After ten o’clock in the evening, the lights in the concubine’s law firm went out.

After leaving the office, Concubine Yingli walked to the nearby parking lot.

When she just took out the key from her bag, she suddenly noticed something and quickened her pace forward.

“It’s that bastard!!” She watched her vehicle being splashed with paint and suddenly felt a burst of fire.

But after the anger, she just sighed, adjusted her emotions and accepted this fact.

Call the police, register.

Then call the people from the car wash company to come and tow it away and take it for cleaning.

A set of processes down, very familiar.

In these years as a lawyer, she naturally cannot be smooth sailing.

In fact, a considerable number of people hate her because they lost the case, and then run over to take revenge.

Concubine Yingli is used to this.

Because she lived a little far from the office, she took a taxi to a nearby convenience store, bought a bento box and tomorrow’s breakfast and left.

However, on the way home, while passing through an alley, a man wearing a mask suddenly jumped out, he was still waving a steel pipe in his hand, and he knew at a glance that the visitor was not good.

This made Concubine Yingli realize that the situation was not good, she stopped, took a few steps back, and then decisively turned around and ran.

But she had just run two steps when a man wearing a mask appeared behind her, blocking her way.

Concubine Yingli stopped, and she watched left and right as the two people got closer and closer, and her heart became more and more uneasy.

“Lawyer Concubine, I heard that you can judo, and you are quite capable of fighting.” One of the mask men said: “We want to know you, is your judo powerful, or the steel rod of the two of us!” ”

“…………” In this regard, Concubine Yingli smiled bitterly in her heart, no matter how high the kung fu is, she is afraid of kitchen knives.

However, although she was worried, she quickly made a decision……… Being beaten obediently is not her style!

After putting down her bag and taking off her obstructing high heels, Fei Yingli took a deep breath and put on a karate pose.

Watching the two people begin to slowly approach themselves, once they are pinched, they will get into trouble.

Only by solving a person first, then your chances of winning are great.

After realizing this, Concubine Yingli rushed towards a person.

However, the development of things was far beyond Concubine Yingli’s expectations.

As soon as she rushed up, the guy decisively turned and ran.

“???” Concubine Yingli was instantly dumbfounded, and she couldn’t understand why the other party ran for a while.

Aren’t they going to take revenge on themselves?

How did you run away without fighting?

She was puzzled by this and said she could not understand it.

After stopping, Fei Yingli looked back at the other guy.

This is not unknown, and the sight of Concubine Yingli was suddenly shocked.

Because the other guy directly took away his bags and shoes!

“Bastard!! Give me my stuff back!! “Concubine Yingli only realized at this time that she had been deceived!

She hurriedly chased after her.

But running barefoot on the concrete floor was very painful, and there were some small stones on the ground that occasionally pierced the soles of her feet.

This makes Fei Yingli have no way to mention the speed at all!!

I could only watch as the shameless villain fled.

There was no way, Concubine Yingli really couldn’t run, she could only shout: “Robbery!!” Someone to help!! Someone robbed ah! Can someone help me? ”

However, after shouting a few times in a row, there was no response at all.

This made Concubine Yingli feel depressed in her heart, but also very angry and anxious.

Your important documents and materials are in your bag!

Everything is stolen, and that has a huge impact on my work

In particular, there are several important lawsuits to be fought later.

In case that information is leaked, it will be troublesome!

The more she thought about this, the more anxious Concubine Yingli felt!

At this moment, suddenly a beautiful boy ran over, and he asked: “Hey, miss, do you need help?” ”

Concubine Yingli just wanted to speak, but she turned her head and found that it was not Lin Ying who came?

She was stunned for a moment, but then a look of ecstasy welled up in her heart.

Concubine Yingli hurriedly said, “Mr. Lin! My bag was robbed, can you trouble me to recover it? My important documents are in my bag! The man was wearing a mask and dressed in black! He ran over there! ”

She said, pointing in the direction of the other party’s escape.

“Huh? Concubine lawyer! ……… Okay, I’ll go and help you recover it now. Seeing this, Lin Ying didn’t say nonsense and immediately chased in the direction pointed by Concubine Yingli.

Concubine Yingli waited anxiously in place, silently praying in her heart that the other party could get the bag back.

Otherwise, there will be trouble in the next few lawsuits, not only to add explanations, but also to apply to the court for an extension and apologize to the client.

Immediately afterwards, his subsequent itinerary was all disrupted!

I also have to explain and explain to other clients not for a short time.

As soon as she thought of troublesome things, Concubine Yingli suddenly felt a headache!

She would rather be beaten by these two guys than lose her important documents and some information!

She admitted that those two guys were indeed causing themselves trouble!

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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