“Hmph! Since you want to compare with me so much, let’s try it. ”

With Qi Liang’s voice, just fell.

At this time, he had already activated another force in his body.

The other is also extremely powerful.

It can even match the power of manipulating “time and space”.

This power is the ability of “vector manipulation” obtained by Qi Liang’s previous check-in.

After the check-in get, Qi Liang has never used this power.

Because he knows very well.

The strength of this power is really too strong.

He will put small forces.

In an instant, zoom in to countless times…


This power, up to now.

Qi Liang is not very good at control.


In this simulated world, in this false world.

Qi Liang already had no scruples.


I saw Qi Liang at this time.

He immediately raised his right hand.

“That, this power that has been lost for a long time, come and experience it.”

With Qi Liang’s voice, just fell.

In his brain, he already began to calculate the direction of the force, and then began to activate his ability.


The divine blades in the “King’s Treasury” that were originally controlled by the fierce wind.

They turned out to be out of the control of the wind at this time.

And then……

Freedom soared in this sky.

Compared with the previous Qi Liang control, it is more exaggerated.

And looking at these are already “divine blades” that have escaped their own control.

At this time, Celine, she also showed a rather incredible expression.


This shocked expression quickly transformed into an annoyed expression.

She couldn’t accept it.

I can’t accept it, I lost to this hateful guy in front of me again!

“Why, why can those divine blades get out of my control so easily!”

I saw Celine at this time, she roared unconvinced.

While speaking, she also stretched out her right hand at this time.

At this time, Celine, she wanted to control the power of the wind through herself.

Continued, once again controlling the divine weapon blade in Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasure Treasury”.

But, at this time Celine.

But she found that no matter how she used her abilities.

But there is still no way to touch Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasure House”.

This is Celine…

Something that is unacceptable in any way.

I saw Celine at this time.

She made a stomp motion in the air.

I saw that at this time, she roared very viciously and said.

“Abominable! What the hell is going on here.

Why my abilities!! ”

Look at those divine blades soaring freely in the air.

Celine wasn’t alone in feeling shocked.

At this moment…

All the people on the ground, their thoughts at this time were similar to Celine’s.

“This, this can’t be.

This…… It’s already a complete violation of the laws of physics! ”

Look at these divine blades floating in the sky.

Walter at this time.

He uttered shocked words that he couldn’t believe it.

For an intellectual warrior like him…

He could not accept that such a situation had occurred on the battlefield.

Moreover, even if not an intellectual fighter.

Siegfried and Cecilia.

At this time, they also felt quite incredible about the weapons in Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasury”.

“It’s impossible, you can control these weapons so freely!!??”

At this time, Cecilia, she exclaimed.

However, compared to the shocked Cecilia.

At this time, Zigfei, he was more than shocked or envious.

“This thing… If only my Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor’s bullets could do this. ”


The power that Qi Liang is exerting now is indeed very suitable for a fighter with a long-range weapon like Zi Gefei.

It’s just that……

What Siegfried didn’t know was that it would take a lot of calculations before using this ability.

And Bronia, who was still worried about Qi Liang just now.

At this time, she finally showed a reassuring expression.

“Sure enough, it’s really worthy of Teacher Qi Liang… I always do this kind of unexpected thing…”

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