“I thought you wouldn’t be back tonight.”

Belmode looked at Lin Ying with playful eyes.

“You think too much, I’m just friends with Yukiko.” Lin Ying emphasized a point.

“Lin, you can’t lie.” Belmod grabbed Lin Ying’s clothes, brought him to him, sniffed it, and said, “You have a woman’s perfume smell on you… It means that you are close to each other. ”

“You’re close to me.” Lin Ying retorted this with a strong mouth: “Does that explain what is between us?” ”

“Huh…” Belmod smiled, and she said, “Your rebuttal is strong, Lin. ”

“Unfortunately, language pales in the face of facts.”

“The night you saved Yukiko, you already had a relationship, didn’t you?”

Lin Ying was not surprised that Belmod knew this.

After all, after running so many people, the news could not be locked.

If Belmod couldn’t even investigate this, then she wouldn’t do it.

Wait a minute…… If Belmod also investigates this matter, does Yusaku already know about it?

However, Lin Ying did not panic at all.

That night, instead of taking matters into his own hands, his wife was probably taken away and used as a public toilet.

The other party is too late to thank himself, what else can he say?

When I think of Yusaku, instead of resenting himself, I am grateful.

Lin Ying felt that this was really a black humor.

Belmod didn’t know that Lin Ying’s thoughts had gone off-track, she just saw that the other party was laughing, so she couldn’t help but say: “Hey, what are you laughing at?” ”

“I’m laughing at you, Chris.” After Lin Ying came back to his senses, he looked at the other party with playful and smug eyes and said, “Are you so interested in me?” Even these things are investigated. ”

The words stunned Belmode.

I don’t know why, she inexplicably had a kind of weakness and panic.

“Ha~~” She covered it all up with a smile, and quickly made an excuse and said: “You are my partner, of course, I have to investigate clearly.” ”

“Oh~~ yes.” Lin Ying looked at Belmode with mocking eyes.

The other party’s acting skills are very good.

It is a pity that words and expressions can deceive people, but a person’s behavior cannot deceive people at all.

If Belmod really thought of herself as her tool to get things done, she wouldn’t need to waste so much time on tool people.

The tool is broken and lost, find another one.

“You are the person I like, you are very talented.” Belmod easily concealed her tone and expression, and she said, “I still count on this place to help me make a lot of money… If you like that woman named Yukiko Kudo, I can help you! ”

“How? As long as you want… I can let Yusaku Kudo spend the rest of his life in prison. ”

“Not great.” Lin Ying refused without thinking about it.

He doesn’t think that Belmod is the angel Cupid, and will match himself with Yukiko.

As much as you get, you have to pay.

As the saying goes, fate has already put a price on everything.

Not to mention… Belmod is a profiteer, and she will definitely multiply several times on top of it.

“All in all, you don’t care about my business… We’re just a partnership. After Lin Ying emphasized this, he asked Belmod to no longer use such an excuse to approach him in the future.

He said, “Say, what are you coming to me for?” ”

“Received an ad hoc assignment.” Belmode’s expression was indifferent, and she didn’t seem to be affected by the conversation just now, she said: “Someone wants to kill an FBI.” ”

“Kill the FBI? I’m sorry, I can’t do this job. Lin Ying refused without thinking about it.

He has no interest in going against official institutions.

Now I am still in the stage of development, so I have to be a little obscene.

“You don’t need to assassinate, there will be professionals who are better than you to carry it out, you just need to be responsible for responding.” Belmode played with his blonde hair and said

“In fact, this task is not too difficult… It is out of caution that the employer is worried that there will be some accident in the middle, resulting in the failure of the assassination, so it is just an insurance. ”

After hearing this, Lin Ying understood.

It is estimated that Belmode is about to launch the assassination of Akai Shuichi.

“If it’s that simple, there’s no problem.” Lin Ying agreed, of course, the money he should ask for is not less: “How much is the reward?” ”

“If it goes well, it’s only fifty thousand dollars.” Belmod said: “If there is some trouble, it will be extra depending on the situation. ”

“Don’t worry, with me, I won’t let you suffer.”

“Yes.” Lin Ying agreed, knowing that this assassination of Belmod would fail.

“It’s rare that you are so cheerful.” Belmod was slightly surprised, but she had prepared a set of words to convince Lin Ying.

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed.

“I just think we need a little bit more trust between us.” Lin Ying casually found a reason and said.

“Do you trust me so much?” Belmod smiled slightly, but he still felt a little warm in his heart.

For someone like her, trust is quite a luxury.

“Then I can’t live up to your trust……… Let me tell you about the plan. Belmode was not verbose and immediately began to explain the plan.

This time she did it herself, and the target was Shuichi Akai, naturally she had to be cautious and cautious!

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