Chapter 77: Completing the Check-in Mission at the Speed of Light [2 more].

【Ding! Discover the signable character Māori Kogoro! 】

[Māori Kogoro’s check-in task has been triggered.] 】

[You completed the check-in mission of Mori Kogoro and received a reward —- organ enhancement]

[Organ strengthening: Your organs are strengthened. 】

Although human organs are inconspicuous, they play a very large role.

The most typical is the kidney… As the saying goes, men have good kidneys, and there are no troubles in married life. There is also the liver, which has a detoxifying effect.

The role of the heart and lungs is even more needless to say.

In terms of the game, organ strengthening is equivalent to improving the attributes of the whole body, and the effect is leveraged. However, this sudden happiness made Lin Ying a little puzzled.

How is the inexplicable Maori Kogoro’s check-in task completed? I just received it…

Puzzled, Lin Ying took a look at Maori Kogoro’s check-in task.

[Maori Kogoro’s check-in task: Successfully restore Maori Kogoro to singleness, and you can complete the check-in task. 】


After seeing this task, a strange expression suddenly appeared on Lin Ying’s face.

He now knows why the system rewards himself instantly.

That’s how it is… Before I knew it, I had completed the check-in task. Two birds with one stone, two eats one fish!


“What’s wrong?”

The sudden pause made Maori Kogoro question, Lin Ying came back to his senses, he smiled, and said, “It’s okay…” What I want to say is that for a man your age to drink and relieve his worries, either there is a career problem or an emotional problem! ”

Maori Kogoro was shocked and surprised: “You… You guessed it!! ”

“How did you guess?”

He asked puzzled.

“I can see it from your expression.”

Lin Ying took a sip of wine and began to type a draft in his stomach, ready to flicker.

“Expression? What’s wrong with my expression? ”

Maori Kogoro touched his face, was he so obvious that he couldn’t hide things and wrote his thoughts on his face?

While shaking the wine glass, Lin Ying said: “I have observed many people… If it’s because of work problems, most of them are drinking while complaining about stupid bosses and colleagues. ”

“But sir, although you have been drinking, you have never complained about anything, but occasionally look at the wine glass in a daze, which means that you are remembering this thing.”

“The only thing that can be worth remembering for a middle-aged man is emotional things.”


Maori Kogoro had to sigh at the young man’s reasoning, and after two or three seconds of silence, he slowly said: “I am divorced.” ”

“No wonder you show such an expression.”

As Lin Ying spoke, he stood up, took the wine glass and the next dish to Maori Kogoro’s side, and asked, “I’ll accompany you for a drink!” ”

“Thank you.”

Maori Kogoro said, raised his glass and touched Lin Ying, and drank. But this wine could not relieve his sorrows.

He spat out and said all the words in his heart: “I have been separated from my wife for ten years… To be honest, it’s incredible to be able to delay the divorce until now. ”

“I’ve been separated for ten years… It shows that you still have each other in your hearts. ”

Lin Ying’s mood was good, and he completed a check-in task so easily, which was simply beautiful.

He doesn’t mind enlightening Maori Kogoro.

“yes… But I couldn’t pull my face and apologize to her. ”

Maori Kogoro spoke in a complicated tone, very remorseful. He seemed to be comforting himself and said: “In fact, it is good to divorce now, while she is still young and beautiful, go find another person.” ”

“Otherwise, if you continue to drag on like this, you will only harm her in the end.”

“So at noon today, after I received the divorce agreement sent by her, I didn’t think much about it, filled in my name, and handed it in.”

“Sir, you are quite considerate of your wife.”

Lin Ying understood, it turned out to be today’s divorced marriage, then he was in a hurry.

“Actually… I also made the mistakes that men make. ”

Maori Kogoro explained his mistakes to the other party. It was as if sitting next to him was not a stranger, but a priest.

“Who doesn’t make mistakes in the world?”

Lin Ying poured the wine as he spoke, and he said, “Besides… You just said that after so many years of separation, it’s time to put an end to this relationship. ”

“I ask you… What would have happened to you without a divorce? ”

In the face of this strange man’s question, Maori Kogoro was silent, but his head was already following the other party’s words and began to think if there was no divorce… Then he and Yingli probably still live a life of separation without disturbing each other, right?

After thinking of this, suddenly Maori Kogoro was a little relieved.

Instead of continuing this kind of life, it is not necessarily a bad thing to be separated.

“Look, Mr. already has the answer… How about I accompany you until you get drunk tonight? ”

Lin Ying raised his glass and said.

“Good! Then have a drink tonight! ”

Maori Kogoro figured it out, could there be a stranger willing to accompany him until he got drunk, then he naturally didn’t talk much nonsense, directly raised his glass, and drank with the other party.

Three hours later, Maori Kogoro finally lay on the table and got drunk.

“Good drink, Mr. Maori.”

Lin Ying praised the other party, and he took out the mobile phone from Mao Li’s pocket. The phone is set with a password, but Maori Kogoro is here, and Lin Ying doesn’t have to guess his password.

Pick up his fingers, try them one by one, and quickly complete the fingerprint unlocking.

Lin Ying opened the contact, first deleted Concubine Yingli’s contact information, then found Xiaolan’s phone and pressed the dial key.

After a while, the call was connected.

Lin Ying lowered his voice and said, “Excuse me, is Maori Kogoro your father?” He was drunk… It’s over at Meiki Izakaya and I’ll trouble you to come and pick him up, okay… Good. ”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Ying raised his hand to Kameda Masako, who was still busy, and said, “Boss lady, check out.” ”

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