“Well, that’s sorry, gaffe. We understand the specific situation, you should rest well! Sengoku said to the marshal, and then took Karp out the door, and then everyone asked.

“Marshal, Mr. Karp, how is it?” Everyone asked, but Sengoku waved his hand and said to them.

“Let’s go back first!” So everyone returned to the conference room, and after returning to the conference room, Sengoku and Karp did not directly tell them some information, but Sengoku and Karp came to Sengoku’s office.

After coming in, the two locked the door, and then the two began to discuss Ye Feng’s affairs.

“Karp, what do you say you have to do about this?” The Warring States are also depressed about this, let that kid come to the headquarters of the Navy well to receive the reward, you are good, after a year at sea, you still did not come here.

Now, you ran to O’Hara and seriously injured your own family…

“According to his crimes in O’Hara, he can be shot dozens of times!!!” Karp said to him while eating senbei.

“That’s what I said, but it’s also a little special!” Sengoku said with a sigh.

“What’s so special?” Karp asked curiously.

“First of all, he went to trouble Sakaski because he bombarded him, not because he had a feud with the navy.” Sengoku explained to Karp.

“But he wounded so many navies!” Karp glanced at Sengoku and ate a senbei and said to him.

“Wounded? Do you think it’s bad to get hurt? Why, do you want Ye Feng to kill all these navies one by one? Sengoku said as he stared into his eyes.

“You mean…”

“Since Ye Feng was able to shock them with one kick, it proved that he could absolutely kill them all. Moreover, the navies present were all damaged to varying degrees, which also proved that Ye Feng had left his hand on these guys. “Sengoku directly analyzed the situation at that time.

“So, let him go, let him go??” Karp asked suspiciously.

“Of course, it’s not. We, we’re going to bring him back!! Sengoku said with a smile, and then the two returned to the conference room.

At this time, some people are eating, this time is already noon, it is already time to eat lunch.

Sengoku and Karp re-entered the conference room, looked at everyone and smiled and said, “Hey, everyone, you’re in trouble!” ”

Everyone smiled and said to the Warring States: “It’s okay, it’s okay, marshal, how did you discuss.” ”

Warring States came to the middle of the conference table, put his hands on the table, raised his head and said to everyone seriously: “From now on, the navy soldier Ye Feng is fully wanted, and the reward amount is 1 billion Bailey, and he can only be caught alive!” All the branch navies near the Great Voyage, put down the things in your hands, you only need to do one thing, that is, monitor Ye Feng’s every move in the Great Voyage! ”

After hearing this, everyone was flustered, what did they just hear, to go and catch a naval soldier ?? Also offered a reward of 1 billion Baileys? We’re not talking about the Four Emperors who did it???

“Once you learn of Ye Feng’s whereabouts, it is best for the generals of the rank of lieutenant general not to approach him, directly inform the headquarters, Karp and I personally go out!!!” Sengoku finally said something more important.

The rice chopsticks in everyone’s hands fell directly to the table, and a naval marshal, a naval hero, went to catch a naval soldier??? This is the treatment that only One Piece has…

“Hear that??? Sengoku shouted loudly.

“Heard me!” Everyone came back to their senses and said loudly to the Warring States.

After the meeting, everyone was complaining to each other, and the Warring States were watching all this with a smile, as long as Ye Feng returned to the naval headquarters, then it would be fine.

Through the reaction and handling of this matter by the Warring States and Karp, the Navy Headquarters finally concluded that it was the O’Hara incident, which was done by Ye Feng.

After everyone heard this conclusion, they directly boiled, and some navies shouted one after another: “I’m going to be a miscellaneous soldier, don’t stop me!” ”

After that, the speed of the navy headquarters was very fast, Ye Feng’s bounty order began to float around the world, and countless people knew the magical operation of the navy headquarters.

At this point, countless pirates and countless bounty hunters began to complain about this operation of the navy.

“Hahaha, laugh at me, this navy is really living more and more backwards!” A small naval soldier actually wants to make such a big move. ”

Such ridicule appeared all over the world, and some navies were speechless when they heard it. Even they themselves suspect that spending such a great force to pursue a naval soldier is really …

Meanwhile, somewhere along the Great Route, dozens of pirate ships are sweeping through nearby islands. These pirate groups are the pirate coalition army that has been chasing Ye Feng, and at this time, they are already going crazy by Ye Feng and have been chasing for a year. Ye Feng’s shadow did not see a single one, from the naval headquarters to the Great Voyage, and now the others were still wandering on some islands of the Great Voyage.

On the Kaido Pirate Ship, the person in charge of the Kaido Pirate Ship who pursued Ye Feng this time, Kaido, was looking at the nearby island and was stunned, and then muttered: “When the fuck is this big!” ”

After complaining, Keith directly raised his head and looked at the sky speechlessly, and suddenly a piece of paper fell on Keith’s face.

Keith grabbed the paper off his face and looked at it. I saw that there was the character they dreamed of, Ye Feng.

“Come and see, there is news from Ye Feng!” After seeing that it was Ye Feng, Keith directly stood up and shouted to the surrounding pirate ships, and then many people came to the boat, looking at this bounty and stunned.

“This navy… Is it crazy or what?? Marko said speechlessly at the bounty order.

“You know what that means?” Keith said to them in a daze.

“What?” Everyone was also interested and asked curiously.

“It means that the person we are looking for is right, he does know Roger’s secret, if this is not the case, why do you say the navy arrested him like this!” Keith directly and proudly said that he began to analyze the bounty order.

“Well, it really makes sense!!” Everyone began to chime in, and Keith held his head high, even more proud.

If Sengoku and Karp knew that this Mr. Keith had over-interpreted their meaning, they would definitely laugh: “It’s worthy of you, big clever…” ”

“In that case, we are now…” A pirate asked them.

“How else, find him before the Navy catches him… And then, of course, pull him into the gang! Keith said to the crowd.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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