After departure.

Kitahara Kazuki’s car is at the back, and the other two cars are in front, so Shirley is particularly relaxed and enjoys rare freedom.

At this moment, Kitahara Kazuki’s mobile phone rang.

“It won’t be your little girlfriend, will it!”

Shirley is still obsessed with this matter.

Hearing this, Kitahara Kazuki smiled and pointed to the mobile phone on the side with his eyes: “If you look at it, you will know, the mobile phone is next to it.” ”

He had nothing in his phone, and he wasn’t afraid of Shirley Check.

“Naw! That’s what you said! ”

Shirley picked up the phone with a smile, and her face suddenly became ugly.

“Who called?” Kitahara Kazuki was a little curious.

Shirley put the front of the phone in front of Kitahara Kazuki and exhaled, “It’s this woman Belmode.” ”

“I hate her the most!”

In the organization, the person Shirley hates the most is Belmode.

Because Belmod wanted to kill Shirley, the reason was related to Shirley’s mother, Elena Miyano.

However, under Kitahara Kazuki’s best mediation, Belmode has given up the idea of killing Shirley.

Despite this, Shirley still hated the woman Belmode.

“I didn’t know Belmod would call me.” Kitahara Kazuki smiled, took the phone and connected to Belmode’s call: “Is there something going on?” Belmode. ”

In the next second, a lazy and seductive voice came: “Ahhh! At the beginning, it was called Babe, but now it is called Belmode, and men really like the new and dislike the old. ”

Hearing this, Kitahara Kazuki subconsciously looked at Shirley.

Sure enough, Shirley’s face was not very good-looking, she was stimulated, and kicked Kitahara Kazuki with a glance.

However, Belmode did not know that Shirley was with Kitahara Kazuki, and it was purely customary to say so.

After all, Kitahara Kazuki and Belmode are quite familiar, both in the United States, and Kitahara Kazuki has learned transfiguration and voice change from Belmode, and the two belong to the kind of people who know the roots and belong to the same front.

Kitahara Kazuki said silently: “This has nothing to do with me!” ”

But Shirley has long understood Kitahara’s nature and does not believe it at all.

At the same time, Shirley also said silently: “According to your usual chat, it is not allowed to disclose my existence.” ”

There was no way, Kitahara Kazuki could only chat with Belmod as usual.

“You don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and it’s not because you miss me to call at this time!” Kitahara Kazukido.

However, at this time, Shirley began to look down and do things.

Suddenly, Kitahara Kazuki looked strange.



At the same time, the steering wheel was not held firmly, and there was almost a car accident.

Belmode on the opposite side heard the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, and couldn’t help but ask: “What happened?” ”

“You’re not going on a mission, are you?”

Kitahara Kazuki kicked Shirley, and Shirley showed a defiant look and continued to do things.

“No, I won’t answer your call if I was on a mission, just now a bear child ran a red light and almost went wrong.”

“You go on!” Kitahara Kazuki said calmly.

Belmod was also not polite, and directly spoke: “What happened to Kudo Shinichi?” ”

Hearing this, Kitahara Kazuki showed a clear look.

In the original work, Kudo Shinichi and Koran saved Belmode, who was injured by Akai Shuichi, but Belmode was dressed up as a serial murderer at that time, so Koran and Kudo Shinichi did not know that it was Belmode.

However, now Kitahara Kazuki intervened in this matter and was saved by him after Belmode’s assassination failed, which also led to Belmode not having an abdominal injury and not meeting Kudo Shinichi and Koran.

However, Kudo Shinichi and Ran were taken by Kudo Yukiko to meet Belmode, but they did not know Belmode’s true identity.

“What else do you care about this guy? Did you hear any wind in the United States? ”

In terms of Gin Jiu’s personality, after the killing, he will investigate the background of the other party, and then see if he needs to clear the other party’s family.

It is estimated that Gin Jiu asked people from the American side to spy on Kudo Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku, which alarmed Belmode.

This time, Ran and Kudo Shinichi did not save Belmode, but Belmode and Kudo Yukiko are friends, one of the few friends.


“Gin Shu asked me to send someone to monitor Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku, and didn’t tell me the details, so I asked if there was something wrong with Kudo Shinichi.” Belmod asked.

Hearing this, Kitahara Kazuki said: “Dead, Kudo Shinichi tracked vodka and was discovered by ginjiu, and then he was fed APTX-4869 by ginjiu.” ”

“I also went to check it again, do you want to know the results?”

Kitahara Kazuki deliberately said more, for Belmode, these tips were enough.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Belmode’s face changed.

If Kudo Shinichi is already dead, Kitahara Kazuki will not ask this sentence more, which means that Kudo Shinichi may not be dead.

And the trail was also mastered by Kitahara Kazuki.

But this is what it is about her, her friend is Yukiko Kudo, not Kudo Shinichi.

His life or death had nothing to do with her, she was just asking about the specific situation.

“No, his life or death has nothing to do with me, so do you think Kudo Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku should be disposed of?” Belmod asked.

She and Kitahara Kazuki are in the same group and both have a common purpose.

Shirley, too, knows a little, but not much.

“No need, they are still useful, keep them first!”

Keeping Yukiko Kudo and Yusaku Kudo can strike at the organization, effectively eliminate some of the organization’s members, and help their plans.

If they find his head, then they will be embarrassed.

“Gee! You won’t be fancying Kiko, will you! Belmode changed his tone and became lazy again.

“I don’t, don’t talk nonsense, be careful I sue you for slander!”

In the next second, Kitahara Kazuki suffered a heavy blow, his face was a little distorted, and he couldn’t help but gasp.


Shirley kicked Kitahara Kazuki hard.

“Hmph! I guessed right, men are all the same! ”

After that, Belmode hung up the phone.

Soon after, Shirley’s voice came from inside the car.


“A strange smell!”

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