People in Marvel, start to marry the Scarlet Witch

Chapter 191 Twelve Kinds of Patron Saints (Part 1)

When Li Chuan's patron saint turned into a snake again, Dumbledore's eyes also became a little confused.

He had never heard of the patron saint changing three times in such a short period of time.

However, what happened next almost made him cry out, because the change of Li Chuan's patron saint's form has not stopped. The silver snake dispersed and condensed into a horse, and then turned into a swallow, an eagle, a bird platform, a harrier, a 鼍, and a horse. , monkey and tiger.

After the change became eleven times, Li Chuan gradually realized something in his heart.

He already knew what his Patronus was and why it changed so many times.

The patron saint is the truest portrayal of the wizard's heart, and it is the special energy in the form of an animal that is condensed based on the wizard thinking about the happiest thing.

What impressed Li Chuan most deeply in his heart was the Xingyi Twelve Forms that he had been practicing since he was a child.

Xingyi Twelve Shapes is a boxing routine formed by simulating twelve animal shapes and fighting specialties. When practicing, you must imagine that you have become that animal.

So now when his patron saint condenses, it becomes an animal form with twelve shapes.

"If this is the case, then there is another animal that has not appeared!"

Li Chuan's gaze focused on the huge silver tiger in front of him, his face full of anticipation.

Sure enough, after the silver tiger lasted for a few seconds, it also dispersed again for the final reorganization.

A moment later, a silver dragon majestically appeared in Li with horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, and ears like a cow. In front of Chuan.

As his thoughts connected to the patron saint, the silver dragon circled in the air and fell, wrapping around Li Chuan's body to guard him.

"It's actually a dragon, but this is the first time I've seen this kind of dragon. It looks a bit like a Chinese fireball dragon!"

Dumbledore looked at the silver dragon wrapped around Li Chuan, and couldn't help sighing.

Although I have never seen this type of dragon, it is obvious that this is a very powerful patron saint, because with its size, it may be able to fly the enemy away with a flick of its tail.

With Li Chuan's thoughts moving, the silver dragon turned into a white tiger again, and with another thought, it turned into a silver eagle.

Obviously, his patron saint can change into any of the twelve forms according to his will.

"It can be changed at will!"

Seeing that Li Chuan's patron saint could still change, Dumbledore suddenly showed a big smile on his face.

According to the information he received from the place where he was stationed in Grindelwald, Grindelwald's rally in France will begin the day after tomorrow, and Grindelwald will send a mysterious person to assassinate himself and destroy the entire Paris.

The people from the Ministry of Magic alone are definitely not opponents, so he wants Li Chuan and Newt to go to France. He already went to Newt's side yesterday, and Li Chuan also plans to chat with him today while teaching magic.

Therefore, the stronger Li Chuan's strength, the better. It is naturally a good thing to have such a powerful patron saint before going to France.

"Tom, I need your help with something!"

In the evening, Li Chuan apparated at Newt's doorstep.

During the day, he agreed to Dumbledore's request without hesitation. Since the secret identity had to fight Dumbledore, it would be appropriate to fight Grindelwald with the clear identity.

Because of this, the identities of both light and dark will be greatly improved in the future, and at the same time, it will also make Dumbledore and Grindelwald more sense of crisis, and pay more attention to and guide him with magic.

"It looks like you're going out?"

Before he could knock on the door, the door of Newt's house was opened, and Newt rushed out carrying the suitcase, followed by his No-Maj friend Jacob.

"Hello, Mr. Jacob!"

Li Chuan waved to Jacob.

Jacob immediately responded enthusiastically.

Newt's eyes lit up when he saw Li Chuan:

"I'm planning to go to France with you, did Dumbledore tell you?"

"Yes, let's go."

Li Chuan nodded with a smile, and then the three of them walked towards the British Ministry of Magic.

He probably figured out what was going on through chatting on the road.

After what happened in New York before, Jacob, the No-Maj, was not erased from his memory because of the deliberate concealment of several people, and he opened his own bakery as he wished.

He later fell in love with Tina's sister Queenie, but wizards and Muggles cannot marry according to the Statute of Secrecy.

Queenie desperately wants to marry Jacob, but Jacob is worried that Queenie will be imprisoned because of the secrecy law after being discovered, and has always disagreed.

So Queenie used a love spell to control Jacob and wanted to marry him forcibly, but was exposed by Newt when she came to visit Newt.

Queenie left alone in anger to find her sister Tina who was preventing Grindelwald's rally in France.

And Newt was going to France to find Tina to explain the misunderstanding because the newspaper mistakenly wrote about his brother's engagement to Leta Lestrange as himself, and at the same time complete the task assigned by Dumbledore.

Because Li Chuan took Credence away, there was no Momoran attack, so Newt was not restricted from leaving New York because of Momoran.

The two took Jacob directly to the French Ministry of Magic with the Portkey of the British Ministry of Magic, and found Queenie who was looking for her sister at the Ministry of Magic registry.


Jacob shouted excitedly when he saw Queenie.

And Queenie, who was in a very depressed state over there, immediately forgot the previous anger when she saw Jacob, and ran over excitedly and hugged Jacob.

"Queenie, is Tina in Paris now?"

After the two calmed down, Newt asked hastily.

Queenie shook her head:

"I don't know, the postcard she handed me said it was in Paris, but I just asked the registration witch and she said Tina was in the Ministry of Magic."

"Since they are responsible for tracking Grindelwald, they may need to hide their identities. It is difficult for Aurors who are not from the Ministry of Magic to know their whereabouts and related situations.

It's too late now, let's go to the magic street and find a hotel to stay in first! "

At this moment, Li Chuan suggested.

And Newt immediately took out a business card with the address on it and said:

"There's no need to go to a hotel. Dumbledore gave me a very safe address. Let's go and stay there first, and then find a way to find Tina and see how to help her stop Grindelwald's rally."

"good idea!"

Li Chuan looked at the address on the card in Newt's hand, and knew that it should be the address of Dumbledore's old friend, the most powerful alchemist in the wizarding world, Nico Flamel, who had lived for more than 600 years.

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