The location of Kitahara Kazuki and the others is only a stone’s throw away from the villa of the Sonoko family.

But this step away, there is a cliff away.

In the middle of the cliff there is a suspension bridge made of rope and planks, which leads to the villa of the garden family.

And after they went up the mountain, the weather in the mountain suddenly changed and became gloomy, as if it was going to be a light rain, gloomy weather, dim jungle, with this suspension bridge, it looked a little oozing.

“It’s okay, this suspension bridge is inspected and reinforced every year, so there is no problem!” Yuanzi said with a package ticket.

This villa is a villa belonging to Suzuki chaebols, and there are special people to maintain and clean it, so most of them will not be a problem.

“That’s what I said, so let’s hurry up!”

Saying that, Xiaolan was ready to walk over.

At this moment, Conan suddenly shouted: “Sister Xiaolan, sister Yuanzi, you see, there is a strange person on the suspension bridge.” ”

“Who is this guy? There are bandages on the face and arms, and the outside is covered with a robe, so it won’t be burned, right!? ”

Conan began to analyze when he saw this person.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan heard Conan’s shout, and subconsciously went over.

Sure enough, there was indeed a strange man standing on the suspension bridge, he was wearing a robe, and his face and arms were bandaged, which looked quite terrifying in this environment.

For a while, Xiaolan and Yuanzi did not dare to go forward: “What should I do?” ”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you following me!?”

At this time, Kitahara Kazuki stood up and took the lead on the suspension bridge.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan also looked at each other, followed behind Kitahara Kazuki, and finally Conan Hall.

The four of them climbed the suspension bridge together.

I have to say that the quality of this suspension bridge is quite good!

The four adults stood on it with a small child, and there was no sound of ropes breaking or planks being trampled.

It’s a sturdy suspension bridge!

At the same time, when Kitahara Kazuki walked onto the suspension bridge, the bandage weirdo standing on it was about to leave, but he heard Kitahara Kazuki’s voice.

“This dude, hurry up! Stay out of the way! ”

I don’t know when, Kitahara Kazuki was only a few steps away from the bandage weirdo, and Xiaoran and Yuanzi and Conan were not far behind.

Hearing this, the bandage weirdo was stunned for a moment, and the first reaction in his heart was

“Isn’t this guy afraid of me?”

“Why do you still say hello to me?”

With his dress and this environment, shouldn’t everyone who sees him stay away?

Why do you still run over to say hello?

Kitahara Kazuki saw that the bandage weirdo did not speak, and stretched out his hand and said, “Since you don’t go over, then let Ichigo and we will pass.” ”

The bandage weirdo felt the power on Kitahara Kazuki’s arm, subconsciously stepped back a little, and then Kitahara Kazuki passed.

The next people who passed over were Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Conan.

And Xiaolan and the others nodded with the bandage weirdo in the past, and their eyes were full of sympathy.

Because they thought the same as Conan, this bandage weirdo may have been burned by the fire, so they became this look.

They even came up with a love story.

This is very suitable for girls of this age.

After Kitahara Kazuki and the others left, the bandage weirdo stood on the suspension bridge and couldn’t help thinking: “This script is a little different from what I thought!” ”

“But it’s about the same, anyway, they saw me, although the plan is a little different, but it can still go on as usual.”

“No matter what, this woman Chikako can’t continue to live, I want to go back soon.”

With that, the bandage freak ran, came to the back of the villa after passing the drawbridge, and began to climb.

Kitahara Kazuki and the others did not see this scene, because they had already entered the villa.

After Kitahara Kazuki entered the door, he met Ayako Suzuki, who was quite enthusiastic.

“You are Kazuki Kitahara! Welcome to the guests, you can call me sister like Xiaolan and Yuanzi! ”

Ayako Suzuki, who had long brown hair and a single ponytail, squinted and couldn’t see the color of her pupils, smiled.

Hearing this, Kitahara Kazuki naturally followed the flow of goodness: “Sister Ayako.” ”

For Kitahara Kazuki’s goodness, Ayako Suzuki is also quite satisfied, especially after meeting the real person.

“Sure enough, it’s even more handsome than in the photo, and the garden’s vision this time is really good!” Ayako Suzuki nodded secretly.

The garden on the side was a little shy: “Okay! Sister, let’s not block the door here, hurry in! ”

She was a little scared that her old sister would ask strange questions.

For example, what they did on a date, or tell some of her embarrassment and black history when she was a child.

Hearing Sonoko’s words, Ayako Suzuki showed a sly smile: “Are you afraid that I will tell you about the embarrassment when you were a child!” ”


The garden is in a hurry, and this time it is really urgent.

Kitahara Kazuki on the side did not speak, but showed a faint smile.

“Hey! I seem to know, but it’s not convenient to ask at this time! ”

“Not in line with my empathetic personality!”

“Alright! All right! I don’t say it. Ayako Suzuki smiled: “Just take them to the guest room upstairs!” ”

“Then come down and help me prepare the ingredients for today’s dinner.”


Afterwards, the garden put Kitahara Kazuki on the second floor, which is the guest room.


Yuan Zi opened an empty guest room: “This is my room with Xiaolan.” ”

“Kazuki, you and Conan’s room is next door to us, don’t be mistaken!”

“This party is not only us, but also my sister’s classmates, I guess they are also in the room!” Sonoko explained.

In the anime, Xiaolan was attacked because she opened the door indiscriminately and saw the real body of the bandage weirdo.

“Good.” Everyone answered in unison.

Then they each entered their respective rooms.

Kitahara Kazuki entered the room with Conan and began to pack his things.

Conan looked at Kitahara Kazuki’s back and secretly said in his heart: “Is it really this guy who did it?” ”

“It doesn’t look like it!”

If Kitahara Kazuki did it, Conan thought that he would be a little weak when looking at each other, but Kitahara Kazuki didn’t have the heart to do anything at all.

This made him a little skeptical of his judgment.

Weak-hearted, Kitahara Kazuki is not such a person.

Conan, this is completely ignorant of Kitahara Kazuki!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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