After shouting those words towards the Chonghuang Shiwang who felt extremely hot in front of him.

At this time, Celine, she also immediately re-assumed a fighting posture.

Although just now, his most confident and powerful skill has failed.


At this time, Celine, she still did not feel that she would lose the battle to this hateful guy in front of her.


Because in the battle just now.

Celine, she was already aware of something extremely important.

That is…

The energy of the other party is consumed.

At least in this form, the opponent’s battle has a certain degree of energy consumption.


But the words of yourself as the most powerful “lawyer”.

There are five “lawyers” in her body that are constantly providing her with a steady stream of collapse energy.

And this… Also this battle.

The decisive gap between Celine and this king of the emperor in front of him…

And after looking at this Celine in front of her and taking a fighting posture.

At this time, Qi Liang under the armor.

The smile that succeeded in the plan is also becoming more and more obvious.


Celine, sure enough, is still the familiar “puffer fish lawyer”.

Just give her a little stimulation.

Then she will continue to jump up and fight angrily…

While saying, the king of the Chonghuang at this time.

He also slowly took a horse step, and his legs firmly grasped the ground.

Subsequently, at this time, King Chonghuang Shi put on a fighting posture.

At this time, he was already completely immersed in this battle that did not belong to him.


And just when the king of Chonghuang was about to launch his next attack.

“Teacher Qi Liang…”

A familiar voice suddenly appeared.

And then……

Interrupted the original thoughts of King Chonghuang, as well as the original posture of battle…

Listen to the source of the voice, at this time the king of the Chonghuang time.

He slowly relaxed his fighting posture.

At this time, he slowly stood up and looked at Bronia beside him.

Look at her somewhat complicated expression.

And those serious eyes.


At this time, the king of Chonghuang Shiwang, he reacted.

His real mission is to help Bronia pass the test of this world bubble.

And Bronia also needs to pass the test of this world bubble through her own strength, in order to truly pass the test.

But he accidentally monopolized this battle that should have belonged to Bronia.

It seems that this time.

I seem to have gone a little too far.

Unexpectedly, he was immersed in this battle that did not belong to him.

The task of the King of Chonghuang in this world should be to help Bronia reduce the difficulty of the challenge.

Instead of helping Bronia to fight and win…


At this time, the task of King Chonghuang was almost completed.

Although Celine’s collapse energy can be continuously recovered, the injuries on her body can also be quickly recovered.


A “meteorite skyfall” skill like the one just now is absolutely impossible to release again.

At this time, the king of Chonghuang, his task of consuming Xilin’s power, was almost completed.


Standing up, King Chonghuang Shiwang, he turned slightly sideways at this time.

Looking at Bronia beside her, she said in a slightly low and hoarse voice.

“Alas… Sorry, Bronia. ”

This sentence of the king of Chonghuang Shi is from the heart.

After all……

This time, he really went too far and snatched away the test that belonged to Bronia.


For Qi Liang, this man, since he was wrong.

Then he will never deny it.

He will boldly admit his mistakes.


Some mistakes can be solved without an apologies, he himself thinks so.

However, the situation is fine now.

It will not develop into a serious gaffe.

The other side’s.

After listening to the words spoken by the king of Chonghuang, he was delusional.

At this time, Bronia, she just shook her head and said.

“No, it’s okay, Teacher Qi Liang.

I know you’re working hard for Bronia. ”

While speaking, Bronia set her eyes on Celine not far away at this time.

“Then now, Teacher Qi Liang.

We can fight together again…”

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