


Under the great power of Celine’s “Law of the Wind”.

The divine blades that were supposed to attack her from the “King’s Treasury”.

They were also forced to change their original trajectory at this time.

With a roar, all of them fell heavily to the ground.

One giant crater after another was smashed above the ground.

And Celine floating in the air.

She easily defused the attack from Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasure House”.

The genes of the “puffer fish lawyer” are once again reflected in Celine’s body.


At this time, she was very proud towards Qi Liang in front of her, revealing an expression as if she was holding the victory.

She seemed to be declaring her victory.


However, at this time.

Cecilia and the others next to them, when they saw that Celine easily defused Qi Liang’s attack.

They also showed a rather surprised expression.

For them.

No matter how the center of gravity of this battle changes.

Qi Liang…

He is also still an extremely powerful being.

Therefore, when they saw that Qi Liang’s attack was easily defused at this time.

They were also forced to show surprised expressions.

When such a thing happens, they are not comparable at all.

Or or…

Qi Liang’s current form of attack has already been overwhelmed by the other party.

Although Cecilia and others did not want to admit it.


The attack method that Qi Liang has now is indeed somewhat inappropriate for this era.

Especially from the other space, shout out the traditional melee weapons that do not show any powerful ability to attack.

In the eyes of these modern people, there is indeed some backwardness.

“In that case…”

When he knew that Qi Liang’s attack might have been ineffective against Celine.

Cecilia at this time.

She also had a sharp force in her legs.

Incredibly fast.

At this time, Cecilia had already turned into a white streamer and rushed towards Cyrine in front of her.

And looking at Cecilia, who had already taken the initiative to attack.

At this time, she also immediately showed a shallow smile and said.

“Hmph! How can this kind of thing be less of me…”

With the voice of Ren Geshier, just fell.

At this time, she was already tightly holding the huge scythe “nursery rhyme” in her hand, and at this time, she rushed towards Celine in front of her at an extremely fast speed.

In a blink of an eye.

At this time, Cecilia and the Ri character Gethier.

The two of them had already arrived in front of Celine.



Accompanied by two roars.

At this time, Cecilia and the Ri character Gethier.

At this time, they were already at the same time with a sharp force of their feet, towards Celine in the air, jumping high.

At the same time, two people at this time.

He was already waving the weapon in his hand, and was about to give Celine an attack…

However, at the same time, he faced the attacks of Cecilia and Ri Gresil.

At this time, Celine, who was still floating in mid-air.

She only showed a shallow smile at this time.

“Hmph! Do you think… Will I give you a chance like I did now!? ”

With Celine’s voice just fell.

In an instant, the collapse energy quickly overflowed on the surface of her body.


With a deafening sound, there was also a powerful burst of purple thunder.

In the next second, Celine’s body was already dressed with a set of purple armor again.

A set of armor with powerful lightning power made up of the power of the “Law of Thunder”.

A turn, and an explosion of great power.

At this time, Celine, she was already using the power of the powerful “Thunder Law”.

It hit Cecilia and Riccius on the body.

Faced with such a sudden and violent attack from Celine.

At this time, Cecilia and Bronia, the two of them also couldn’t react a little.

Bombarded and shot down on the ground.

“Ahem… Damn it. ”


I saw Cecilia and Greciel at this time.

The two of them knelt on the ground on one knee at the same time, revealing a rather suffocated expression.

However, at this time Qi Liang.

He just smiled and slowly raised his right hand…

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