With Celine’s voice just fell.

At this time, she had already burst out an extremely powerful purple collapse energy.

By the way, she also successfully used the collapse energy in her body at this time.

The power that drives the core of the “Wind Lawr” in his body.

Flying towards the Kamen Rider Shiwang in front of him at an extremely exaggerated speed.

For Celine, among all the people present.

Only Kamen Rider Shiwang is her real opponent.

And in her eyes, there was only one opponent of Kamen Rider Shiwang from beginning to end…

“Don’t think that “one eighty-three” will succeed!! ”

And at this time, Bronia stood next to Kamen Rider Shiwang.

She took a hard step forward at this time.

I saw that at this time, she controlled the huge “Reloaded Rabbit 19C” behind her to aim at Celine, who was flying at high speed

“Lock, Fire!!”


With Bronia’s voice just fell.



Immediately, countless gunpowder poured out at this time, and immediately flew towards Celine not far away at an extremely exaggerated speed.

It’s just that Bronia at this time.

She had forgotten Celine’s power a little…

Celine, who was flying at high speed, saw the gunpowder called out by Bronia.

At this time, she immediately showed a shallow smile and said.

“Hmph! Is this trick again? ”

While speaking, at this time, Celine, she also raised her right hand.

“Don’t forget, the same move.

For lawyers, it is completely unworkable. ”

With Celine’s voice just fell.

At this time, she had already raised her right hand and called out a special passage of “imaginary space”.

Immediately, Bronia’s artillery attack had already disappeared into this world through the “imaginary space” summoned by Celine.


“Oops, forgot her abilities!!”

Watching his attack have no effect.

At this time, Bronia, she immediately showed an extremely uncomfortable expression.

She is good at long-range attacks, and when she finds that her attacks are difficult to be effective.

This is a very uncomfortable thing for Bronia.

However, on this battlefield, there is no time to make Bronia uncomfortable.

Only at this time.

In this blink of an eye.

That powerful Celine, she has already come to the Kamen Rider Time King.

It’s just when Kamen Rider Shiwang was just about to take a fighting stance.

At this time, Li Gexier, she took the lead and stood up.

Holding the scythe “nursery rhyme” tightly in his hand, Ri Ren Shier.

She was looking at Celine in front of her with an extremely warm smile and said.

“Sorry, I’ve been watching your fight just now.

Right now…… I finally couldn’t help it!! ”



of a sound.

I saw that at this time, Liren Gexier, she used her huge scythe to cut through the air.

At a speed that was completely undetectable to the naked eye, it swung towards Celine in front of her.


And in the face of such a sudden attack…

At this time, Celine, she also immediately raised her hands to resist.

However, it is still a pity.

At this time, Celine, she was still bombarded by the attack of the person Gexier.

Maybe it’s because of the battle between Kamen Rider and Celine just now.

At this time, her fighting spirit was extremely exuberant.

And this…

It is also the reason why Celine’s combat power is so strong now…

“It seems that… It’s me who is a little overthinking. ”

On the other side, Walter, who had already raised his right hand and intended to support the battle.

He also withdrew his right hand with a wry smile.

In this battle, his range ability to manipulate gravity is really very difficult to provide effective help.


He was not originally a combat-type talent.

This also led to his rather thin presence in this battle.


This is also an afterword…

Celine who was bombarded.

She also immediately flew out from behind the huge crater at this time.

Although he didn’t react just now, he came from the attack of the personality there.

However, her attack did not cause much damage to Celine.

“I said, this battle, it’s my turn to play…”

I saw Celine at this time.

She slowly raised her right hand and aimed at the person above the ground…

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