust on his body, Julius said faintly.

“Have you admitted that you are not as good as me in terms of strength?”

“The weak like to play this kind of trick…”

The straight-headed Julius was not angry, but from the bottom of his heart he identified Van Majek as a weakling.

In this regard, Jack only shrugged his shoulders, his expression was still cold, and he said indifferently.

“The strong, but they will not be beaten away.”

“Only if you can win… It’s really powerful! ”


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