Chapter 249

Fury faintly said: “These bastards, really don’t take the destruction of the earth seriously, am I…”

Maria said: “Thor is not a human being on earth. The earth is gone, and I just went back to inherit Asgard…”

Maria, which side are you on… Fury is so angry.

Since appearing in satellite images for the first time, Silver Shadow has appeared all over the world. Everywhere you go, it will inevitably cause a large-scale blackout.

The ocean suddenly froze in large areas, hail fell in the Sahara Desert, and the active volcano froze into ice cream… The abnormal climate phenomenon cannot be explained by science.

What science cannot explain, humans like to move closer to God.

So their god… is the Silver Shadowman?

Mike doesn’t think much of the above, nor does he care. He answered the phone and got a message that seemed like a bolt from the blue: his father and mother, after more than 20 years, are ready to set foot on the land of New York again.

I miscalculated. I didn’t expect Susan to send an invitation to his parents. Maybe it was just a polite post, and then the old parents actually came, and before they came, there was no ventilation, and they didn’t call Mike until they got off the plane at the airport.

No time for Mike to react at all.

This is a sudden attack!

“Well, I’ll pick you up right away.” After hanging up the phone, Mike was stunned for two seconds and asked Stark: “Can you borrow your Rolls Royce?”

Stark: “Which one did you say?”

Moat answer.

Forget that Stark owns multiple Rolls Royces: from Phantom, Phantom, Shadow to Cullinan, Gust… this brand of cars alone fills a garage.

Mike got up and said weakly, “Forget it, I’ll pick one by myself.”

Stark asked, “Where are you going?”

Mike said impatiently: “You cop, there are so many questions.”

Teleport to the underground garage.

Stark touched his chin, “There is a problem, there must be a problem. J.A.R.V.I.S…”

At this time J.A.R.V.I.S said: “Boss, your explosive hair style was sent to the group.”

“Ah! When?”


“Who sent it?!”


“Damn!!! Why didn’t you block the photo as soon as it was sent out!”

J.A.R.V.I.S was silent for a while and said, “Because I find it very interesting.”

Anna’s eyes lit up: “So it’s not a rich woman, but a rich man?!”

Mike’s mouth twitched.

I know why Mike is so good at coaxing women, but he can’t help his mother.

The woman who gave birth to Mike, she often does not play cards according to the routine. Now I am a full-time writer, specializing in Tanmei.

Tang Zhong smiled as his wife teased his son.

Compared with Anna’s anti-routine, Tang Zhong is a very traditional man with a bit of machismo on the scene, but in private, he is very considerate of his wife, respects his elders, and shows loyalty to his friends.

It’s so traditional that I ordered a baby kiss for my son.

Tang Zhong asked Mike a few questions.

Mainly about career.

Mike talked about the supermarket in Hell’s Kitchen and invested in real estate, technology companies and so on. In short, it’s okay.

As for holding 50% of Umbrella’s shares, it may be worth tens of billions of dollars in the future, so let’s not say it for the time being and scare the two.

New York’s Chinatown is at the southern end of Manhattan. Its area is centered on Beth Street, including Kennedy Street, Baiye Street, Disclosure Street, Lafayette Street, Bowery Street, and East Broadway Avenue.

Only a short walk from Wall Street and adjacent to Broadway-such an excellent location makes Chinatown an important place in New York. This is a battleground for almost all gangs in New York. However, for decades, the Celestial gang has been in charge of the underground world here, among which the Axe Gang and the Golden Tiger Gang that have risen for more than 20 years are the most popular.

In the past, Mike had only one condition for staying in New York for development: not to stay in Chinatown for a long time. Tang Zhong didn’t want Mike to get involved with the Golden Tiger Gang.

Rolls-Royce was still very cool, and stopped in front of a Chinese restaurant, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

A middle-aged man walked over quickly and held Tang Zhong’s hand: “Long time no see, brother!”

Tang Zhong said lightly: “It’s been a long time since I saw you.”

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