Ye Feng talked with them for a while, and found that Tom and these people were quite good. Soon after, they were about to go to see Ye Feng’s ship, and just as they were about to approach Ye Feng’s warship, several people came in in a panic.

These people, all of them were some shipbuilders in Dock No. 1, and when they came in, they said to Tom with a panicked face: “Mr. Tom, yes. . Navy, the Navy is coming! ”

When Tom heard this, he also knew what the navy among these shipbuilders was here for.

“Well, this day is finally here.” Tom looked at the gray sky and sighed, then turned to Ye Feng and said.

“Navy brother, I may not have a chance to help you maintain your warship.”

Ye Feng glanced at him and didn’t say anything, just looked at Tom with a smile.

Catalogue and Iceberg wanted to say something to Tom, but Tom waved his hand, signaling them not to make any moves.

“Knock knock!” A sound of footsteps came in, and Ye Feng and several people looked up, only to see a group of naval soldiers come in.

When the pair of naval soldiers came in, they surrounded the dock and controlled their movements, and then the leading men stood up.

The leader was 5 people, all dressed in black, and at the head was a cold young man.

“We are CP9 Chief Slater, on the orders of the World Government, to capture Tom!”

The man took a step and said to Ye Feng and the others.

The faces of everyone present were very dark, and some were even more indignant, one by one, they were upset for Tom.

“I wonder what reason your world government is trying to arrest Mr. Tom?” At this time, the iceberg beside Tom stood up and said excitedly to Slater on the other side. As Tom’s student, Iceberg naturally wouldn’t let them take Tom away easily.

“Tom provided the world criminal Roger with ships, causing great harm to the world, Roger died, naturally to liquidate the remnants!” Slater said flatly to the iceberg, believing that these shipbuilders did not have the courage to stop their capture.

As for the impedance of the iceberg, hehe, a hairy boy who has just become a shi chief, also dares to stop himself ??

Slater directly ignored Ye Feng and the others, thinking that they were incapable of posing a threat to themselves.

Ye Feng just watched all this indifferently, he had no reason to help! Don’t bother to provoke these troubles, as a play, just take a look…

When everyone heard Slater say this, they all showed angry expressions. Although Mr. Tom built a ship for Roger, it did not endanger the world to the extent that it was obvious, and he obviously used this matter to frame Mr. Tom.

Iceberg smiled, although he is still young, he still knows a thing or two about the world government’s business.

“Mr. Tom, let’s go!” Slater said indifferently to Tom on the other side, but at this time, Iceberg said coldly.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Tom can’t be taken away by you!”

After Iceberg finished speaking, some big men came out behind him, looking at the navies on the opposite side one by one.

These big men are all subordinates of the iceberg cultivation over the years, and they are all directly under the orders of the iceberg.

“Huh, it’s up to you?” Slater said flatly, and then waved his hand, and the navies behind him raised their guns and aimed them at Iceberg and some others.

“Iceberg…” Tom tugged at the iceberg with an ugly face, wanting him to stop, there was no need for himself…

But the iceberg pressed Tom’s hand, and then turned to Tom sincerely and said: “Don’t worry, teacher, with me here, I won’t let them take you away!” ”

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Slater and them in a stern manner, ready to fight them to the death and save Tom!

Ye Feng looked at the situation and walked aside with the catalogue to prevent him from being burned…

“This face, will it be a little ugly?” Ye Feng nibbled on the melon seeds and said.

“。。。。” The catalogue was speechless when he looked at Ye Feng like this, and then looked at Ye Feng’s warship and said.

“Don’t worry, although the scene is ugly, your warship will not suffer any losses!”

“Probably not… Go for it! Ye Feng threw the melon seed shell in his hand on the ground and looked at his warship and said, but in the next second, Ye Feng was directly stunned.

The iceberg man with Tom tried to escape through the back door, but then Slater shouted as he looked at the boats parked in the river.

“Attack those ships, these ships are gone, I’ll see Tom how they get a foothold here!”

After hearing this, Iceberg stopped, his face ugly. Slater is right, these ships are not only the ships of himself and others, but also the ships of many caravans and families in the water capital.

If these ships are destroyed, they and others may not be able to gain a foothold in the water capital!

After Ye Feng heard this, the action of nibbling melon seeds stopped in the air, and then looked at the naval soldiers who shot at the ship and said speechlessly.

“It’s you, clever!”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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