Lobster paella.

Grilled Mediterranean sea bass.

Lemon mayonnaise.

Boneless beef steaks.

Italian-style Polenta tortilla.

There is also veal sauce boiled in aged Italian balsamgar.


Aren’t these all the things he ate here with Lin Ying last time?

Xiaolan felt very confused and puzzled, and her head was full of question marks.

So much so that she had no heart to taste the food at all.

“Ah~~~ It’s delicious.” Shinichi next to him put down the spoon and made a very satisfied voice: “I haven’t eaten something so delicious for a long time.” ”

“It’s true that no matter how many times you eat it, you won’t get tired!” A happy look appeared on Yukiko’s face

She looked at Xiaolan and asked, “Xiaolan, how is it?” Is it a reasonable appetite? ”

“Well, this is delicious!” Xiaolan responded with a smile, and she asked, “Aunt Yukiko, is this the signature set meal of this store?” ”

“Yes! A lot of people come here just to order this. ”

“That… This meal must be expensive, right? ”

“It’s okay, $650 per person.”

“6…… $650? After Xiaolan heard this number, she hurriedly converted the yen.

More than 80,000 yen!!

A meal costs more than 80,000 yen for one person, but doesn’t it cost 240,000 for three people?

“This… This meal is a bit too expensive! Xiaolan smacked her lips, she felt that what they ate was not food, but money.

“The ingredients are fresh and the chef’s craftsmanship is worth the price!” Yukiko thinks the price is right.

She looked at the piano in the distance and said, “It’s a private area over there, and if you eat over there, you have to pay an extra $720 per person!” ”

“I wanted to book somewhere, but unfortunately… Can’t be booked. ”

“………… That…… Eat over there for $720? Xiaolan unconsciously raised the decibels, very surprised.

However, the last time she ate with Lin Ying over there, she obviously didn’t need it.

“Probably because you can hear the piano over there.” Shinichi glanced at it, then gave his guess, and said, “However, one thing is that $720 is indeed a little more expensive. ”

Listening to a straight man like her son, Yukiko shook her head, and she educated: “You don’t understand this, the most important thing is romance!” The most important thing is the atmosphere, understand? ”

“…… Yes, yes, I see. Listening to Yukiko’s words, Shinichi pouted back, obviously a little unhappy.

When Yukiko was about to say something, suddenly she saw her friend and immediately waved and said hello: “Hey! Alicia! ”

Hearing Yukiko’s sudden greeting, Xiaoran looked back and saw a blonde girl in a white kitchen suit walking out.

This name Alyssa smiled and greeted: “Yukiko, you haven’t been here for a long time ~~~ How does it taste?” ”

“It’s still as delicious as before!” After Yukiko praised, she said, “Introduce you, this is my son, Kudo Shinichi, and this is my niece, Moriran.” ”

“Oh~~ Both of them are handsome guys and beauties!” After Alyssa praised, she said: “Hello, my name is Alyssa… Are you all satisfied with my craftsmanship? ”

“Satisfied, satisfied.” Shinichi nodded his head again and again to indicate that it was delicious.

But this attitude… Xiaolan looked a little perfunctory, she suddenly thought of something, and said: “I like your lobster and seafood fried rice……… Did you add saffron to it? ”

“Oh? Did you find out all this? Alyssa looked at Xiaolan with a rather surprised expression, she didn’t expect the other party to be able to eat it.

She nodded happily and said, “That’s right~~ I added a little saffron.” ”

“Saffron-soaked water will stain the rice with a layer of yellow, and it will make the rice more fragrant and delicious!”

“Of course, it also has health, health and beauty effects!”

“I… I also just guessed. Xiao Lan lowered her head embarrassedly.

In fact, she didn’t eat it at all, if it weren’t for Lin Ying’s words, she wouldn’t have thought of this at all.

If the other party asked herself next, Xiaolan felt that she should not be able to answer.

However, to her relief, Alyssa did not continue to ask, but began to chat with Yukiko.

She said, “By the way, by the way, I’ll tell you about it, Yukiko.” A very interesting thing happened here the other day. ”

“Oh? What’s going on? Yukiko was curious about these things.

Alyssa said: “The other day, we received a special guest here. ”

“Originally, we had no place here, but he used his banknote ability to convince other guests to give up the private area.”

“He booked the package first, and then asked the manager and waiter to cooperate with him in acting.”

“Then he pretended nothing happened and came with a girl… Let the girl pay for it herself and order two of the most expensive set meals here for the price of two regular steaks! ”

As soon as Yukiko heard this, she immediately showed an envious expression: “That boy is so romantic, in order to take care of that girl’s feelings, it has been arranged in advance!” ”

“Isn’t it? Recently, there are fewer and fewer boys like this. Alyssa said wistfully: “If a boy is willing to do this to me, I will definitely propose to him!!! ”

“Hee-hee, this is indeed your style Alyssa!” Yukiko smiled, then she turned to look at her son and said, “Shinichi, did you hear that?” You have to learn from people! ”

“I know, I know…” Shinichi was quite depressed, why was he compared again?

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