“Big brother, what’s wrong with you?” Vodka, who was driving, asked.

Gin Jiu’s face was a little gloomy: “Something happened over there in the agave!” ”

“The people who traded in the past were not people from the arms syndicate, but people from the FBI disguised as an arms syndicate!”

Hearing this, Vodka was shocked, but fortunately it was the old driver who did not let the car get out of control.

“How is this possible!?” Vodka is somewhat unconvinced.

After all, before the transaction, they also investigated, and it was indeed people from the arms group, and there was nothing wrong with that.

It’s just that the location of the investigation is in the United States, not in neon.

The United States is also not the territory of ginjiu, and there is no way to ensure the accuracy of intelligence.

“Hmph! This guy from Tequila doesn’t lie in this kind of place, there must be something wrong with those guys in the United States, or someone within us leaked the information about this transaction. ”

“It seems that there are rats in the organization!”

Gin Jiu’s eyes flashed with cold, dealing with mice or something, he was best at it.

In the past, most of the mice mixed into the black organization were caught by ginjiu, but there were too many mice in the organization, and after killing a batch, they would appear again after a while, which was very annoying.

However, the mention of the mouse made Gin think of Shuichi Akai, and his face became even more smelly.

“Those FBI people won’t all be killed!” Vodka asked, “If there are living mouths, maybe you can get some intelligence from them.” ”

Kitahara Kazuki is also quite fond of killing in the organization, but he kills all enemies and does not do anything to the people in the organization.

So the reputation in the organization is better than ginjiu.

Gin Jiu said: “With the character of this guy of Tequila, it should be that all of them are dead, and it is impossible for a person like him to risk leaving a living mouth.” ”

For Kitahara Kazuki’s character, Gin Jiu is still quite familiar, a rather cautious man who will not fight uncertain battles.

“Then we are now…”

“Continue on mission.” Gin Jiu Road.


Vodka continued to drive to the destination of this mission.

Gin Jiu, on the other hand, dialed a phone number, and soon a lazy female voice came from the other end of the phone: “What a rarity!” Gin Wine, you actually call me! ”

“It seems that you are in trouble with Gin Jiu and need my help!”

In the face of the ridicule of the woman on the other end of the phone, Gin Jiu was not angry: “I did have a little trouble. ”

“There was a little problem with the intelligence network on the American side, which caused the transaction on my side to fail. Absinthe. ”

Absinthe is also a member of the Black Order, but in the United States, but those who know her well will call her Belmode, and enemies will call her the Witch of a Thousand Faces.

“I don’t know about this, the intelligence network of the United States has always been controlled by this guy Rum, and I am an idler!” Belmode rolled over, his back to the sun, and the suspenders on his shoulders slipped down.

“I know, so I want you to use your intelligence network to help me investigate, the intelligence of an arms group.” Gin Jiu said.

In the United States, the piano whip is beyond his reach, and he does not trust the intelligence network over there, so he simply asks Belmode.

At least Belmod can be credible in this kind of thing.

Belmode did not immediately agree to Gin Jiu’s request, but continued to ask: “What is the reason for the failure of the transaction?” ”

She will not rush to investigate intelligence without inquiring clearly, and if she is not careful, she will easily drag herself into the water.

“That guy at Tequila said that the FBI guys disguised themselves as traders in an arms syndicate and were preparing to ambush him.”

“He didn’t say the specific result, if nothing else, the gang was completely destroyed!”

For Kitahara Kazuki’s combat power, Gin Jiu is deeply experienced, and he takes their total annihilation for granted.

“It’s a tequila!” Belmod sighed: “I can help you investigate, but you owe me a favor!” ”

As long as you don’t betray the organization, this favor of gin wine is still very useful.

If Belmode’s wishes go against the Order, no favor will work, and he will kill him.

“Yes!” Gin Jiu nodded.

“Wait for my news!”

After that, Belmode hung up the phone.


Kitahara Kazuki is also talking to Rum on the phone.

Although he is in the neon, Rum is his top boss.

“I will investigate this matter, and a sum of money will be credited to your account later, which is the compensation for this mission!” The voice changer came from the other end of the phone.

Although Rum is his boss, Kitahara Kazuki has never met Rum.

But he had seen anime and knew what rum looked like.

“Okay, boss, I won’t bother you!”

He complained to Rum just to ask for money.

After all, it was the intelligence error on Rum’s side that caused the deal to fail, and even he was almost imprisoned, so it is understandable to give him a little mental compensation.

And Rum didn’t want to make Kitahara Kazuki dissatisfied with him because of this matter, and leaned towards Gin Wine.


Rum responded lightly, and the phone hung up.

Not long after, Kitahara Kazuki had another three million dollars in his account.

After making another amount of money, Kitahara Kazuki drove directly back to his home.

When he came to the gate of his house, Kitahara Kazuki subconsciously looked next door and found that Concubine Yingli was not sleeping, sitting on the table drinking in a purple silk pajamas, and her face was full of unhappiness.

In the next second, the lights in Concubine Yingli’s house suddenly went out, and Concubine Yingli, who was drinking, was startled, and in a panic, her calf hit the table, and she couldn’t help but exclaim: “It hurts!” ”

Standing outside, Kazuki Kitahara witnessed the whole process.

With a click, Kitahara Kazuki opened the door of his house, turned on the light of the gate, and the entrance lit up.

“It seems that it is not a power outage, but the fuse burned out and tripped!”

At this time, Fei Yingli also found that it was not a power outage, but a fuse that burned and tripped.

With the help of a flashlight, Fei Yingli rummaged through the cabinets at home to find a fuse that could be replaced, but it was not bad.

“I forgot that there are no fuses in the house that can be replaced!”

Usually when this happens, Concubine Yingli finds someone to come and replace it.

But now this point is clearly not very convenient.

At this time, Concubine Yingli saw a bright light appear on the other side of the balcony, a bright light coming from the next balcony.

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