For Celine in this world bubble.

Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order, that is, Qi Liang.

He has a high opinion of all of them.


This was by far the most powerful “lawyer” Qi Liang had encountered in this collapsed world.


Of course, this is still because Fuhua Shangxian has not returned to the strength of his heyday.

And that Yurandell has not yet reached the peak of her strength.

Also, as well as the Kevin Kaslanna, who is known as the peak of “Honkai” combat power, he has not yet taken back his “Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor”.

That’s why it leads to now…

Celine is the pinnacle of the combat power that Kamen Rider Shiwang has seen in this Honkai world.

And the other side’s.

Looking at Celine’s disorganized and useless attack.

At this time, Bronia and Xi’er, they all showed a puzzled expression at this time.

“What the hell is that guy doing…”

“That guy, his brain is broken.

After watching his all-out blow being easily dissolved by Teacher Qi Liang. ”

Compared to Bronia’s extremely cautious attitude.

At this time, Xi’er said with great disdain.

At the moment, inside her eyes.

Celine, as if she was already a weak worm…

However, I am wondering.

It’s not just Bronia and Ciel.

Looking at the crazy, but useless attack of Celine now.

At this time, Zigfei and Cecilia both showed a puzzled expression at the same time.

“That guy, what the hell is she doing…”


“She won’t… In the battle just now, the blow was too great…”

Compared to Zigfried in doubt.

At this time, Cecilia actually showed a somewhat worried expression.


Maybe it’s because of the birth of the girl named “Kiana”.

Now Cecilia, she always has a special feeling when facing these young girls.


And Zigfei, he naturally noticed this subtle emotional change at this moment.

I saw Zigfei at this time, and he said with a slight sigh.

“Cecilia, you are like this… Not so good.

Here, the battlefield. ”

Obviously, he didn’t want Cecilia to come to this battlefield with the same emotions as just now.

Because…… The battlefield is all brutal.

If you come up with such emotions and moods.

Then no matter how strong you are, it is still given for nothing.

However, as the strongest Valkyrie of the “Mandate of Heaven”, Cecilia.

How could she not know this fact.

After listening to Siegfried’s words.

Soon, at this time, she had already shook her head violently and said.

“Well, I know, Zigfried.

I will…… Adjust this mentality as soon as possible. ”

Listen to Cecilia’s answer.

At this time, Zigfei still felt quite uneasy.


Now, what can be done!?

This is already on the battlefield, and all he can do now is to protect this woman as much as possible.


She is already stronger than herself.

When everyone was wondering, only Walter, who was also a “lawyer”.

At this time, he saw some clues.

“That Celine, what the hell is she doing.

Collapse energy is condensing invisibly.

Space…… It seems that there are slight changes. ”

Walter’s combat effectiveness is not good, but for the change of the situation on the battlefield.

His gaze was indeed very sharp.

Soon, at this time, he had already discovered the change in the situation on this battlefield.


“That… Is that!! ”

Walter, who finally discovered what Celine was planning, showed an extremely surprised expression.


of a sound.

Even, the unconscious fear of the body made him fall to the ground at this time.

“That is, the power of the fully liberated Void Lawyer… Celine, is she really planning to destroy this continent…”

Shocked by the killing power that Celine was quietly condensing, Walter was so frightened at this time that he almost lost the will to fight.


It was really too powerful, beyond what he could understand…

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