There are many ways to get closer to a girl quickly.

One of the most effective and low-cost ways to do this is to talk.

The vast majority of girls are emotional and talk about it once they find the right topic.

Then the other person will naturally continue, you just need to make a listening appearance and give a response, so that the former’s desire to talk can be satisfied.

While chatting, the other party will take the initiative to reveal some small secrets.

Of course, this is easy to say, but in fact, when both men and women meet, they will encounter various factors.

For example, both parties are very reserved when they meet for the first time, or the other party is not very emotional, or the other party is introverted, and so on.

Therefore, every time Lin Ying talks to others, the first focus will be to observe whether the other party has the idea of talking, and if so, he can directly guide.

If not, he will try to find something to arouse the other person’s desire to talk.

If it really doesn’t work, then choose to give up and look for the next opportunity.

This is also why Lin Ying doesn’t seem to talk very much.

But in fact, his main energy is to observe others and think about how to guide the conversation and keep it going.

Just doing this has already made him consume energy, naturally he does not have the extra energy to say so much to the other party.

Judy’s personality is more extroverted, and she lies in a hospital bed doing nothing all day, so the desire to talk is very strong.

This allowed Lin Ying to skip the previous steps directly, and he only guided him a little, after saying “Judy, why do you want to join the FBI”.

Then the other person’s chatterbox opened.

It’s just that what Lin Ying didn’t expect was that Judy’s words were one night.

From her father’s murder as a child, to participating in witness protection programs, living in other people’s homes, and what happened while she was a student, and then how to join the FBI, who has joined the FBI to investigate the truth about her father’s death, find the murderer, and so on.

Although her experience is not detailed enough, her growth experience can give Lin Ying a glance.

And a person’s growth experience is the person’s character display, and it also gives a way to enter the other person’s heart.

Raiders like Judy this girl, the method is very simple.

This child lacks family affection and love when he is young, and he is rarely cared for.

Devoted to his work, he wanted to find the murderer of his father.

Plus she is a kind girl herself.

A girl like this, if she gives each other a little care, she will remember it in her heart and will double her return.

“It’s dawn.” Lin Ying looked at the sun that was fully rising outside the window, he simply stopped sleeping and stood up from the bunk.

“Huh~~ It’s already dawn.” Judy only saw outside the window at this time, and she said embarrassedly: “I’m really sorry, a person who didn’t pay attention pulled you to say so many things, so that you didn’t sleep well at night.” ”

“It’s okay.” Lin Ying said that it didn’t matter, his current body was great, and it didn’t matter if he didn’t sleep all night.

After stretching his waist, he punched a set of five-step punches in the open space in front of him.

In fact, Lin Ying didn’t have to do this.

But puff girl, you must come up with something that can attract the other party.

And Judy is obviously not a love brain, she can resolutely join the FBI in order to find out the truth about her father’s murder, and she still has a bit of professionalism.

And most importantly… But she was kicked by herself and lost her combat effectiveness.

It is a lie to say that you do not desire the improvement of self-fighting ability.

And as Lin Ying expected.

Judy looked at the tiger and tiger wind he punched, and involuntarily thought of the picture of her being beaten by the killer two or three times.



Even when she slept these days, she was kicked all the time by herself.

Beaten unilaterally all the time.

“This… Is this Kung Fu? Judy was a little excited.

Lin Ying ignored her surprise, and after he punched a few sets of five-step punches, he felt that his body began to heat up and his spirit was obviously better, and then he stopped.

“What kind of punch is this, it feels so powerful!” Judy was intrigued, she said: “After learning it, will I be able to play five in one like a kung fu movie?” ”

“Can’t.” Lin Ying explained and said, “This is called five-step boxing, practicing it can improve the body’s coordination, master the connection between movements and movements, and improve the quality of movements.” ”

“You can also understand it as a warm-up exercise.”

“Ah~~~ so it is.” Judy nodded abruptly, and she continued to ask: “Then do you have any kung fu that can be used to subdue the enemy?” ”

“I won’t.” Lin Ying refused, and the things that were easily given away were not cherished.

Without waiting for Judy’s answer, he said, “It’s safe tonight… I’ll come back in the evening. ”

“Well, thank you tonight.” Judy knew that Lin Ying was tired, and she didn’t ask, holding her curiosity and thanking the other party.

It’s just that her idea of learning kung fu has been hooked up by Lin Ying.

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