
Right now, in Stark’s mansion!

A human-tall metal stood in front of Tony’s eyes, this metal seemed to radiate the light of the sun, but it was very cold!

“Jarvis, scan the metal components!”

After receiving the instruction, Jarvis immediately turned on his scanning system.

I scanned the metal in front of me!

After nearly half an hour of analysis, Jarvis finally got the final answer.

“Sir, I can’t scan it.”

“What? Can’t scan it out?? ”

As the most advanced intelligent technology on the planet, Tony still has a certain understanding of his little butler.

This thing is self-made, it contains all the knowledge of its entire earth!

Even knowledge on Earth cannot be understood!

Is this piece of metal hard than vibranium “three, four, three”?

Saying this, Tony found some metal fragments from the side to repair the shield of the American team, and the big knife created after melting it directly slashed towards this piece of metal!

However, what shocked Tony happened in an instant!

The moment this big knife fell directly on the metal!

That moment!

The big knife was actually slammed twice directly under the swing of the robotic arm, and it was knocked out of a not small opening!

“This mysterious metal is so hard?”

What is vibranium?

Vibranium is one of the hardest metals currently detected on Earth, and another metal called Edman alloy has long since disappeared.

A metal that even vibranium cannot cut!

This thing, if you give yourself the creation of new armor, wouldn’t it?

“It seems that I will have to move around with the Underworld more in the future, if only Mr. Aaron could send an Underworld fighter for me to test the armor’s ability.”


“Sir?” A piece of metal appears behind the head.

“Prepare the program structure of Underworld Armor 1.0, and mobilize all the armor information of the previous Mark series and space series!”

“Yes sir!”

There is a light that is rapidly coming in the direction of the solar system!

The powerful energy field it carries has caused a series of problems in a large number of electronic equipment!

It can be seen with the naked eye!

A long silver arc came from the distant river of stars!

It was as if a sword light could cut through the sky, and the speed was so fast that ordinary people simply had no way to overtake this shadow!

“Another familiar person is back.”

Among the cities of Hades.

Aaron accompanied Vera playing chess.

Vera is, after all, only a human being, inferior to Aaron in calculation and in the aspect of uncertain prophets.

In just three or four rounds, he was directly given by Aaron. It ん “Don’t play anymore, adults play tricks!” ”

Listening to this, Aaron smiled slightly, and then asked.

“Why didn’t I use any power?”

“Adults have the ability to predict prophets and can see the future, this does not count!”

“Hahahaha, the prophet…”

Beyond the solar system, near the silver meteor, a black-red shadow is also coming from the edge of the Milky Way towards the solar system at the fastest speed!

That to the silver figure.

It was an indigenous man called the Silver Glider.

And another black figure.

But even the three giants of the underworld feel that they are far from the men they are inferior!

Skystorm Star, Bennu Bird Glow Fire!

Aaron sighed softly.

As his breath became more and more powerful, he was scattered all over the world, and the underworld warriors everywhere in the universe were recovering.

And the Skystorm Star in front of him is also one of the most familiar subordinates of his previous life Flesh Aaron.

The Skystorm Star, the glow of the Bennu bird, its power is comparable to the three giants of the underworld.

After becoming the guardian of the stars, his strength is even more powerful than the three giants of the underworld.

When he appeared, he carried a burst of black flame behind him, and his attack speed and destructive power far exceeded gold!

The Silver Glider comes from afar with his own surfboard and his body with powerful cosmic energy!

This time, his purpose is to find a delicious planet for his master, the Planet Eater!

Outside the galaxy, he searched for a long time, and also devoured many living planets for his master.

But his master was still not satisfied.

At this time, the Silver Glider was approaching the solar system at the fastest speed.

At his current speed, it was more than an hour at most.

You can travel from beyond the distant solar system to the sky above the earth in countless light years!

But right at this time!

The Silver Glider is speeding through the edge of the solar system, dragging a long silver exhaust behind it!

A black shadow suddenly came in the direction where he was at the fastest speed!

“Hahaha, there is a person who is so fast, it seems that I am not lonely!”

A powerful aura came from this black figure, and a supreme heat wave struck from this person’s body!

The silver glider noticed the person in front of him, and after reducing his speed, he turned to look at the black flame behind him!


A black shadow appears!

Under the illumination of a gorgeous Benu bird’s underworld, a handsome-looking, but very indifferent man appeared in front of his eyes!

“What are you? Why is this blocking my way? ”

The Silver Glider is one of the four ambassadors of Star Swallowing, representing one of the most powerful forces in the world!

Who is Star Swallower?

One of the five creation gods of this universe!

Although in the infinite cosmic space and the multiverse, devouring is a noun for power………,

But it didn’t hinder his existence as the five creation gods at all!

“I am under the command of Hades, the Bennu Bird Glow of the Celestial Storm Star!”

The man’s body exudes a dark little universe, and the strength of this energy is consistent with the cosmic energy!

Even, this is a purer cosmic energy!

Like the energy from the master in his body, incomparably pure, but incomparably manic!

As the harnesser of cosmic energy, the Silver Glider has the real 3.5 power to absorb and control energy from the gift of its master.

“Bennu bird? Glowfire? ”

In the memory of the silver glider, such a memory does not exist!

I didn’t know what a fire was, nor did I know what Hades was!

“I see that your speed is good, and I think that the way back is also a little boring, so let’s have a race between us!”


The silver glider looked at this strong man behind him in puzzlement!

His breath is not inferior to himself at all!

“See who reaches the third planet of this galaxy first, the first to arrive, can ask another person to do something instead of him!”


The silver glider thought for a moment and nodded.

“Then come on!”

After that, this silver figure turned into a streamlined line and disappeared into the universe!

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