For this battle.

At this time, Qi Liang, he will definitely not give Bronia more help.


Nor will he stand idly by at this time.

At least……

To a certain extent, he will make the effect of Bronia’s attack more obvious.

I saw Qi Liang at this time, and he showed a shallow smile.

“Come on, King’s Treasury…”


A sound.

With the fall of Qi Liang’s snapping fingers.




In an instant, countless divine blades shining with golden light bombarded that Xi Lin in the direction at this time.

The speed of Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasure Trove” was so fast that it was almost like tearing this space apart.

In the blink of an eye, the “King’s Treasure Trove” at this time had already surpassed the cannon fire of Bronia and Zigfei.


Even Walter’s gravity bomb was easily surpassed by the “King’s Treasure Trove” released by Qi Liang at this time.

The speed that cut through the space was already in front of Xi Lin all of a sudden.

“Too fast…”

And in the face of such a rapid attack, at this time Celine.

She almost couldn’t react.

Hurriedly, at this time, she was too late to even raise her hand.

As a last resort, Celine at this time.

She forcibly allowed herself to open an enchantment to the “imaginary space”.

And then……

Reluctantly relying on this passage to the enchantment of “imaginary space”.

At this time, Xi Lin was defusing Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasure Trove” attack.


That’s all she can do.

After successfully defusing Qi Liang’s attack of the “King’s Treasury”.

Immediately after, there was the energy ball of the incomparably rapid gravity.

As well as the fierce bombardment of Siegfried and Bronia.

In the face of these attacks.

At this time, Celine, she was already powerless to resist.

After all……

Just now, when he was resisting the attack from Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasure House”.

It was already for Celine to do her best.

In this situation of serious injuries, Celine simply did not have much strength to resist.





It was at this time that these artillery fire successfully bombarded Celine’s body.

The strong roar and artillery fire even made Celine’s body fly out directly upside down at this time.

It hit a huge rock in the distance, making a violent roar.

Along with the rushing smoke, and Celine’s brief cry of pain.

At this time, everyone immediately stopped moving, intending to see the situation clearly.

Then prepare them for the next move.


It’s not that they don’t mend the knife.


The opponent, but the strongest “lawyer” Celine.

At this time, everyone chose the most conservative means to deal with the guy in front of them.

However, at a time when everyone was extremely nervous and expectant.

Qi Liang at this time.

He really had a rather calm attitude, looking at all this very indifferently.

For him…

This battle is far from the end stage.

If you really want to rely on the power of a few people here to eliminate a “lawyer” with infinite collapse energy.

Even if it is a continuous battle for several days, it is not strange at all.


Relying on the state of several people here.

It is simply impossible.

After all……

How can a simple human being be generalized with the physique of the “lawyer”.


A loud bang.

I saw that at this time, on the pile of rubble in the distance.

With a roar.

Countless rubble and rubble were blasted high into the air at this time.

And Celine at this time.

She also dragged her seriously injured body and slowly stood up at this time.

“Abominable… How many of you…”

Now Celine, she can’t even use her strength to speak.


The powerful Avalanche energy once again drives the core of the “Law of Death” at this time.

Celine, she was healing her wounds at a breakneck pace.


She changed tactics at this time.

Now Celine.

She is prioritizing the recovery of her severely injured parts so that she can recover her combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

The local healing of the wound allowed Celine to gain combat effectiveness again at this time…

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