Chapter 84: Shinichi: My Love Rival Is Too Strong [4 More].

He, Kudo Shinichi, worked with the police for three hours at the scene of the murder, successfully locking up the prisoner and seeing through the other party’s tricks.

But because he couldn’t find evidence of the crime, he finally failed to catch the murderer on the spot and left regretfully. But!

Not long after Lin Ying came over, he found evidence of the crime, arrested the murderer on the spot, and won the admiration of his criminal police!

Is this fair? It’s not fair!!!

Shinichi feels that his own efforts are also very important!

Of course, Shinichi doesn’t care about fairness.

What he couldn’t accept the most was that the evidence he couldn’t find was found by Lin Ying. Even if you find it, but the other party didn’t take much time to find it!! This made Shinichi hard to accept, and he knew exactly what that meant.

This means that Lin Ying has a unique talent in this regard.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why I searched for so long and did not find it, but the other party found it at once. In fact, the new book is not so good at jealous people… There is talent and nothing.

There are more gifted people in the world.

But the problem is that Xiaolan seems to be interesting to Lin Ying and has ideas!! It’s a love rival!

This makes his mood prone to fluctuations.

After hurrying into the entrance, Shinichi’s eyes widened, and he looked at the gun parts in Twilight’s hand. Yes, the guns were disassembled.

Then Shinichi looked at the pried floor again, and there was a clearly slap-sized position where things could be hidden. You can’t hide a gun, but if you take it apart, it’s fine.

Obviously, after the murderer, he dismantled his guns and hid here.

“You… How did you know that the murderer hid the gun here? ”

Shinichi looked at Lin Ying, although he was a little unconvinced, but the facts were in front of him, and he could only accept this result.

He’s not someone who can’t afford to lose.

Lin Ying replied, “Speaking of which, I have to thank you a lot.” ”

“Huh? Thank me? ”

Shinichi frowned, he couldn’t understand the sentence, and asked, “Why do you say that?” ”

“When the murder just happened, didn’t you run into the fleeing murderer when you ran here?”

Lin Ying mentioned this matter.

“Well, that’s right… So what? ”

Shinichi thought about this sentence again, but he still couldn’t get any useful information from this sentence.

“So I was thinking… Why didn’t the murderer kill you, the witness? ”

Lin Ying said slowly: “Anyway, they have already killed people, and the gunshots have sounded…” Killing one has nothing to do with killing two, right? ”

“It’s true that he can’t kill all the witnesses, but he only needs to kill the witnesses who see him up close.”

“Besides, for the murderer, it’s just a finger move, a very convenient thing, isn’t it?”

Listening to the reasons given by Lin Ying, Shinichi thought about it for a moment and had to nod in agreement. What the other party said is very reasonable, if he is the murderer, it is estimated that he will do it.

Kill the good deeds who rush over, and at the same time deter others not to come and make fun, otherwise this is the end.

Seeing that Shinichi agreed with his words, Lin Ying continued: “But the murderer didn’t do that, but ran away directly. ”

“There is a saying in my hometown called bold assumptions, be careful to verify.”

“So I assumed that the murderer didn’t actually take the pistol, but hid it… That’s why there was no shot at you. ”

“After the gunshots rang out, the killer didn’t have much time to hide the murder weapon, so I locked the hiding area from the entrance to the corridor.”

“Then, with the consent of Officer Twilight, a search was launched… And then it was discovered. ”

After listening to Lin Ying’s words, Shinichi had no way to pick on the other party’s approach, but instead felt a deep admiration! From this unintentional conversation, you can find the murder weapon!


It’s just that the more powerful Lin Ying is, the more complicated Shinichi feels in his heart.


The other party is handsome, can talk, and is good at fighting, and reasoning seems to be not bad in this aspect. It’s over, a quad warrior… Then how else can I chase Xiaolan?

The more he thought about it, the more Shinichi had a headache and felt more stressed.

“Ah, so it is!!”

After hearing Lin Ying’s reasoning, Twilight Thirteen also suddenly realized.

“Mr. Lin, thank you for your help.”

He shook hands very solemnly.

“It’s something you should do as a citizen.”

Lin Ying smiled, and then he thought of something, please: “By the way, Officer Twilight…” When you write the report, can you not mention me? ”



Twilight Thirteen was stunned for a moment, he thought he had misheard! Such a good opportunity to become famous, just give up?

With some curiosity, Twilight Thirteen asked, “Can I tell me your reason?” Of course… It’s okay not to say it, it’s your freedom. ”

“Actually, the reason is very simple.”

Lin Ying smiled lightly, he took out his business card from his pocket and handed it over, “I’m a tutor, and I don’t want to cause too much trouble.” ”

“If my students suffer retaliation for no reason because of my actions, I will blame myself.”

“So that’s it!”

Twilight Thirteen took the business card, and after listening to the reason, he was immediately in awe!

It’s not easy to endure the temptation of fame at a young age!

He sighed and said, “So you are a teacher… No wonder it’s so powerful, find the murder weapon! ”


Shinichi on the side was speechless, he really wanted to spit on the necessary connection between the teacher and finding the murder weapon? Although I am a high school student, I am also very good at solving cases!

How many teachers can compare to me?

However, these words, Shinichi will only put in the stomach, will not say them. Now that the case is solved, there is no need to stay here.

After saying goodbye to Twilight Thirteen, Lin Ying left again with that little orchid garden Shinichi.

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