People in Marvel, start to marry the Scarlet Witch

Chapter 532 Dwemer and Vamer (second update)

You must know that his Tsukuyomi dimension is only a prototype now. Even if it completely absorbs the life evolution of the blood spring, it can create life and bring vitality to the Tsukuyomi world.

But for him, how to create life and how to create the world has become a difficult problem.

Because he doesn't have any relevant experience.

Of course, as long as he spends time and slowly explores, he can still complete this creative process tens of thousands of years later.

Presumably many creation gods came slowly like this when they created the world.

But now that he has obtained the drawings of when the world of Nirn was created, this problem disappeared instantly.

At that time, he can completely draw on the contents of this drawing to carry out secondary creation, greatly saving time.

You can also use this to understand the nature of the world and strengthen your own use of laws.

"Don't think that you can underestimate me just because you are immune to my paralysis technique. Let me give you a taste of my power!"

Ancano was shocked when he saw that Li Chuan did not hold the Staff of Magnus in his hand, and that he was not affected by the enhanced paralysis technique.

But when he saw that Li Chuan dared to ignore him, he was so arrogant that he became furious and was about to use the blessing of the Eye of Magnus to release more powerful magic.


Li Chuan turned his head and glanced at Ancano, opened his mouth and shouted:


"The dragon's roar is of no use to me."

Seeing Li Chuan roaring at him, Ancano suddenly laughed arrogantly.

With the protection of the Eye of Magnus, even the powerful dragon roar cannot have an effect on him.

However, the next second, the Magnus energy on the surface of his body was forcibly roared away, and then his body instantly collapsed from skin, flesh to bones and turned into a rain of blood splashing on the wall of the hall. He could no longer die. .

"Of course ordinary people's dragon roars are useless, but this is the dragon roar I made."

Li Chuan smiled and continued to look at the Eye of Magnus.

The Eye of Magnus does have powerful energy, but it is essentially Magnus's design blueprint for the world of Nirn, and the dragon's roar comes from the power of the dragon god Akatosh, and is originally used for fighting. .

If it were an ordinary dragonborn, even if Graybeard came, he would definitely not be able to break the energy of the Eye of Magnus with the dragon's roar.

But he, Li Chuan, is not an ordinary dragonborn. The dragon roar he is sending out is more powerful than Alduin. Just now, he deliberately focused the power only on Ancano, otherwise the entire Winterhold would probably be destroyed by the roar. .

So even if Ancano used the power of the Eye of Magnus, he couldn't withstand it at all.

Moreover, he had just used the Nanmingli Fire Sword to forcefully break through the shield of the Eye of Magnus, greatly reducing the protective effect of its energy.

"By the way, there are you too."

Remembering that his guards were still immobilized, Li Chuan turned around and stretched out his hand:

"All curses end!"

A wave of magical energy swept through the entire Winterhold Mage Academy, and everyone who was paralyzed by Ancano immediately returned to normal.

All the Winterhold mages who had returned to normal looked at the human-shaped blood mark of Ancano on the wall of the hall. They all couldn't help but swallow their saliva and stepped forward to express their gratitude to Li Chuan.

The Dragonborn Emperor's dragon roar is even more powerful than rumored!

"Thank you Your Majesty for saving our college. All the teachers and students in our college are grateful."

"It's a small matter. The Eye of Magnus in your academy is too dangerous for the mainland. I will take it away and seal it. Do you have any objections?"

Li Chuan nodded and looked at all the Wintercastle mages.

The mages looked at each other, and finally looked at Tovdil, the oldest and highest-status teacher of the transformation system. Tovdil immediately replied:

"No comment, no comment at all."

Just kidding, if he had any objections and angered such a Dragonborn Emperor, he would probably wipe out the entire Winterhold College.

Hearing this, Li Chuan showed a satisfied smile on his face:

"Very good, by the way, do you have any Elder Scrolls here at Winterhold College, or any related news?"

"The Elder Scrolls? We don't have such legendary magic items, but the relevant news... Urag Gro-Shub... Do you know any news about the Elder Scrolls?"

Tovdil thought for a moment, then turned to look at an old orc behind him.

Although Ulrag Gro-Shub is an orc, he is not a warrior, but a mage and the administrator of the library of Winterhold College.

If you want to talk about these secrets and news, he is the right person to talk to.

The old orc came forward and replied respectfully:

"The Elder Scrolls have ancient power and can see through the past and the future. There is a mage in the academy who studies the Ancient Scrolls very well. He should know where to get the Ancient Scrolls."


Li Chuan asked.

The old orc said slowly:

"His name is Septimus Xignos, but he has not returned to the academy for a long time. When he left for the last time, he told me that he was going to do research at a certain Dwemer ruins in the northern ice field."

"Dwemer ruins."

Li Chuan's eyes showed a little surprise.

The Dwemer, also known as dwarves, are a very ancient and developed race.

They are an elven race that lived in seclusion in Morrowind during the First Era. They like to live underground and have a civilization that surpasses all other races at that time and even now.

Its engineering, craftsmanship, metalwork, stonework, architecture, urban planning, science, mathematics, magic and academic arts have amazed today's scholars.

The huge dwarf dungeons and dwarf ruins are a paradise for many adventurers. They can harvest a lot of valuable dwarf items, but they are also very dangerous.

Much more dangerous than those Nord ruins with corpses.

Because usually these dwarf ruins contain a large number of deadly mechanisms and many remaining dwarf machines, as well as cruel and low-intelligent Vamer elves.

Dwarf Machine is a kind of existence similar to an intelligent robot created by dwarves by combining the characteristics of machinery and magic. It has dual physical and magical attack capabilities, and its defense is extremely high.

As for Vamer, the once glorious Snow Elves clan sought refuge from the dwarves because of their failed war with the Nords. However, they were betrayed by the dwarves and turned into slaves. Their intelligence was greatly degraded because they often consumed a certain poisonous fungus.

Now in the entire continent of Tamriel, or in the entire world of Nirn, the Dwemer race no longer exists.

The entire race of Dwemer suddenly evaporated and disappeared from the continent at some point in the First Era.

There are a lot of rumors about this too.

Some said that they offended the demon god Azura and was completely wiped out by Azula. Some said that they came into contact with the essence of the gods and collectively ascended to become gods. Some said that they broke Lock Khan's heart and all turned into ashes. , anyway, there are many ways to say it.

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