Chapter 87: Akemi Miyano’s Check-in Mission [2 more].

“So it was her!”

When Lin Ying heard the name “Masami Hirota”, he knew that he could not continue to stand idly by.

“You all stay here, don’t move, you know?”

He turned around and instructed, especially Kudo Shinichi.

Lin Ying always felt that there were so many disasters today, and it had something to do with the other party… The name of the Grim Reaper elementary school student, is it the false name of the wave? Although it has not become smaller yet, the power is also quite amazing.

“Shinichi, you want to keep Xiaolan and the garden safe, you know?”

Lin Ying deliberately said this, so as not to make this guy restless.


As soon as these words came out, Shinichi immediately realized what Lin Ying wanted to do.

He said a little anxiously: “Hey, Brother Lin, are you going to go alone?” It’s dangerous! ”

“We’re worried about your safety too!”

Xiaolan and Yuanzi realized Lin Ying’s plan after realizing it, and the two of them also became worried: “It’s better not to do such a dangerous thing, right?” ”

“Yes, yes, just leave this kind of thing to the police!”

Faced with the dissuasion of the three, Lin Ying smiled and said, “You can rest assured that I have encountered more dangerous situations than this.” I am 100% sure that I will come back safely. ”

In a short conversation, the five robbers had already begun to retreat with Masami Hirota.

After Lin Ying went through his plan in his mind, he left and stood up and followed, saying, “Wait!!! Can you release my girlfriend? I’ll go with you!! ”

This sudden action naturally alerted those robbers, and several people immediately pointed their guns at him.

“Huh? Your girlfriend? ”

The tone of the robber led by the robber was full of surprise.

“Yes… That’s right. Quick… It was almost time for work, so I came to pick her up. ”

Lin Ying nervously grabbed his sleeves…


He gave a thumbs up for his acting skills.


Masami Hirota was stunned for less than a second, and soon realized that the other party was here to help her, and she hurriedly nodded and said, “Yes… Yes, he’s my boyfriend! ”

Seeing this, the robber led by him waved his hand and said, “It turns out to be boyfriend and girlfriend…” Just in time! You come with us too. ”

“You are a man, you have a lot of strength, help us carry money!!”


Lin Ying was “stunned” and he said anxiously: “I can go with you, can you release Yami?” ”

“Less nonsense, hurry!”

The leading robber raised his muzzle and said coldly: “If you don’t come, I’ll shoot you!” ”

“I’m going, I’m going…”

Lin Ying immediately “confessed” and rushed over to help these robbers pick up their money bags.

Watching the five robbers and Lin Ying’s figures leave through the back door, Xiaolan and Yuanzi’s eyes couldn’t help but show a worried look. After Xin Yi put the expressions of the two into his eyes, he remembered Lin Ying’s instructions, and had to make a very relaxed appearance and smiled

“Don’t worry… Brother Lin is very strong. ”

“He protected my mother from killers several times!”

“Now facing a few bandits is not a problem.”

“Say… That’s what it said. ”

Xiaolan and Yuanzi both nodded in agreement, but they were worried in their hearts. A few money bags are not very heavy, and Lin Ying can actually pick them up easily.

However, this will make the robber see the clue, so he has to put on a hard to put on the right look. After exiting through the back door, there is a similar off-road vehicle across the road.

Apparently this was prepared by them in advance.

After quickly running over, the robbers led by him opened the rear door.

Seeing this, Lin Ying quickly took Akemi Miyano’s hand, and after getting into the car, he sat in the back position.

This action made those robbers stunned, but they didn’t expect these two hostages to be so proactive, and before they could speak, they went up by themselves.

It looks like they’re a gang too. But that’s fine, worry-free!

“Look at what? Get in the car! The hostages are more conspicuous than you!! ”

The robber leader urged a few accomplices angrily. The other robbers quickly got in the car and left.

In order to avoid accidents, Lin Ying deliberately put the money bag behind his back and acted as body armor.

In this way, even if the bullet pierces the rear of the car, the impact will be cut in half, and it is likely to be blocked by these stuffed money.

Once the buggy hit the road, it began to speed fast.

The other robbers, however, did not dare to take it lightly, looking left and right around the vehicle to see which direction the police would appear. Taking advantage of this time, Lin Ying naturally took Mingmei into his arms, patted her back and said, “Okay, don’t be afraid…” It’s okay, we’ll be fine. ”


Akemi did not resist this hug, she knew that only in this way could she justifiably close the distance between the two.

After hugging together, she only heard the man say: “My name is Lin Ying, I am twenty years old and a tutor. ”

“We met three months ago for a morning run in Rice Flower Park, remember?”


Akemi is smart, and she knows that the other party is supplementing the content.

Otherwise, when the robbers asked, the two of them would have different answers.

She also hurriedly said: “My name is Masami Hirota, 24 years old, just three months after joining the company… I like dessert, coffee, and I don’t like spicy food. ”

“Okay, Masami… You don’t have to worry, I’m here and you’ll be fine. ”

Lin Ying sorted out his bangs for the other party. Brush feeling, start with the details!

“······ Well. ”

Akemi nodded, at least she wasn’t alone.

Moreover, the other party’s move that just claimed to be his girlfriend is very clever. It’s still very thoughtful… This did make her feel some security.

After calming Akemi, Lin Ying looked up and observed the other robbers while glancing at the task given by the sign-in system [Akemi Miyano’s sign-in task: If you successfully live with Akemi Miyano, you can complete the check-in. 】

For this task, Lin Ying calmly analyzed it.

If you want to live with Akemi Miyano, you have to enter the other person’s heart and get the recognition and needs of the other party. Obviously, Akemi Miyano’s current need is not to find a good man, or to find a sincere love.

Instead, she needed a man who could help her.

If you want to help her, you have to show a unique side.

After thinking of this, Lin Ying knew that he needed to express himself properly.

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